i do appreciate your constructive feedbacks and the thing is here I am not exactly understanding what your complains is here.
1. your saying that i don’t test my products and claims that I sell my products before testing - which is opposite, check the previous pages. newest batch of products was not for sale despite being instock but waited for labs, examples: EQ TEST E TEST C HGH, HCG,
2. your making claims about something is odd and why my HGH results is delayed, which I also replied you at. this community in here prefer to have the dimer tested in the HGH, the first one that was sent was not tested for dimer, so it needed to be resent. Shipping and testing takes time, so calculate that in mind too. (I can attach the first results of HGH if you want to see that, but as said no dimer test in it) simply because miscommunications.
3. your making claims about that it’s weird and odd again about me changing the method of identifying the products from colored caps to stickers on vials? ( stickers on vials works much easier, less emails, less confusion = save time and work effectively.
4. then you ask for pictures of the facility or an description of how my sterilization works etc which is fair as well and for that I will give you an result as well.
so if an source do good in here and keep it drama free, offering professional service, high quality products, fast shipping and cheap prices - then it’s becoming an issue because your missing drama or that “ people is getting soft in here “ is that how we have to understand it?