"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I dont know of ANY Pharm GH that recommends this as the current STANDARD is REFRIGERATION.

Here is one such example a Genotropin package insert. Scroll down to storage and handling "Refrigerate at 36-48 degrees F".

The point GH should be refrigerated whenever possible as anything less, MAY challenge it's potency especially if left at "room temp for as long as THREE MONTHS"!

The latter is simply not a good idea and Frank or any other UGL would have a reason to be concerned if that's what some are doing!

There are different versions of genotropin ; same with norditropin and some can be left at room temperature.

The issue with Frank specifically is that he expects the customer to put the kits in the fridge asap. However, they are shipped from the factory to the customer without refrigeration. Even domestic, do you think their remailers have kits sitting in refrigerators? For Darius, they are shipped from the factory to the EU then to the customer all while not being refrigerated.
By the time we receive them, they've probably been at normal temps for 4-6+ weeks. To tell a customer they can only make things right if they prove bunk in 7 days is bs.

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There are different versions of genotropin ; same with norditropin and some can be left at room temperature.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've no idea what generic GH manufacturers consider their standard bc there ISN'T one and I' believe the testing conducted on this thread proves that point.

So let's see a package insert of ANY Pharm GH, such as the Genos or Nordit you cited, that states storage at room temp is GTG!
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I've no idea what generic GH manufacturers consider their standard bc there ISN'T one and I' believe the testing conducted on this thread proves that point.

So let's see a package insert of ANY Pharm GH, such as the Genos or Nordit you cited, that states storage at room temp is GTG!

Serostim can be stored room temp before reconstitution.
Serostim can be stored room temp before reconstitution.

Manufacturers package insert to that effect? As it would be the only exception Im aware of and certainly would not apply to recon HGH.

I ask bc refrigeration is a WHO guideline and a deviation from the norm would most assuredly require "rule" exception. The latter is usually need assessment based.
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Actually I'll have to check and see but I suspect the difference in Seros case may be based on the assumption the product (bc of packaging) is to be used within a certain period of time.
Yea I found it, BUT as was expected the quantities are relatively small at no more than
6mg vials.

Hmm I can't locate any "generic GH" manufactures package inserts any ideas :)
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I dont know of ANY Pharm GH that recommends this as the current STANDARD is REFRIGERATION.

Here is one such example a Genotropin package insert. Scroll down to storage and handling "Refrigerate at 36-48 degrees F".

The point GH should be refrigerated whenever possible as anything less, MAY challenge it's potency especially if left at "room temp for as long as THREE MONTHS"!

The latter is simply not a good idea and Frank or any other UGL would have a reason to be concerned if that's what some are doing! Moreover refrigeration is even more critical once the product is reconstituted.

Ohhh I have something for this I've written recently:

Saizen® 5 mg and 8.8 mg vials reconstituted with the Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) provided should be stored under refrigeration (36°–46°F/2°–8°C) for up to 14 days. http://www.saizenus.com/how-to-take-saizen/storage-handling/ (Source)
All Norditropin® products must be refrigerated prior to first use. Do not freeze. After initial use, Norditropin® pens can either be stored outside of the refrigerator (up to 77°F) for use within 3 weeks, or in the refrigerator (between 36°F and 46°F) for use within 4 weeks. Source
The reconstituted solution should be stored under refrigeration (between 36°F and 46°F) for up to 14 days. Avoid freezing reconstituted vials of Serostim®. https://serostim.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/A_Guide_to_Treatment_with_Serostim.pdf
Between uses, store your GENOTROPIN PEN 5 in the refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2 °C to 8°C) in its protective case. http://www.genotropin.com/sites/g/files/g10002911/f/201306/Genotropin_Pen_5_Insturctions_for_Use.pdf
Humatrope must be kept refrigerated (36° to 46°F [2° to 8°C]) before and after it is mixed. Source
Keep at 2-8C. Don't freeze. TheGreytop is very stable and can stay for a month in normal room temperature. But it is still advised to refrigerate whenever possible and always keep away from direct light. http://www.thegreytop.com/usage.html (Source)
Guys if any of you still store your GH reconstituted or not, nor in the refrigerator then broh go home and delete your account here please!
I never said that anybody should not store the GH in the refrigerator!
What I meant is, that if it is cooled stored till it leaves and maybe 3 days without cooling on the way to you there is a really good chance that the GH is in good shape!
The temperature and shipping conditions have been my concern, and I was never gave a straight answer except Serostim being the only one stable. I just do not see something that fragile making it in who know what conditions. Nords though seem strange. Refrigerate before, but no need once open?
Serostims are not the only GH that can be left at room temp before reconstitution. I've stated this more than once. I've mentioned all gh that can plus generics.

And guess what there is pharmacy grade gh that can be left at room temp after initial use.

Search it because I'm not posting it again.

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Serostims are not the only GH that can be left at room temp before reconstitution. I've stated this more than once. I've mentioned all gh that can plus generics.

And guess what there is pharmacy grade gh that can be left at room temp after initial use.

Search it because I'm not posting it again.


