MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

@GenericAsia Hi generic asia can i ask you a serious question in public? And i hope you will answer in public, people from europe can safely order for you or is not the right moment? Just be honest on that because there are people competing that cannot lose time waiting for gear and losing the packages, be honest please
@GenericAsia Hi generic asia can i ask you a serious question in public? And i hope you will answer in public, people from europe can safely order for you or is not the right moment? Just be honest on that because there are people competing that cannot lose time waiting for gear and losing the packages, be honest please

Are you asking for a 100% guarantee? Because you're not going to get one anywhere.
You bought from changland too and if you are from eu you perfectly know how he does It in the right way and i don't know if generic asia does the same, don't talk Just to say something
He is 100% right though. Any international source that guarantees delivery is lying. A guaranteed reship is a different story. Nothing is guaranteed in this game, especially when it comes to customs. If you don’t like it, order domestically or not at all.
He is 100% right though. Any international source that guarantees delivery is lying. A guaranteed reship is a different story. Nothing is guaranteed in this game, especially when it comes to customs. If you don’t like it, order domestically or not at all.
Even that isn’t guaranteed if the source is hot. I’ve seen a few ppl get that postal inspector visit from domestic sources. If I could find a local source I could do hand to hand transactions with I’d be happy.
@GenericAsia Hi generic asia can i ask you a serious question in public? And i hope you will answer in public, people from europe can safely order for you or is not the right moment? Just be honest on that because there are people competing that cannot lose time waiting for gear and losing the packages, be honest please
hello, we do have succesfull shipping delivery for EU orders and we do often change our channels for eu to make sure we dont use one channel too often. but as it seems now we have success for EU orders but as that said if the order gets lost in transit or seized we do offer 100% reship. we havent had eu orders seized for very very long time.
recently we got 2 customers that sent blind samples for laboratory results we do hope to see more of that. credit store is offereded as thanks !