"Generic" GH ASSAYS

There's a link to full evidence based assays. The spreadsheet has a link to the worksheet data for each sample. Isn't this what you proposed in post #1077??

I don't think it undercuts it at all. The spreadsheet makes it accessible to both those who want a summary and those who want the full worksheet data. Win. Win.

Of course, maybe only 95 people out of 100 only want the summary and you can't force them to review the complete evidence. But for those 5 out of 100 who want the evidence based assays, it is easily accessible with a single click.

Force them are you serious!
The mg or IUs are ALL listed on the last line of EACH SAMPLES WORK SHEET!

God forbid if some arent given Gerber with that spoon!

On this we shall agree to disagree but hey a spread sheet has been posted and they can do with it as they choose, unless that's also considered forceful manipulation. Lol
On this we shall agree to disagree but hey a spread sheet has been posted and they can do with it as they choose, unless that's also considered forceful manipulation. Lol

Sorry, I'm just not on the same page. I thought we were in agreement when you suggested @Eman approach:

To that end, exclusive of a group forum or reporting results to individual donors via email or PM, the best option seems to be linked teferencing similar to what @Eman has posted as it enables members to access the original evidence in a fully transparent manner.

Except that @Eman's spreadsheet wasn't hyperlinked to the original evidence for each sample:

I made this into an excel spreadsheet but it wouldn't allow me to attach so this is the best I can do for now. If anyone see's an error PLEASE let me know and I'll either edit or repost, I double checked myself but there were a lot of posts to shuffle through.

Source/Brand - Result - NOTES

Sample #1
TP's Grey Top - .25 IU - Sample was sold to Mands by a member on another forum.

Sample #2
Kefei's Blue Top - 4.69 IU - Purchased from HGHpower per Mands.

Sample #3
Pharmatropin - 3.68 IU - Purchased from Pharmacom.

Sample #13
TP's Black Top - 13.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously

Sample #14
XYTOJEN 20IU - 0 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously

Sample #15
Kaluta's Black Top - 10.6 IU

Sample #16
Direct's Pink Top - 5 IU

Sample #17
Anny's Blue Top - 9.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously

Sample #18
Mean Green's Green Top - 6.5 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously

Sample #19
Kefei's Blue Top - 9.8 IU - Purchased from HGHpower and donated by a Mands

But @Cpriest88's spreadsheet had the same info AND was hyperlinked to the original evidence for each sample:

I was working on a editable google spreadsheet when you posted this. Here is the link:

The meso forum keeps auto parsing the link to media... here is the shortened google link to avoid it. http://goo.gl/Yp0Ppo (Generic HGH Assays)

Y'all can feel free to redesign/proof/edit/amend/update the sheet at your leisure.

A big thanks to @Dr JIM and @mands - the evidence/data sets provided by you and @mands are valuable and deserve to be accessed by as many people as possible. I will revisit the thread tomorrow and hopefully we can figure out the best way to do this. Thanks for everyone's input.
I will go back over posts tomorrow. I just got back in town from a little family vaca.

@Cpriest88 you are correct on gh sample. Seems like a miscommunication issue.

I believe we have some good ideas for a more accessible GH assay page that we can work on.

Sorry, I'm just not on the same page. I thought we were in agreement when you suggested @Eman approach:

Except that @Eman's spreadsheet wasn't hyperlinked to the original evidence for each sample:

But @Cpriest88's spreadsheet had the same info AND was hyperlinked to the original evidence for each sample:

A big thanks to @Dr JIM and @mands - the evidence/data sets provided by you and @mands are valuable and deserve to be accessed by as many people as possible. I will revisit the thread tomorrow and hopefully we can figure out the best way to do this. Thanks for everyone's input.

I created a second post, duplicate of the first, that contained hyperlinks to Jim's original posts. I considered a Google drive account too but decided to first start with consolidating what we had so far.

With that said, I do like @Cpriest88 spreadsheet - I think it should avoid IGF testing and serums though and focus on the assays. I'm not sure if it should or shouldn't be able to be edited by anyone or not.

Regardless, I plan to continue adding onto what I started with keeping the results compiled and I hope that CP does the same because I think both versions serve good purpose.

As far as I'm concerned, this thread isn't "dead" it's just getting a little off track. If it stays somewhat on point going forward it can continue as a very valuable thread and we shouldn't have to worry about buried results so much if CP, myself and anyone else are posting the overall results as we go forward.

