MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

I was waiting for that new oral line but prices are definitely too high. Here we have eu domestic from this forum proviron 25mg/100t 40e, arimidex 1mg/100t 30e, shipping 15e and have it in 7 days weekend included. Only nolvadex here have a good price but I don't think that someone will buy nolva only and pay 35$ per shipping. I'm a little disappointed with that prices.
50mg var for $30 for 100? Where?

Check that tracker out.

Raw var I get 10g for $60

Check that tracker out.

Raw var I get 10g for $60

Thanks bud!
Hello guys,

First of all I just want to point this out and make it clear again. As I mentioned in the beginning to you guys that I can’t compete with all products and match the prices. What I can offer for you guys is PROFESSIONALISM, CUSTOMER SERVICE, COMMUNICATION AND FAST DELIVERY. To you that think it’s cheaper to buy the raw and produce tabs on your own, feel free to do that. You can not compare raw prices with finished tablets. I run an business here I have a lot more expenses that just raws. I have an facility of machines to be paid everytime it’s running, employees need be paid, coating colors, scored tabs(mold), raws, bags, packaging and handling need be paid. Most of all, we do send all batches for laboratory results and we not only use one but TWO!

There is a lot ongoing behind the scenes that you guys not see. So it is fair for me to say that I am not the cheapest when we talk about the tabs, but your getting every penny worth of it.

For you that think Arimidex is expensive, did you look at the mg? It’s not 1mg, it’s 2mg. Anavar yes ok I saw that 105$ was a bit spicy but ended bringing it down to 90$.

Just want to point it out one time again. I am not the cheapest in here, you get what you pay from me and beyond that as well. I offer professionalism, customers service, great communication, collecting payment within every 4-6 hours with you guys. I am on that email to serve you guys and provide the best experience as possible for you.

Thanks again.
Hello guys,

First of all I just want to point this out and make it clear again. As I mentioned in the beginning to you guys that I can’t compete with all products and match the prices. What I can offer for you guys is PROFESSIONALISM, CUSTOMER SERVICE, COMMUNICATION AND FAST DELIVERY. To you that think it’s cheaper to buy the raw and produce tabs on your own, feel free to do that. You can not compare raw prices with finished tablets. I run an business here I have a lot more expenses that just raws. I have an facility of machines to be paid everytime it’s running, employees need be paid, coating colors, scored tabs(mold), raws, bags, packaging and handling need be paid. Most of all, we do send all batches for laboratory results and we not only use one but TWO!

There is a lot ongoing behind the scenes that you guys not see. So it is fair for me to say that I am not the cheapest when we talk about the tabs, but your getting every penny worth of it.

For you that think Arimidex is expensive, did you look at the mg? It’s not 1mg, it’s 2mg. Anavar yes ok I saw that 105$ was a bit spicy but ended bringing it down to 90$.

Just want to point it out one time again. I am not the cheapest in here, you get what you pay from me and beyond that as well. I offer professionalism, customers service, great communication, collecting payment within every 4-6 hours with you guys. I am on that email to serve you guys and provide the best experience as possible for you.

Thanks again.
Cheaper is not always better, usually quite the contrary. Some of us dont mind paying a little extra for the quality products and better customer service.
Cheaper is not always better, usually quite the contrary. Some of us dont mind paying a little extra for the quality products and better customer service.
And how much you buy and when? I see you pic with masteron only and you get it probably when it cost 100$ per kit. Don't speak bull shit, they can't sell too much with that price. Second thing is all of tabs all "overdose" arimidex 2mg is too much, nolvadex 50mg also, proviron 25mg is also better preferred by most people. Without fancy boxes, holograms and all that shit I don't think that someone will pay that price.
And how much you buy and when? I see you pic with masteron only and you get it probably when it cost 100$ per kit. Don't speak bull shit, they can't sell too much with that price. Second thing is all of tabs all "overdose" arimidex 2mg is too much, nolvadex 50mg also, proviron 25mg is also better preferred by most people. Without fancy boxes, holograms and all that shit I don't think that someone will pay that price.
people that prefer professionalism, great communication, emails answered, collecting payment and shipping orders out within 24. Those are the people that wants to pay.

You guys also forgetting that, we do not have any hidden fees from you.
Shipping example: stable prices, 35$ for up to 2KG. Our prices don’t variety after 500g as most of the others do.
Transaction fees: you do NOT pay any fees, if the order cost 200$ you pay 200$ we don’t take that fees of 10-20$ from each transaction neither.
Insurances reship: we do not take any insurance fees from you guys neither, you get the 100% reship if order is lost or Seizured without any hassle.

About the products MG we decided to do them high as most of our customers wants them like that, that’s also why the tabs is scored so it’s easier for you to cut them and make the pills mg according to your own cycle.

You can easily break all our pills into two and make the mg half if that’s what you want.

We can’t keep everyone happy, there will be some who don’t like the high mg.. saying it again I am just supplying the demand of you guys requests. Which have been higher mg and scored tablets makes it easier
And how much you buy and when? I see you pic with masteron only and you get it probably when it cost 100$ per kit. Don't speak bull shit, they can't sell too much with that price. Second thing is all of tabs all "overdose" arimidex 2mg is too much, nolvadex 50mg also, proviron 25mg is also better preferred by most people. Without fancy boxes, holograms and all that shit I don't think that someone will pay that price.
You have no idea what I bought buddy boy, nor how many orders I've placed and received with GA. Better question is why the fuck do you even care? If you knew how to read, you would see that the MastE kit is $200, not $100, and you would have seen that the tabs are scored, which allows for easy splitting into proper dosages.

