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We are in a free forum and i give my opinion, lets do some math so, compare that 30$ with JY or CHANGLAND and tell me, 1/3 of the price

So take your ass over there and order. I assure you GA ain’t going out of business because you didn’t place your fucking $100 order

Periodt A House Divided GIF by UMC - Stream Black Better
I didn't bring up that point to try to just disparage your business in general. Your customer service and your shipping are great. The fact that you're doing all this testing is awesome. I guess time will tell if the pricing is right by how many sales are made. I brought it up because that pricing didn't make sense to me as far as being competitive. If people are buying and you're happy with the volume of business and so be it!
I didn't bring up that point to try to just disparage your business in general. Your customer service and your shipping are great. The fact that you're doing all this testing is awesome. I guess time will tell if the pricing is right by how many sales are made. I brought it up because that pricing didn't make sense to me as far as being competitive. If people are buying and you're happy with the volume of business and so be it!
me too i don't want to complain, their testing attitude is very good and the customer service is great
Look forward to ordering just waiting until oral minox is available.

One other thing that may or may not be worth looking into is raloxifene. I'm not sure what demand is like but pharma isn't so easy to get anymore and ugl is either rare or just way too expensive for what it is.
Nope, 25/04 you send me prices of new products I checked my email now. Primo 300, mast e 100, mast p 95. Next day I bought it at that price with other gears.

But ok, I will don't post any more in that thread.
your welcome to comment and come with your inputs and opinion of course. This is what meso is all about.

you talking about single orders.. the kit orders is still same. Single orders is only rounded up with 1-2$ extra so the uneven numbers is even numbers, understand?
Who the hell is us? Have you even ordered anything from GA yet? You’re always in these bulk international forums begging for discounts and shit but have yet to even order from the source.

You folks bitching about the $60 price tag on Arimidex that’s dosed at 2mg and scored to split. Lets do some basic math….split the thing in half for a normal 1mg dose and split the price in half so it’s $30 for 1mg. Like I’ve addressed before a source is a fucking business. Don’t like the product, service, or price then swap who you do (except you don’t even do this part) business with. That’s like walking into Burger King to get a fucking cheeseburger and noticing McDonald's has them .60 cheaper. You gonna leave because you’re looking for cheap or stand there and argue with the cashier because their price is a touch more than a different place of business? How in the fuck some of you made it into adulthood (using that term loosely) blows my mind.
FINALLY!! someone that actual understand how shit works.. I don’t understand why not understand that the higher mg is cheaper for you guys as you still can split the tabs in two and get that dosage you want..
We are in a free forum and i give my opinion, lets do some math so, compare that 30$ with JY or CHANGLAND and tell me, 1/3 of the price
mate I do not want to be rude at all. but you have been around for a month approximately and only been commenting about you feel the prices is expensive even trenbolone for 11$ you feel expensive.. i mean come on be a bit more serious man
mate I do not want to be rude at all. but you have been around for a month approximately and only been commenting about you feel the prices is expensive even trenbolone for 11$ you feel expensive.. i mean come on be a bit more serious man
Ok, i'll order from you, i said it and i'll do It It is a promise
I didn't bring up that point to try to just disparage your business in general. Your customer service and your shipping are great. The fact that you're doing all this testing is awesome. I guess time will tell if the pricing is right by how many sales are made. I brought it up because that pricing didn't make sense to me as far as being competitive. If people are buying and you're happy with the volume of business and so be it!
i know that mate, I appreciate all inputs and feedbacks such as negative and positive. But it’s hard to keep everyone happy :)

I mentioned it from beginning that my prices will be a few bucks more expensive as I can’t compete with all prices that other vendors got. In return of that there is hell lot of plus your getting when you order from me.. so add that into the calculation as well, a lot of fees is saved from GA. No hidden stuff
your welcome to comment and come with your inputs and opinion of course. This is what meso is all about.

you talking about single orders.. the kit orders is still same. Single orders is only rounded up with 1-2$ extra so the uneven numbers is even numbers, understand?
No I'm talking about kits prices, this prices per kit I receive from you in email.
I send you my order next day, you confirmed that prices and you send me overall price.
Below copy of you email:

10x vials

Primobolan E 200mg/ml - 300$

Masteron E 200mg/ml - 100$

Masteron P 100mg/ml - 95$

So I'was surprised when I see you new pricelist.
No I'm talking about kits prices, this prices per kit I receive from you in email.
I send you my order next day, you confirmed that prices and you send me overall price.
Below copy of you email:

10x vials

Primobolan E 200mg/ml - 300$

Masteron E 200mg/ml - 100$

Masteron P 100mg/ml - 95$

So I'was surprised when I see you new pricelist.
The mast e at 100$ would be very nice
My 4th bulk order landed from GA. Packed well, nothing broken. Transit time about 20 days to kiwi land. Customer service is excellent.
No I'm talking about kits prices, this prices per kit I receive from you in email.
I send you my order next day, you confirmed that prices and you send me overall price.
Below copy of you email:

10x vials

Primobolan E 200mg/ml - 300$

Masteron E 200mg/ml - 100$

Masteron P 100mg/ml - 95$

So I'was surprised when I see you new pricelist.

Those are Q prices lol
Imagine haggling with a source over a few dollars a vial. Jesus Christ. You don’t like the price? Shop somewhere else! There’s plenty of places here. Better yet, brew your own.
Imagine haggling with a source over a few dollars a vial. Jesus Christ. You don’t like the price? Shop somewhere else! There’s plenty of places here. Better yet, brew your own.
I don’t know what to say bro, they even compare raw prices with finished products..
No I'm talking about kits prices, this prices per kit I receive from you in email.
I send you my order next day, you confirmed that prices and you send me overall price.
Below copy of you email:

10x vials

Primobolan E 200mg/ml - 300$

Masteron E 200mg/ml - 100$

Masteron P 100mg/ml - 95$

So I'was surprised when I see you new pricelist.
im surprised to see these prices? cant find these on my archives of the old pdf or pastebin file. send it to me through email.