Posting the assay results in the media section wth the manufacturer written on them would be a nice idea too... Just like AnabolicLab does.
And here I thought Jim could just forward the reports to Mands and Mands could start the thread. Silly me. Good thing you pointed out that's not possible.

I see your point. I mean, a new thread with a big, bold title that says "TP's Black Tops GH Assay" would be damn near impossible to find.

Better to wade through 54 pages of shit to find report "report 23", and then wade through the same 54 pages of shit again hoping to find Mands' post with the secret code that will ID report 23, huh?

It don't buy what it used to.

But you're wrong...

With deference Millard, as we discussed CBSs idea would spread bt 50-100 samples over 50-100 threads and is just not workable as a means of evidence consolidation.

I appreciate all the work that everyone has put into this. I'd still like an answer from someone like TP regarding the high glycine levels.

One of the FEW data related questions in this entire thread and is also one of the reasons those who rely on spread sheets exclusively as a measure GH quality are only cheating themselves.


  • IV glycine and HGH release .pdf
    84.7 KB · Views: 23
  • glycine and HGH secretion. .pdf
    82.6 KB · Views: 20
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I'm searching! I was cleaning up PM's and sending info to emails and believe I deleted some. Still looking though.


The delayed identification was my error rather than MANDS, as number 18 and 19 were "leftovers" from our last attempt at generic GH testing.

MANDS recognized the samples immediately once shown their PICs, yet did not know what numbers I had chosen for identification purposes.
SORRY HM your constant complaining deserves a reply!

Don't trash it. It's appreciated by many. Great work. This is a community, not a dictatorship here at MESO @Millard Baker

A dictator really? Why bc Ive ASKED Meso members to refrain from posting endless banter on an analytical thread I've worked my butt off developing so others wont have to wade thru endless unrelated discussions attempting to locate the data the thread was intended for.

Tell you what if you can locate ANY non-administrative "dictator" who has contributed more time, effort and money toward helping others on this forum name them, bc it's certainly is NOT you. After all, you're to busy at "work" and committed to finding fault with the approach of others to contribute much of anything here fella!

Well, I am not one of your guys at work....

Highlight where @rpbb referenced YOU in his post with respect to spread sheet and even if you did interpret his post in such a manner RPBB gave you an opportunity to "do it yourself" ah but that's right you're to busy "at work". Sounds like to me RPBB knows what is required to lead thru delegated authority!

Let me know if you need help. I am on limited time due to work, but maybe through a google cloud (with fake email accounts) we can work on it together.

So we are supposed to assume you're "more busy at work" than the rest of us, Right!
How ironic, in spite of my THREE jobs I can find enough time to develop a GH thread and post analytical data on Meso, bla, bla, bla

Your usual twisted egocentric way of saying thank you?

Yet you are "to busy" at work to develop a worksheet, that I never requested and which serves no purpose excepting data duplication IME. However maybe you or others would prefer a patronizing "thank you" for something that is relatively useless, but being "egocentric" rest assured I do NOT.

To that end, perhaps you'll elect to say "thank you", should you find a dress rather than a pair of Levis' under that Christmas tree, lol!
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One of the FEW data related questions in this entire thread and is also one of the reasons those who rely on spread sheets exclusively as a measure GH quality are only cheating themselves.

Actually the only reason he is asking it is because I included it in the note section of the spreadsheet ... I'm glad no further reports will be posted here and I assume you guys have developed a better system ... the only reason eman's summary and a spreadsheet was introduced was due to the chaotic, disorganized and free for all nature of this thread ... at this point I'm just waiting on the results for a few products and I'm out of here ... @mands must be a real fucking saint for being able to work with you ... I'd rather gargle bleach.
Actually the only reason he is asking it is because I included it in the note section of the spreadsheet ... I'm glad no further reports will be posted here and I assume you guys have developed a better system ... the only reason eman's summary and a spreadsheet was introduced was due to the chaotic, disorganized and free for all nature of this thread ... at this point I'm just waiting on the results for a few products and I'm out of here ... @mands must be a real fucking saint for being able to work with you ... I'd rather gargle bleach.
i think that's what Dr J was complaining about, the chaotic nature of this thread. everyone is more concerned about making their own speeches about liver valuesm tudca, and spread sheets. I've only seen one question is the last 50 posts about the test results and discussing them. I could give a rats ass about a spread sheet. as far as you waiting for test results and being out of here, leave now. it's Dr J and mands that are actually doing the testing, and you have the balls to whine about it. go ahead and get the fuck out now
Dafuq you talking about?
He was one of the only guy with Eman that tried to give a easier view on the results of the sample for the general ppl.

