"Generic" GH ASSAYS

He's not involved with Pharmacom and isn't the only one interested in the raw data.

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Really the "raw data" is cited alongside EVERY SAMPLE, now who's "not reading"?

Oh and I'm also not the "only one" interested in ANY DATA you fellas have that will contradict these results!

Finally know this; Im not involved in any way involved with the testing as it is being conducted at a CERTIFIED PROTEIN ANALYSIS LAB (yep THAT'S ALL THEY DO)
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That would be hundreds of hours of work with the amount of misinformations you are spreading.

YES that info IS AVAILABLE but what is your interest in reviewing it, as I'm not willing to jump thru hoops for some UGL detective from Pharmacon (I suspect) until they post their
assays proving what they are producing has been undergone formal analytical testing.

Lets see you cite that info FIRST fella!

Yes yes everybody who says you are bullshitter is involved with some lab. That's the best excuse you've got - an ad hominem.

Yep as I suspected a lab rat from an UGL, let see you post YOUR DATA!

Ditto as above.

And which UGL, Mr. Dr. JIM? You should know that, as you appear to be all knowing.

Or are you just gonna go around accusing people they work for UGL labs when you are unable and unwilling to answer any questions which require at least a tiny bit of expertise on the subject?

Really the "raw data" is cited alongside EVERY SAMPLE, now who's "not reading"?

You consider that raw data? It's a shame you are claiming I am the one who is 'not reading' especially after I wrote:
' Thank you Mr. Mands, I have read it - is it all the raw data available? What about the system used? Separation method used? How it was calibrated? ' that was written by me

'All this info can be provided. I will speak to Jim about it and see if we can link it in the hyperlink on the new thread.

I know this info is all hard data and it would have to be all scanned a posted because it is not in PDF format like the analysis.' this was written by mands

so it IS OBVIOUS that there is more raw data and even mands states so.

Oh and I'm also not the "only one" interested in ANY DATA you fellas have that will contradict these results!

Try shifting the burden of proof harder. That might work with others, not with me.
That's what I thought more of the same BULLSHIT!

You fellas are all the same bc the only evidence YOU HAVE is a willingness to discredit that which in front of you Post any analytical data that refutes these assays or there's nothing to discuss!

Try shifting the burden of proof harder it might work with others, but not with me!

So what you are really saying, crap we are caught with our pants down bc we didn't test our products and can't prove we did!

What a shame lets see the Q and A lists you gave your resellers I bet they tell the real story.

Goes something like this
Low IGF ------ "bad testing time or lab"
low GH ------ "how long did you leave that GH out of the fridge"
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He's not involved with Pharmacom and isn't the only one interested in the raw data.

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How would you know. And what I'd say to both of you, is if you don't like what Dr j and mands are doing, please start you're own testing program to refute what they are doing
That's what I thought more of the same BULLSHIT!

You fellas are all the same bc the only evidence YOU HAVE is a willingness to discredit that which in front of you Post any analytical data that refutes these assays or there's nothing to discuss!

Try shifting the burden of proof harder it might work with others, but not with me!

Thank you for answering my questions on point and not being evasive at all!

Also, if I posted any data you'd just start bullshitting again about me manipulating the data or the samples being tampered with.

Again the burden of proof is not on ME to deliver anything.

The burder of proof is ON YOU to convince the member that you are

1) knowledgeable on the subject. (and this isn't done by not answering any kind of technical question anybody might have and by ad hominems)

2) that your testing is accurate as you state and have stated many times

Also good job on parroting.

How would you know. And what I'd say to both of you, is if you don't like what Dr j and mands are doing, please start you're own testing program to refute what they are doing

How do we know you are not Barbra Streisand?

I like the project very much. Free testing for all? Sounds cool, I'm all in. If you read, you'd see I've stated that.

But are you really implying this all should go with any questioning?
Well okay, you stick to your bible, feel free to do it, but don't say others should do it as well.

Also good idea with that testing project, wish I had come up with something like that sooner.
How would you know. And what I'd say to both of you, is if you don't like what Dr j and mands are doing, please start you're own testing program to refute what they are doing

Oh rest assured "they" are lab rats for some UGL and have a vested interest in these results!
So what you are really saying, crap we are caught with our pants down bc we didn't test our products and can't prove we did!

What a shame lets see the Q and A lists you gave your resellers I bet they tell the real story.

Goes something like this
Low IGF ------ "bad testing time or lab"
low GH ------ "how long did you leave that GH out of the fridge"

Wow, you truly are the master of editing your posts.

Good for you.

Keep on going with the story that I'm a rep.

That's all you got, because you have no arguments beside that.
Thank you for answering my questions on point and not being evasive at all!

Also, if I posted any data you'd just start bullshitting again about me manipulating the data or the samples being tampered with.

Again the burden of proof is not on ME to deliver anything.

The burder of proof is ON YOU to convince the member that you are

1) knowledgeable on the subject. (and this isn't done by not answering any kind of technical question anybody might have and by ad hominems)

2) that your testing is accurate as you state and have stated many times

Also good job on parroting.

How do we know you are not Barbra Streisand?

I like the project very much. Free testing for all? Sounds cool, I'm all in. If you read, you'd see I've stated that.

But are you really implying this all should go with any questioning?
Well okay, you stick to your bible, feel free to do it, but don't say others should do it as well.

Also good idea with that testing project, wish I had come up with something like that sooner.

GOOD LUCK with this line of BS!

Im not wasting my time "proving" anything UNTIL you cite refuting evidence!
How would you know. And what I'd say to both of you, is if you don't like what Dr j and mands are doing, please start you're own testing program to refute what they are doing

I didn't criticize anything or anyone. I'm thankful for the testing.

I just asked a question and questions should be encouraged not discouraged.

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Thank you for answering my questions on point and not being evasive at all!

Also, if I posted any data you'd just start bullshitting again about me manipulating the data or the samples being tampered with.

Again the burden of proof is not on ME to deliver anything.

The burder of proof is ON YOU to convince the member that you are

1) knowledgeable on the subject. (and this isn't done by not answering any kind of technical question anybody might have and by ad hominems)

2) that your testing is accurate as you state and have stated many times

Also good job on parroting.

How do we know you are not Barbra Streisand?

I like the project very much. Free testing for all? Sounds cool, I'm all in. If you read, you'd see I've stated that.

But are you really implying this all should go with any questioning?
Well okay, you stick to your bible, feel free to do it, but don't say others should do it as well.

Also good idea with that testing project, wish I had come up with something like that sooner.
Are you trying to say this is a plot by mands and Dr j to get free hgh? I think that's a boss idea!
Keep on going with the story that I'm a rep

You're way too hostile to not have ulterior motives in this thread as far as I'm concerned.

Pretty much every post so far has been bs with an aim to discredit the testing... That's all I see and it's what I would encourage the other members to pay close attention to.
Are you trying to say this is a plot by mands and Dr j to get free hgh? I think that's a boss idea!
No I am not, where do you see me doing that?

I have no reason to doubt integrity of Mr. Mands. He hasn't said one thing untrue that I am aware of and his acting raises no suspicion on my side - he is answering questions directly, he admits he is not all-knowing and he has good manners. He doesn't use ad hominems and is pleasure to talk with.

All unlike Dr. JIM.
No I am not, where do you see me doing that?

I have no reason to doubt integrity of Mr. Mands. He hasn't said one thing untrue that I am aware of and his acting raises no suspicion on my side - he is answering questions directly, he admits he is not all-knowing and he has good manners. He doesn't use ad hominems and is pleasure to talk with.

All unlike Dr. JIM.
I was trying to lighten the mood. You need to smoke a little cheeba sir
I didn't criticize anything or anyone. I'm thankful for the testing.

I just asked a question and questions should be encouraged not discouraged.

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Great I hope you located the "raw data". Oh I have AA HPLC "chromos" on everyone of these samples but since it seemed the overwhelming majority of Meso members were only interested in the RESULTS, I didn't bother to post anymore after sample ONE.