"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Baseline 138, 337 on TheGreytop. 2 IU ED (week 1), 3 IU ED (week 2), 4 IU ED (week 3), 5 IU ED (week 4).


Baseline 138, 337 on TheGreytop. 2 IU ED (week 1), 3 IU ED (week 2), 4 IU ED (week 3), 5 IU ED (week 4).


Thank you for posting.

Looks like you need to lay off the orals and get your e2 in check.

T4 is low but not that bad. It will probably normalize out in another couple weeks I 'm assuming.

Hmmm this could be why I advocate T4 use when starting GH for the first 4-6 weeks.

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Thank you for posting.

Looks like you need to lay off the orals and you got your e2 in check. Congrats for that.

T4 is low but not that bad. It will probably normalize out in another couple weeks I 'm assuming.

Hmmm this could be why I advocate T4 use when starting GH for the first 4-6 weeks.


No orals, just 14 weeks of tren. Mostly at 100 mg ED. Week at 150 mg ED and about another week at 200 mg ED.

e2 is bouncing around due to playing with different test doses. For my other 3 results during this blast, they came in too low at 8-10. These two are the ones where I severely cut back on my Aromasin dose to get it back up to a more normal 20-30 range but I cut it by too much.

I am using T4, was using 200 mcg ED and went down to 100 mcg ED. Doesn't appear that it's working.

Was the very last day of my blast FYI so now I cruise on 150 a week with TUDCA, NAC, milk thistle, and niacin :) Going to add a bit of caber to lower the prolactin.
I was going to ask that... Also, what were you on PED wise for IGF-1 baselines and current bloods?

Current cycle?


Of course, that's why I have LC/MS and ECLIA estradiol tests and why there's such a large gap between the two.

Pretty much 100 mg tren a ED, although I did a week at 150 mg ED and about another week at 200 mg ED between those two. Test dose varied. Was using ~200 mg / wk of enanthate at the start. The first result above (~5400 test) was 700 enanthate/wk and the second (~3100 test) was 350 prop/wk. Mast prop mostly @ 100 mg ED for the entire run. Switched to mast e 125 mg ED towards the end for fun.
No orals, just 14 weeks of tren. Mostly at 100 mg ED. Week at 150 mg ED and about another week at 200 mg ED.

e2 is bouncing around due to playing with different test doses. For my other 3 results during this blast, they came in too low at 8-10. These two are the ones where I severely cut back on my Aromasin dose to get it back up to a more normal 20-30 range but I cut it by too much.

I am using T4, was using 200 mcg ED and went down to 100 mcg ED. Doesn't appear that it's working.

Was the very last day of my blast FYI so now I cruise on 150 a week with TUDCA, NAC, milk thistle, and niacin :) Going to add a bit of caber to lower the prolactin.
Your prolactin and T4 aren't that far out of range. I would stay away from the caber and get your AI dialed in to get the e2 down.

What doses of Testosterone are and were you running?

I know I'm clogging up Jim and I's thread so we can discuss on another if you would like?

Your prolactin and T4 aren't that far out of range. I would stay away from the caber and get your AI dialed in to get the e2 down.

What doses of Testosterone are and were you running?

I know I'm clogging up Jim and I's thread so we can discuss on another if you would like?

Hahaha.. Sorry. unrelated content!! Good to see you brother! Been out for a minute. again... Glad to see a REAL VET AT MESO!... Stay up Mands!
Thank you for posting.

Looks like you need to lay off the orals and get your e2 in check.

T4 is low but not that bad. It will probably normalize out in another couple weeks I 'm assuming.

Hmmm this could be why I advocate T4 use when starting GH for the first 4-6 weeks.


Here's the other three if you don't believe me about my e2. I've changed up doses/sources so much so I could play around with things for this blast. It's been hard to dial it in because of that. Fucking hell has it been expensive though. Female panel + estro sensitive, $117 per test. The two with IGF-1, first was around $175 IIRC and the second around $200 IIRC



Hahaha.. Sorry. unrelated content!! Good to see you brother! Been out for a minute. again... Glad to see a REAL VET AT MESO!... Stay up Mands!
You can post all the unrelated comments my man. Hope you have been good!

Your prolactin and T4 aren't that far out of range. I would stay away from the caber and get your AI dialed in to get the e2 down.

What doses of Testosterone are and were you running?

I know I'm clogging up Jim and I's thread so we can discuss on another if you would like?


It's up above, used test e and test p, each at varying doses throughout the entire 14 weeks. I'm not really looking for advice though, just wanted to show the IGF-1 differences after one month. Much appreciated that you're willing to give advice :)
Here's the other three if you don't believe me about my e2. I've changed up doses/sources so much so I could play around with things for this blast. It's been hard to dial it in because of that. Fucking hell has it been expensive though. Female panel + estro sensitive, $117 per test. The two with IGF-1, first was around $175 IIRC and the second around $200 IIRC



I never said I didn't believe you. I was just trying to figure out your labs.

You can post all the unrelated comments my man. Hope you have been good!

Been keepin the grind brother! in and out... as of late. Life is a whore sometimes but the iron never lies.. You know more than most of us. Stay up my friend. good to see you still come around. :)
It's up above, used test e and test p, each at varying doses throughout the entire 14 weeks. I'm not really looking for advice though, just wanted to show the IGF-1 differences after one month. Much appreciated that you're willing to give advice :)
No worries. I'm going to give you advise. It's always nice to play human lab rat... Just be careful doing so. There that's my advise.

Thanks for the igf-1 readings.

You got 200 and above liver values on just tren??? There must be something wrong in it. You had alcohol the day before? You had Tylenol or any painkillers medication?
Thank you for posting.

Looks like you need to lay off the orals and get your e2 in check.

T4 is low but not that bad. It will probably normalize out in another couple weeks I 'm assuming.

Hmmm this could be why I advocate T4 use when starting GH for the first 4-6 weeks.

I told him on the other thread about his liver values but also his Hematocrit is pretty high.
Since two of three addys used to "hold" samples has recently received vials wo an ID number and will be DISCARDED, I want to make one thing perfectly clear.

Under no circumstance will a sample be accepted in the absence of an ID number and the latter can ONLY be obtained upon MANDS APPROVAL!

Such efforts are called checks and balances and are one of several methods MANDS and I agreed upon to better ensure
this data remains legitimate.

I also want to reemphasize the primary objective of this thread is to assist ALL Meso members, and although single member donations are appreciated, an individual's "need" to know THEIR results ASAP (bc they are running a product to be tested) will NOT superceed that of the community.

To that end results will be posted in the order in which they were received, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Consequently I'd suggest those who "need" their results in a more hurried
manner pursue an alternative means of testing.