"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I feel like I've entered the twilight zone. Mands also posted this with a picture:


What the hell is going on?

All I did was make a spreadsheet and entered a few bits of data from the reports and posts Jim and Mands made in this thread pertaining to the samples. NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS.

This placebo business is absolutely ludicrous or as it stands now you have purposely tested a placebo and attributed the results to an actual product ...

I just went off what Mands posted for sample 14. holy fuck. @mands Could you please come clean this up?
Hey brother thanks for the spreadsheet and your contribution to helping out with the compiling all the lab info into a excel/spread sheet. People were saying they didnt understand the lab sheets, so you and eman went out of your way to put something together for everyone. We appreciate it
The bottom line the data speaks for itself and all that is required is a more expeditious means or mechanism for others to LOCATE IT!

The problem is too much data is being posted in a single thread and it's quickly getting buried.

A better solution is for you to forward the reports to Mands and let him start a new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header.

This business of posting "report 12" or "report 17" with no mention of the sample's manufacturer until Mands identifies it, maybe 3 pages later, is way too confusing and it makes it too hard to locate later. A new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header will make searching infinitely easier and it will go a long way toward eliminating all this unnecessary confusion.
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Hey brother thanks for the spreadsheet and your contribution to helping out with the compiling all the lab info into a excel/spread sheet. People were saying they didnt understand the lab sheets, so you and eman went out of your way to put something together for everyone. We appreciate it

Thanks bro ... honestly it didn't take much to put together ... the real work is being done by Jim/Mands ... even tho Jim appeared to have a senior moment last night lol... I'm certain it'll get ironed out. Shit happens.

Also... I had more data on the spreadsheet but continued to simplify it so it could be easily understood by the end user. Unless a better system is put in place, I'll continue to update it and welcome others to also contribute ... maybe even introduce other tabbed sheets for results from other tests being performed (I.e serum, igf, Simec results etc). Would be fantastic to have a central clearing house compiling all the data that is being posted on all the forums with sources cited. Could give some real insight on product legitimacy, consistency and bio response.
Thanks bro ... honestly it didn't take much to put together ... the real work is being done by Jim/Mands ... even tho Jim appeared to have a senior moment last night lol... I'm certain it'll get ironed out. Shit happens.

Also... I had more data on the spreadsheet but continued to simplify it so it could be easily understood by the end user. Unless a better system is put in place, I'll continue to update it and welcome others to also contribute ... maybe even introduce other tabbed sheets for results from other tests being performed (I.e serum, igf, Simec results etc). Would be fantastic to have a central clearing house compiling all the data that is being posted on all the forums with sources cited. Could give some real insight on product legitimacy, consistency and bio response.
thanks, but if you're going to start compiling things from other tests and sources, please start a new thread
thanks, but if you're going to start compiling things from other tests and sources, please start a new thread
It was merely a suggestion and like I stated they would be under different tabs ... I'm specifically talking about the editable google sheet site ... furthermore, I won't be posting anything unrelated to the ASSAYs within this thread
It was merely a suggestion and like I stated they would be under different tabs ... I'm specifically talking about the editable google sheet site ... furthermore, I won't be posting anything unrelated to the ASSAYs within this thread
no problem, I'd just like this thread to be devoted to what Dr J and mands are doing
The problem is too much data is being posted in a single thread and it's quickly getting buried.

A better solution is for you to forward the reports to Mands and let him start a new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header.

This business of posting "report 12" or "report 17" with no mention of the sample's manufacturer until Mands identifies it, maybe 3 pages later, is way too confusing and it makes it too hard to locate later. A new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header will make searching infinitely easier and it will go a long way toward eliminating all this unnecessary confusion.
1. This is impossible because Jim posts the results first and then Mands identifies the source. It's not possible for Jim to "start a thread" with the source name.

2. Creating a new thread each time would make it even harder to find the data than sifting through the side discussions in this thread.

My $0.02
1. This is impossible because Jim posts the results first and then Mands identifies the source. It's not possible for Jim to "start a thread" with the source name.

And here I thought Jim could just forward the reports to Mands and Mands could start the thread. Silly me. Good thing you pointed out that's not possible.

2. Creating a new thread each time would make it even harder to find the data than sifting through the side discussions in this thread.

I see your point. I mean, a new thread with a big, bold title that says "TP's Black Tops GH Assay" would be damn near impossible to find.

Better to wade through 54 pages of shit to find report "report 23", and then wade through the same 54 pages of shit again hoping to find Mands' post with the secret code that will ID report 23, huh?

It don't buy what it used to.
The problem is too much data is being posted in a single thread and it's quickly getting buried.

A better solution is for you to forward the reports to Mands and let him start a new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header.

