"Generic" GH ASSAYS

This is so disappointing :( I was all happy, though I found a solid hook up for growth, at a reasonable price point. I know the jury is still out but maybe trying some real growth would be the better option. FWIW I have placed 2 orders with PD and all Grey's have said flip top on them, 9 kits in total.
Relax man. I'm still gathering info.

What's the protocol.... How any hours after the last pin?

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Did I understand it right?
Are the grey tops so incredibly low dosed?
It's really hard to believe!
Please can anybody help me with understanding the results right?!

And please would you also post your IGF1 with the grey tops levels here or with a link?

No....its Growth Hormone. Very little amount though

The amount within the vial is not as advertised according to the test result

(This is my interpretation of it.) (Follow-up blood work would be ideal)

"The amount in the vial" has been STANDARDIZED to TEN IU by almost all UGL, IME

The purpose of the assay is to determine IF that is true. In this instance only 0,25 IUs were found rather then TEN!

"Blood work" on a sample like this is WORTHLESS, IMO!
PD does, TP sometimes does, sometimes does not. I've received many orders from TP... Sometimes the boxes and stickers are separate, sometimes non existent.

And THAT is one problem with generics in general; they are consistently inconsistent!
Exactly my point. The real deal greytops are only from those 3 to my knowledge but I have seen plenty of grey topped GH that weren't the real deal floating around.

I'm all for knowing the truth but my body shows me that there is no way the stuff I have only has .25 of GH in an entire bottle. It's just not reasonable to see what I see and feel what I feel and give weight to the findings.

And what other PEDs are you running that may influence what you have attributed to the use of generic GH! You don't KNOW unless it's tested.
"The amount in the vial" has been STANDARDIZED to TEN IU by almost all UGL, IME

The purpose of the assay is to determine IF that is true. In this instance only 0,25 IUs were found rather then TEN!

"Blood work" on a sample like this is WORTHLESS, IMO!

I was under the impression 'The New GH Serum Testing Protocol' was to inject one entire kit then do a serum test 3.5 hrs after inject..... :)

(Generics being so inconsistent, was curious if it was one or several vials, or maybe the entire kit that was dosed like that.....but as you stated before...that's one of the big issues.....inconsistency VS a regulated product like PHARMA)

Thanks for testing and sharing

Hope to see more test results

They are very helpful IMO
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As always, thank you sharing this info

As far as determining the concentration per vial, was a specific testing "technique" used....example 'Fluorimetic Assay'......or

Was the quantity present done via HPLC-MS response of intact protein relative to a "standard"

Example: (Sigma Cat. no. S0947000 - somatropin reference standard)

Best question of the thread.

Unfortunately, purity (% "non-defect" HGH) is actually more important than "calculated" concentration.
Best question of the thread.

Unfortunately, purity (% "non-defect" HGH) is actually more important than "calculated" concentration.
Maybe Jim or Mands could answer that because of the Test Result showing Molecular Weight 22,129.0
If PD or TP doesn't come on here and explain why I should even consider buying more greys, I'm done. For the cost of one domestic kit, I can buy enough test to run for years at 3G per week....

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Thanks, Mands.

Sitting on a BUNCH of boxes of PD's Greys.... I've been running 10ius a day for 10 days from this shipment and can't comment on any sides as of yet, however I'm provably desensitized to it... Might be back to seros after this

I can't believe the dosages I'm hearing are the result of legit GH.

I say that bc I don't know of ANY adult male that can run and maintain a TEN IU ED dosage, it's not even close ! The sides are horrific UNLESS they are using a variety of other ANALGESIC meds Narcs and NSAIDS in particular!
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I run 2.5 greys. And my hands and feet get tight as shit with water like 2 hours later. And tingling when in one position too long. So who the fuck knows. I'll keep pinning for next 3 weeks till I get bloods
If PD or TP doesn't come on here and explain why I should even consider buying more greys, I'm done. For the cost of one domestic kit, I can buy enough test to run for years at 3G per week....

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Nobody has claimed that it was their GH yet that was tested. Everyone is jumping the gun!! I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that Tp's and PD's Gh is legit. How do I know? Because I was part of the project that tested them before and have seen the raw data and talked to the lab technician. In addition, I know where the GH comes from. And lastly, I myself use the GH and have for quite some time(and have bloodwork on it as well). So everyone needs to chill and let this play out.
Nobody has claimed that it was their GH yet that was tested. Everyone is jumping the gun!! I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that Tp's and PD's Gh is legit. How do I know? Because I was part of the project that tested them before and have seen the raw data and talked to the lab technician. In addition, I know where the GH comes from. And lastly, I myself use the GH and have for quite some time(and have bloodwork on it as well). So everyone needs to chill and let this play out.

I'm trying brother but it's hard... I'm still awaiting more info and testing before I go apeshit.

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Best question of the thread.

Unfortunately, purity (% "non-defect" HGH) is actually more important than "calculated" concentration.

I wouldn't say one is necessarily more important than the other bc you NEED both; a sufficient quantity of a properly structured molecule to elicit the desired physiologic response. But the same applies to Slin, IGF or AAS for that matter.

Nonetheless, for that determination two additional tests are required for PHARM GH by the WHO
- a Biologic assay such as an IGF
- a LC/MS trypsin fragmentation analysis

Yet even if this "Grey" was 100% pure the response wouldn't be noticeable unless close to four VIALs (1 IU) were pinned on a regular basis.
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Subbed!!! And very curious WHERE this grey top was purchased from PD, TP or HK. Im hoping for all the guys sake here, their NOT from PD!!!
This thread is gonna get real interesting !!!