"Generic" GH ASSAYS

@Dr JIM & @muscle96ss

I'm seeing two wildly different opinions here.... Jim, you're saying 10ius of real GH would be intolerable, however Muscle is assuring us that the Greys from PD (in my case) are genuine. So, what gives?

Also, Jim, I should note... I have a personal friend who runs Serostim and Genotropin pens (very, very real) at 10iu and over a day.... His sides are not anywhere near intolerable... So, I am not sure I am following along with what you're saying in regard to side effects of dosages around 10iu. Now, I have only run serostim a at 4.5iu a day and I did find the hand numbing effects to be a bit irritating.... So, I'm confused.... Haha
@Dr JIM & @muscle96ss

I'm seeing two wildly different opinions here.... Jim, you're saying 10ius of real GH would be intolerable, however Muscle is assuring us that the Greys from PD (in my case) are genuine. So, what gives?

Also, Jim, I should note... I have a personal friend who runs Serostim and Genotropin pens (very, very real) at 10iu and over a day.... His sides are not anywhere near intolerable... So, I am not sure I am following along with what you're saying in regard to side effects of dosages around 10iu. Now, I have only run serostim a at 4.5iu a day and I did find the hand numbing effects to be a bit irritating.... So, I'm confused.... Haha

Why would it be intolerable? So how do all the pros deal with it? I have done a shitload of serum tests over the years and that is 10iu. I guess all the pharma GH I tested was fake too since I had no problems tolerating it; damn fucking Serono, those scammers.
Why would it be intolerable? So how do all the pros deal with it? I have done a shitload of serum tests over the years and that is 10iu. I guess all the pharma GH I tested was fake too since I had no problems tolerating it; damn fucking Serono, those scammers.
I'm not saying it is/would be, Jim did in a prior post on this thread.... I was struggling to understand why that would be the case, as yes, I know of many who have run higher (one in person that is a close friend/ recent IFBB pro).
I believe body get accustomated with time. Especially if you ramp up slowly. I couldn't use more then 3Iu and now I run around 5.

I never ran pharma so I don't know.. But many ppl get less side then other it's like AAS. Tren side effect for some ppl are brutal for other are not.

@Dr JIM & @muscle96ss

I'm seeing two wildly different opinions here.... Jim, you're saying 10ius of real GH would be intolerable, however Muscle is assuring us that the Greys from PD (in my case) are genuine. So, what gives?

Also, Jim, I should note... I have a personal friend who runs Serostim and Genotropin pens (very, very real) at 10iu and over a day.... His sides are not anywhere near intolerable... So, I am not sure I am following along with what you're saying in regard to side effects of dosages around 10iu. Now, I have only run serostim a at 4.5iu a day and I did find the hand numbing effects to be a bit irritating.... So, I'm confused.... Haha
I don't get into pissing matches....that's not my style.

I do appreciate the testing they has been done, and WILL be done by other members. But when a test result is posted stating that everybody's pinning BAC water, then yes, I feel like the source name should be named when the test results are revealed. Bottom line... It just seems like it's being withheld.

Whether you like my opinion or not. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.

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Perhaps if you were much more familiar with what is involved you would be more reluctant to cry foul on DAY ONE.

If you don't like the process as we have designed it TO BAD, don't use it.

To that end I challenge you to start a similar GH thread so I can all enjoy making Swiss cheese out of the data you post. LOL!
Why would it be intolerable? So how do all the pros deal with it? I have done a shitload of serum tests over the years and that is 10iu. I guess all the pharma GH I tested was fake too since I had no problems tolerating it; damn fucking Serono, those scammers.
what's wrong muscle, you afraid Dr J will expose your scam shit hgh.
The only scam going on is you pretending that you can have an intelligent conversation.
wow, what a great comeback, how about you stay the fuck out of this thread and let Dr J do his testing without all the bullshit you gave him last time he did it
Okay okay!!! I'm sorry I have a lot of things going on right now. Just got back from vacation this week. Had limited access to email(my choice) and when I got back the three samples I sent were labeled and sent back to me to identify Via email. Pic wasn't attached so I finally got it today. In the meantime went to the f ing gym. Then I find out a good female friend went to the ER and I had to check on. So again sorry for the delay.

I'm online now and it looks like I might received the grey top from someone at SF. I had a few members there sending me samples. I'm going through notes, pm's and email now.

@rutman you need to back off and slow your roll. We have invested a lot of time and money in this.

It's been a long process to get this right and it's my fault I didn't keep better records on the first go around. I promise you I have on all others sent. All others will be posted in a timely matter.