I already did:

All Norditropin® products must be refrigerated prior to first use. Do not freeze. After initial use, Norditropin® pens can either be stored outside of the refrigerator (up to 77°F) for use within 3 weeks, or in the refrigerator (between 36°F and 46°F) for use within 4 weeks. Source
i have not read all the pages , just saw my nick was quoted here.
In response i would first of all ask what Pharmatropin was that, where it was ordered and when. I dare to assume it could be ruined due to bad transport or storage conditions, since i don`t know anything about it. You can say kinda of course, next stupid excuse. It`s your right to think so. We have our HGH reports, reports of fresh HGH, which we know for sure was stored as it should be. I could upload them and try to seem being smart enough to understand them, however the fact is i am pretty stupid to be able to read and understand them. And this is not my job, we have people for this. But ok, maybe someone is able reading it...Here we are:

and same for Ansomone to compare with

All these chemical researches and examinations are as for me damn complicated,this is one of the reasons why we would like them to be carried out by certified labs with verifiable reports.
Speaking about quality testing, I added a new section into our ordering terms. Here is how it currently sounds:


1. Basicstero.info is direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are Pharmacom Labs. We produce all items available in stock in our store. Therefore, we control the manufacturing process and quality of all products in our range. You get real manufacturers guarantee. Thus, items of questionable quality are a subject for free replacement. Users have right to request replacement of questionable items. If this is the case, an independent qualitative/quantitative examination of an item in question by a third-side lab is required. This is our regular solution procedure for similar cases. As a rule, we use independent GMP-certified accredited Swiss lab Simec AG (www.simec.ch). However, to absolutely exclude any tiniest possibility of our influence on the testing results, a customer is authorized to choose any certified lab on his/her choice. There are 2 compulsory conditions to keep the testing results as trustworthy as possible for both sides:

I. Only untouched/unopened items (vials/ampoules/pills) should be sent for testing. Since after an item is open its contents, purity and composition are no longer under our control we can guarantee the quality of unopened items only.

II. The lab chosen should correspond to all respective testing standards. Each test report should have an individual verifiable number, so that any person could contact the lab, provide report number and make sure that the result was not forged.

If a customer decides to take advantage of this item of the terms, he/she shall inform us about this in advance, provide order Nr., which contained the product in question and photos of it. Basicstero.info is bound by these terms to replace to the customer the item sent for testing independent on whether the final result will be positive or negative. Furthermore, if the lab report shows negative and some considerable deviations are found, Basicstero.info will completely cover all testing expenses and provide to the customer a good bonus for all inconvenience caused. However, if the report shows positive and no significant deviations are found, the customer should cover all testing expenses, but he/she still gets items sent for testing replaced.

Important: Deviations of the dosage within +/- 10% from the value manifested on the label are permissible.

Questions regarding the entire testing procedure, testing expenses, payment details and all other aspects are to be discussed and agreed individually per e-mail.

2. All claims/complains/blood works regarding Pharmatropin (Human Growth Hormone) are considered only within 1 week (7 days) upon order receipt (as per tracking number). Since Pharmatropin requires special storage conditions and should be kept refrigerated to keep its potency for a long time and we cannot check whether these conditions are observed by a customer, we may not and should not be reliable for any inefficiency or bad blood work results caused by improper storage conditions.

For the current case the second point is important. I would ask to repeat the tests and take samples from fresh HGH immediately after delivery directly from us. If required, you can do 2,3,5-10 tests. We are glad to cover any expenses in advance or later de-facto (so that purchaser stays anonymous for us). This would provide a much wider picture.
In any case, now we are backed up, we are bound by terms and conditions to for free replace bad items. But don`t think it will be easy to get a replacement of something, which is allegedly bunk only because you don`t feel it. I receive similar e-mails pretty often, here is the recent example for you:

In reply to our ask to provide a photo of the blood work we received this:

I checked order nr., we shipped 2 HGH kits in May to the USA. And what we see here? Where is date, name of the patient, signature of the doctor, finally why is this report in Italian language and from Italian lab, if all orders you placed were to the USA?
I don`t even say that 2 kits would not be enough for 2 months if taken 10 IU per day. Even with 5 IU not enough.

To sum up the whole story, we are doing our best to meet the wishes of customers. We outlined the best terms ever a real customer could only wish. The overwhelming majority of them is happy with the quality. If not, we are ready to consider each case individually. If customer comes to us with bad HGH result, it does not mean we will ignore him/her. I understand, HGH is very sensitive product. Many things can happen, it can be adversely influenced during delivery, especially on summer. We are always open to any blood work results or tests, we provide store credits to customers if they perform blood works, we are ready to cover chromotography test expenses upon individual agreement even if the test result shows everything is ok with the product. You can choose any lab, we absolutely don`t insist exclusively on Simec. But 2 main and absolutely reasonable compulsory conditions should be still always met. Once it is meet by the customer, we from our side will do everything to keep a customer as happy as possible. With most of our customers these games are not needed, but if some product is in question, we stand behind it.
Glad to have your long winded bs posts back on Meso Frank. We sure did miss them :rolleyes: