MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

There's plenty of reasons this can happen. For all I know it could've been a previous source I ordered from that got hacked, a client I work with got hacked, blah blah. I'm not just going to assume something happened with GA. My only reason for posting those screenshots was to make sure people are checking their shit. Chill y'all.
and i appreciate you for sharing the picture and warn rest of the community.
I checked a ton of pages and searched the best I could but only saw Vanargandar posting those 3 addresses with no context at all and just to be safe. Definitely weird that he even has those emails but maybe his email was accessible elsewhere given his post was the only mention I saw of those addresses or mentioning a scammer email. Where did all of that happen where they're advertising fake gear and asking for money? There's 100 pages so I could definitely have missed it. I don't doubt that vendors get hacked though.
no one is hacked genericasia still here. there is just some stupid scammer people who try to make the easy way and scam people. they have switched some letters in they’re mail that look similar to my email. therefor please be aware and only use - only one email for orders and that’s this one
There's plenty of reasons this can happen. For all I know it could've been a previous source I ordered from that got hacked, a client I work with got hacked, blah blah. I'm not just going to assume something happened with GA. My only reason for posting those screenshots was to make sure people are checking their shit. Chill y'all.
Thanks for the context. Really weird with @Gigantic coming up with that whole elaborate story. Funny how he didn’t even respond and just laugh emoji reacted to Asias reply, some people simply do not care. Let’s cut the nonsense and let sources work.
another order to EU 18days
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FREE 10x ampoules testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml GENERIC ASIA

Thank you


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