"Generic" GH ASSAYS


Guys before everyone concludes "Greys are bunk" understand the data is from ONE SAMPLE and ONE SOURCE.

So yep this is one instance in which the bro dictum of "more is better" rings loud and clear!

Just the same I'm glad the sample was NOT removed from or a part of, "my Grey ten pack" lol!
What source? Apologize in advance if I missed it. I agree but it's still disturbing. I'm not anti PD/TP for the record. I think they're reputable as generics go. But this just rattles confidence in all generics from anyone.

I'd like to see Karl's and pharmacom next?? Anyone?
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This is a quote mands.

"I'm online now and it looks like I might received the grey top from someone at SF. I had a few members there sending me samples. I'm going through notes, pm's and email now."
How do you choose what brands you will test?
I would look forward to test as many as possible and which are in use..
But from the beginning it should be clear from which source and even more information if needed..

Thanks a lot for your time and sharing
now we are getting somewhere. good informative posts are a trend in meso today....For as long as that lasts....This post was indeed not informative...lol
Not to speak for mands but he is working on It and will post when available.
I am working on it and I believe I'm getting it narrowed down. Again I apologize for the lack of preparation on this first one.

I have all others under control. :)

I am working on it and I believe I'm getting it narrowed down. Again I apologize for the lack of preparation on this first one.

I have all others under control. :)

Thx for the legwork dude. Very much appreciated.
Okay I have it figured out and it all came back to me.

The grey top was purchased by me from a member of another forum. When I purchased them I was told they were the grey tops from TP.

He is a long time member and trustworthy from another board. If he said they were from TP then I would imagine they were.

There you go. I'm sorry for the brain fart but it was a few months back.

So here we are. @mands has stated the Greytop came from TP, one of the trusted GH sources and the testing shows that the vial had pretty much no GH in it. So WTF?

If you're going to fake Gh and you have something in it to mimic GH sides already then why put any GH in it at all? .25 iu in a vial won't give sides, won't show up in a blood test, won't elevate IGF levels so why bother spending the money to put it in there? Makes no sense. If you're going to fake it then just fake it.

Unless the sample was somehow damaged or degraded from shipping, poor storage or some other factor. Hmmm.o_O
Unless the sample was somehow damaged or degraded from shipping, poor storage or some other factor

I'm curious about this myself. I'm not saying that this is why the test results came back as they did, but I am curious if degraded HGH would test the same as underdosed HGH?
I'm curious about this myself. I'm not saying that this is why the test results came back as they did, but I am curious if degraded HGH would test the same as underdosed HGH?

That's what I'd like to know. There is a lot of information stating how delicate HGH is so maybe it was degraded BUT maybe @Dr JIM can tell us if the results would be similar to under dosed. I have no clue.
What I was thinking is I would like to get some farm grade tested to see two things. 1) is simec testing of hgh g2g and 2) how do the test data read compared to generic. So if you guys are willing I would compensate senior b66 or another good standing member to send some and would be willing to pitch in for the testing.
@mands would you be so nice to ask TP an explanation for this result then?

I have bought something like 10kits in just the last 6 months. And many here have. We all ravaged for the quality of his grey. Now I see only two options: we are all on a mass placebo effect or the vial was degraded or the test is wrong.

I like to think is the vial that was fucked up. Because I don't see any motives in having a fake test bashing the grey and neither I believe we are all believers that got no results from all
The HGH we have run coming from Tp/HK/Pd.
Okay I have it figured out and it all came back to me.

The grey top was purchased by me from a member of another forum. When I purchased them I was told they were the grey tops from TP.

He is a long time member and trustworthy from another board. If he said they were from TP then I would imagine they were.

There you go. I'm sorry for the brain fart but it was a few months back.


mands- I will let TP know about the test. What he decides to do from there is his call. However, based on previous conversations I have had with him; I am going to guess that he is going to want to be able to see the raw data as well as to be able to discuss the specific testing protocol/procedure with someone knowledgeable of what was actually done. Are you able to facilitate that? If you can, I will do my best to try and talk him into getting involved. I don't make any guarantees as I don't hold any special weight, but I personally would like to see things addressed and resolved if possible.
See this is the shit we want at meso. getting at the root of the problem. Discovering what has happened, and then try to fix the issue.

I would love to have both TP and who did the test, confront each other and maybe one or two of our American member could send a vial each of the grey they have so we can see if maybe was the vial degraded or it's the GH that it's really underdosed.

Who was here that was worried of having no sides lately from the grey and thought it was bunk? Rutman was it you?

Why don't we test another one or two grey vial?

mands- I will let TP know about the test. What he decides to do from there is his call. However, based on previous conversations I have had with him; I am going to guess that he is going to want to be able to see the raw data as well as to be able to discuss the specific testing protocol/procedure with someone knowledgeable of what was actually done. Are you able to facilitate that? If you can, I will do my best to try and talk him into getting involved. I don't make any guarantees as I don't hold any special weight, but I personally would like to see things addressed and resolved if possible.