This business of posting "report 12" or "report 17" with no mention of the sample's manufacturer until Mands identifies it, maybe 3 pages later, is way too confusing and it makes it too hard to locate later. A new thread for each sample report that clearly identifies the manufacturer in the header will make searching infinitely easier and it will go a long way toward eliminating all this unnecessary confusion.

Is it not possible for the mods/admins to just grant perpetual editing rights for post #1 to the OP?
Good job with the spreadsheet cpriest88. Keep in mind that Dr. Jim and Mands are providing a great service for the membership. I'm assuming that testing isn't cheap either. Keep that in mind when addressing issues with their work.
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Good job with the spreadsheet cpriest88. Keep in mind that Dr. Jim and Mands are providing a great service for the membership. I'm assuming that testing isn't cheap either. Keep that in mind when addressing issues with their work.

I don't have any issues with their work. The issue is a breakdown in communication regarding sample 14 ... which will remain a mystery until @mands comes back ... I'm not going to get into the weeds here ... but if you actually read all the posts in the past 2-3 pages you would see that all I did was copy pertinent data that was explicitly posted in this thread to a spreadsheet which includes sample 14 and @Eman did the same for his summary ... Jim then made baseless accusations and attacks for no reason whatsoever. They are doing excellent work but frankly that is irrelevant to what transpired.
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I appreciate all the work that everyone has put into this. I'd still like an answer from someone like TP regarding the high glycine levels.
I don't have any issues with their work. The issue is a breakdown in communication regarding sample 14 ... which will remain a mystery until @mands comes back ... I'm not going to get into the weeds here ... but if you actually read all the posts in the past 2-3 pages you would see that all I did was copy pertinent data that was explicitly posted in this thread to a spreadsheet which includes sample 14 and @Eman did the same for his summary ... Jim then made baseless accusations and attacks for no reason whatsoever. They are doing excellent work but frankly that is irrelevant to what transpired.
just drop it, lets talk about the actual testing
just drop it, lets talk about the actual testing

That's an actual test!!
Why should we drop it? Dr Jim made a clear fool out of himself those are the things that made the last HGh testing a fucking disaster and a failure.

What I would suggest is for Jim to stay out of the talking and back in the lab because every time he goes on his fool rampage he does more harm then goods.

Let mands deal with communication with the ppl, he is clearly better then Jim (well probably even someone with Asperger syndrome is better then Jim at talking to ppl, but you got my point)

And yes we want an explanation for sample 14. Because mands stated that it was a legit manufacturer with super fancy boxes That came out bunk.

Jim on the other hand is telling us it was a fake sample, made of starch, just to test the lab itself.

Should we let it go just because he is one of our own? Yeah let's start behaving like the other boards...
No. @CensoredBoardsSuck 's suggestion and/or @Cpriest88 's spreadsheet are the best solutions for making the data most accessible to everyone.

With deference Millard, as we discussed CBSs idea would spread bt 50-100 samples over 50-100 threads and is just not workable as a means of evidence consolidation.

Although a spread sheet may provide a solution for single line narratives like those used by SIMEC on Anabolic Labs, such a format grossly deemphasizes the importance of graphic and worksheet analytical data from an evidence based perspective, as latter distinguish legitimate data from what Meso already has plenty of, unreliable nonevidence based "testing".

To that end, exclusive of a group forum or reporting results to individual donors via email or PM, the best option seems to be linked teferencing similar to what @Eman has posted as it enables members to access the original evidence in a fully transparent manner.

Really, let see the worksheet data I've posted on each sample on some spread sheet ?

Exclusive of the originators selected items a spread sheet primary purpose is to provide a summary of the RESULTS primarily, and while I agree that's what some want, it undercuts the validity of EVIDENCE based assays

A similar SIMEC narrative GH "spread sheet" report was recently posted on PM which lacked credibility bc the techniques and or methodologies were omitted Millard.

And that is the problem with spread sheets unless the original data can be referenced for credibility

Meso has a plethora of testing that's been posted over the years ranging from Lab Max "Angus" MS and little of it should be considered legitimate bc the results lacked credibility.

I think @Cpriest88's spreadsheet provided exactly that.
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Really, let see the worksheet data I've posted on each sample on some spread sheet ?
There's a link to full evidence based assays. The spreadsheet has a link to the worksheet data for each sample. Isn't this what you proposed in post #1077??
Exclusive of the originators selected items a spread sheet primary purpose is to provide a summary of the RESULTS primarily,0 and while I agree that's what some want ,it undercuts the validity of EVIDENCE based assays.
I don't think it undercuts it at all. The spreadsheet makes it accessible to both those who want a summary and those who want the full worksheet data. Win. Win.

Of course, maybe only 95 people out of 100 only want the summary and you can't force them to review the complete evidence. But for those 5 out of 100 who want the evidence based assays, it is easily accessible with a single click.