He got blasted by Jim as usual, and for things he didn't even do or better said he was accused of not including jim analytical reports in the spreadsheet when instead he had done it!!!! He fucking hyperlinked all jim's assays in the spreadsheet.

You know why Jim didn't catch that? Because he is a fucking moron that can't read ppl posts if it has more then 2 words!! He read the first sentence, the last and then goes on his rambling.

So give him a fucking break!!!
This guy did something great and he did it well. He was open to suggestion and at least tried to do something.

By the way I'm still waiting for explanation on the sample of "starch".

i think that's what Dr J was complaining about, the chaotic nature of this thread. everyone is more concerned about making their own speeches about liver valuesm tudca, and spread sheets. I've only seen one question is the last 50 posts about the test results and discussing them. I could give a rats ass about a spread sheet. as far as you waiting for test results and being out of here, leave now. it's Dr J and mands that are actually doing the testing, and you have the balls to whine about it. go ahead and get the fuck out now
Dafuq you talking about?
He was one of the only guy with Eman that tried to give a easier view on the results of the sample for the general ppl.

He got blasted by Jim as usual, and for things he didn't even do or better said he was accused of not including jim analytical reports in the spreadsheet when instead he had done it!!!! He fucking hyperlinked all jim's assays in the spreadsheet.

You know why Jim didn't catch that? Because he is a fucking moron that can't read ppl posts if it has more then 2 words!! He read the first sentence, the last and then goes on his rambling.

So give him a fucking break!!!
This guy did something great and he did it well. He was open to suggestion and at least tried to do something.

By the way I'm still waiting for explanation on the sample of "starch".
cracks me up that everyone has to spout their fucking opinion about what Dr J is doing and saying. if you guys want to take the time to do the testing, go ahead. till than, shut the fuck up
Whoa Whoa whoa everyone. Let's stay on topic here and I want all of MESO to contribute to these threads but no need to turn it into a pissing match. I am reading all the posts now... @Eman and @Cpriest88 thanks for the extra work done to get this organized.

I believe I will be starting a new thread today. With everyone's help we can keep a more condensed/easier accessed thread to review and discuss results.

Thanks again. @Cpriest88 I am a saint :)

I have spoken with @Dr JIM and he was under the impression I sent in a sample of starch to "test" the lab. I mentioned I would be sending in a few things here and there to see if we could surprise the testers, but I have only sent in one thing so far. And it wasn't starch.

Whoa Whoa whoa everyone. Let's stay on topic here and I want all of MESO to contribute to these threads but no need to turn it into a pissing match. I am reading all the posts now... @Eman and @Cpriest88 thanks for the extra work done to get this organized.

I believe I will be starting a new thread today. With everyone's help we can keep a more condensed/easier accessed thread to review and discuss results.

Thanks again. @Cpriest88 I am a saint :)

I have spoken with @Dr JIM and he was under the impression I sent in a sample of starch to "test" the lab. I mentioned I would be sending in a few things here and there to see if we could surprise the testers, but I have only sent in one thing so far. And it wasn't starch.

thanks mands, just gets me upset when people criticize Dr J after all the work you guys have put into it.
thanks mands, just gets me upset when people criticize Dr J after all the work you guys have put into it.
I know it does big guy. And that's why you are my dude. Have a good day and we will get this thread started soon and get things running smoother.

I know it does big guy. And that's why you are my dude. Have a good day and we will get this thread started soon and get things running smoother.

@mands, please link to the new thread when created as most of us are "subbed" to this thread. We don't want to miss out! [emoji123]
My question to all at MESO is what forum section would you like to see this under?

The same one we are in now or the Lab testing section?

My question to all at MESO is what forum section would you like to see this under?

The same one we are in now or the Lab testing section?

Though there is a 'Steroid Lab Testing' section, personally I would rather have it under the 'Human Growth Hormone and Peptides' section. I don't consider rHGH a steroid and believe it is better suited/categorized here. IMO
thanks mands, just gets me upset when people criticize Dr J after all the work you guys have put into it.

Your post make no sense. Just because someone is doing something good he is not entitled to shit
On ppl that were trying to help him and the community.

If Jim was a source
I would say you are all over his cock.