The fact that you list fancy boxes and holograms as reasons why you would pay a premium price for a product speaks volumes about you.
You have no idea what I bought buddy boy, nor how many orders I've placed and received with GA. Better question is why the fuck do you even care? If you knew how to read, you would see that the MastE kit is $200, not $100, and you would have seen that the tabs are scored, which allows for easy splitting into proper dosages.

The fact that you list fancy boxes and holograms as reasons why you would pay a premium price for a product speaks volumes about you.
I care because you trying to convince him that is ok when I and other people trying to explain him why it won't work. I don't want to pay for fancy box because I buy cheap and good quality gear but many do that. Master cost 100$ per kit at first like any other Chinese source but now cost 200$.
I question for you homie. Why you limited views of you profile now, when moment ago it wasn't?
people that prefer professionalism, great communication, emails answered, collecting payment and shipping orders out within 24. Those are the people that wants to pay.

You guys also forgetting that, we do not have any hidden fees from you.
Shipping example: stable prices, 35$ for up to 2KG. Our prices don’t variety after 500g as most of the others do.
Transaction fees: you do NOT pay any fees, if the order cost 200$ you pay 200$ we don’t take that fees of 10-20$ from each transaction neither.
Insurances reship: we do not take any insurance fees from you guys neither, you get the 100% reship if order is lost or Seizured without any hassle.

About the products MG we decided to do them high as most of our customers wants them like that, that’s also why the tabs is scored so it’s easier for you to cut them and make the pills mg according to your own cycle.

You can easily break all our pills into two and make the mg half if that’s what you want.

We can’t keep everyone happy, there will be some who don’t like the high mg.. saying it again I am just supplying the demand of you guys requests. Which have been higher mg and scored tablets makes it easier
You don't need to explain it to me or other here, but go to theards of others sellers and see yourself how it works, QSC for example people buying form him cry about shitt stoppers, comunication, etc, and what they do? Come back and buy more. We are not trying to press you to lower the price only explain that it won't work.
I care because you trying to convince him that is ok when I and other people trying to explain him why it won't work. I don't want to pay for fancy box because I buy cheap and good quality gear but many do that. Master cost 100$ per kit at first like any other Chinese source but now cost 200$.
I question for you homie. Why you limited views of you profile now, when moment ago it wasn't?
mate our prices of Mast E have always been 200$ - where do you want to end this topic? It don’t make sense
You don't need to explain it to me or other here, but go to theards of others sellers and see yourself how it works, QSC for example people buying form him cry about shitt stoppers, comunication, etc, and what they do? Come back and buy more. We are not trying to press you to lower the price only explain that it won't work.
well you just mentioned it yourself? our vials and stoppers is also high quality if you have made an order you should know that as well, like all others in here have been commenting.
I care because you trying to convince him that is ok when I and other people trying to explain him why it won't work. I don't want to pay for fancy box because I buy cheap and good quality gear but many do that. Master cost 100$ per kit at first like any other Chinese source but now cost 200$.
I question for you homie. Why you limited views of you profile now, when moment ago it wasn't?

Cheap and good quality…..

We are tracking, you’re cheap so go buy cheap. Meso is a harm reduction board not a cheapest bullshit to slam into your body board.
mate our prices of Mast E have always been 200$ - where do you want to end this topic? It don’t make sense
Nope, 25/04 you send me prices of new products I checked my email now. Primo 300, mast e 100, mast p 95. Next day I bought it at that price with other gears.

But ok, I will don't post any more in that thread.
Nope, 25/04 you send me prices of new products I checked my email now. Primo 300, mast e 100, mast p 95. Next day I bought it at that price with other gears.

But ok, I will don't post any more in that thread.
So you’re complaining because mast e costs $20 a bottle? What have we become?
mate our prices of Mast E have always been 200$ - where do you want to end this topic? It don’t make sense
Do you know what makes us nervous? The change of the prices, at the beginning you have been the best One, Just go back with the other prices with all the discount with every crypto and everything is ok
Do you know what makes us nervous? The change of the prices, at the beginning you have been the best One, Just go back with the other prices with all the discount with every crypto and everything is ok

Who the hell is us? Have you even ordered anything from GA yet? You’re always in these bulk international forums begging for discounts and shit but have yet to even order from the source.

You folks bitching about the $60 price tag on Arimidex that’s dosed at 2mg and scored to split. Lets do some basic math….split the thing in half for a normal 1mg dose and split the price in half so it’s $30 for 1mg. Like I’ve addressed before a source is a fucking business. Don’t like the product, service, or price then swap who you do (except you don’t even do this part) business with. That’s like walking into Burger King to get a fucking cheeseburger and noticing McDonald's has them .60 cheaper. You gonna leave because you’re looking for cheap or stand there and argue with the cashier because their price is a touch more than a different place of business? How in the fuck some of you made it into adulthood (using that term loosely) blows my mind.
Who the hell is us? Have you even ordered anything from GA yet? You’re always in these bulk international forums begging for discounts and shit but have yet to even order from the source.

You folks bitching about the $60 price tag on Arimidex that’s dosed at 2mg and scored to split. Lets do some basic math….split the thing in half for a normal 1mg dose and split the price in half so it’s $30 for 1mg. Like I’ve addressed before a source is a fucking business. Don’t like the product, service, or price then swap who you do (except you don’t even do this part) business with. That’s like walking into Burger King to get a fucking cheeseburger and noticing McDonald's has them .60 cheaper. You gonna leave because you’re looking for cheap or stand there and argue with the cashier because there price is a touch more than a different place of business? How in the fuck some of you made it into adulthood (using that term loosely) blows my mind.
We are in a free forum and i give my opinion, lets do some math so, compare that 30$ with JY or CHANGLAND and tell me, 1/3 of the price