MESO you will have the answer to where that vial came from in the morning. I'm going to spend some time with my 10 month years old daughter before bed.

wow, what a great comeback, how about you stay the fuck out of this thread and let Dr J do his testing without all the bullshit you gave him last time he did it

Why don't you stay out of the thread; you are the one that jumped in and attacked me.
wow, what a great comeback, how about you stay the fuck out of this thread and let Dr J do his testing without all the bullshit you gave him last time he did it
Hey big guy! You know I respect you. Could you please don't start crap about PM and scams over there man. You have no proof and @muscle96ss has no part of a scam. He is the one that questioned SIMEC when the test came back funny. If he was about the money he would of been pushing the gh tested as overdosed and get em while their HOT type of thing.

And he hasn't said one Ill word on the thread today.

Why don't you stay out of the thread; you are the one that jumped in and attacked me.
I haven't forgotten the bullshit you pulled last time mands and Dr J did the testing, . I really appreciated the testing and work they were doing, and you came in and shit all over it, showing yourself as the scum sucking shill that you are in that thread
Hey big guy! You know I respect you. Could you please don't start crap about PM and scams over there man. You have no proof and @muscle96ss has no part of a scam. He is the one that questioned SIMEC when the test came back funny. If he was about the money he would of been pushing the gh tested as overdosed and get em while their HOT type of thing.

And he hasn't said one Ill word on the thread today.

no problem mands, I won't say another thing to muscle in this thread out of respect for you
no problem mands, I won't say another thing to muscle in this thread out of respect for you
I know big guy! I truly do appreciate it. I want all this to be productive for everyone.

Okay okay!!! I'm sorry I have a lot of things going on right now. Just got back from vacation this week. Had limited access to email(my choice) and when I got back the three samples I sent were labeled and sent back to me to identify Via email. Pic wasn't attached so I finally got it today. In the meantime went to the f ing gym. Then I find out a good female friend went to the ER and I had to check on. So again sorry for the delay.

I'm online now and it looks like I might received the grey top from someone at SF. I had a few members there sending me samples. I'm going through notes, pm's and email now.

@rutman you need to back off and slow your roll. We have invested a lot of time and money in this.

It's been a long process to get this right and it's my fault I didn't keep better records on the first go around. I promise you I have on all others sent. All others will be posted in a timely matter.

MESO you will have the answer to where that vial came from in the morning. I'm going to spend some time with my 10 month years old daughter before bed.


Will do brother....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I haven't forgotten the bullshit you pulled last time mands and Dr J did the testing, . I really appreciated the testing and work they were doing, and you came in and shit all over it, showing yourself as the scum sucking shill that you are in that thread
no problem mands, I won't say another thing to muscle in this thread out of respect for you

Ya know that's the reason MH96 has been in my "ignore" list before closure of the last GH thread, and I can see some things haven't changed.
Okay okay!!! I'm sorry I have a lot of things going on right now. Just got back from vacation this week. Had limited access to email(my choice) and when I got back the three samples I sent were labeled and sent back to me to identify Via email. Pic wasn't attached so I finally got it today. In the meantime went to the f ing gym. Then I find out a good female friend went to the ER and I had to check on. So again sorry for the delay.

I'm online now and it looks like I might received the grey top from someone at SF. I had a few members there sending me samples. I'm going through notes, pm's and email now.

@rutman you need to back off and slow your roll. We have invested a lot of time and money in this.

It's been a long process to get this right and it's my fault I didn't keep better records on the first go around. I promise you I have on all others sent. All others will be posted in a timely matter.

MESO you will have the answer to where that vial came from in the morning. I'm going to spend some time with my 10 month years old daughter before bed.


You owe NO ONE an apology of any kind, and any suggestion to the contrary is utterly absurd.

I mean scroll back and review the number of times (before I POSTED this data) members were seemingly on edge; asking who, what, when, where, how, why, bla,bla, bla.

Thank goodness I heeded MANDS advice and waited as long as I did before citing ANYTHING!

The impatience for perfection on behalf of SOME Meso members is unsettling at best, yet some wonder WHY analytical labs take sooooo long before delivering data to consumers.

Let me count the reasons !!!
Molecular Weight: 22,129.0 (Growth Hormone)

Total Residue in Sequence: 191

Total mgs of powder residue within vial: 51.30

Total mgs of HGH within vial: .08

IU's within the vial: .25

(This is how I'm reading it)

.16% of the total powder mass of 51.30 mgs is active HGH - 0.08208 mgs
I'm late to this party but oh lawdy. Where were these Greys sourced from? That still hasn't been answered, right? I'm actually surprised, expected better. This God damn generic gh game is a crap shoot.

I know one thing for certain, results of TP's Greys like this would never see the light of day over at ProMuscle, lol. I got perm'd for speaking out on the TP thought police organization over there.
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I'm late to this party but oh lawdy. Where were these Greys sourced from? I'm actually surprised, expected better. This God damn generic gh game is a crap shoot.


Guys before everyone concludes "Greys are bunk" understand the data is from ONE SAMPLE and ONE SOURCE.

So yep this is one instance in which the bro dictum of "more is better" rings loud and clear!

Just the same I'm glad the sample was NOT removed from or a part of, "my Grey ten pack" lol!
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