MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

Second pack review here.

After some back and forth with rough communication, what I'm assuming is the main guy handling emails stepped in and cleared things up. GA stuck to their promises and delivered the pack in less than two weeks with superb protection (looking at you Q with broken vials). Haven't tested this batch yet, but the last batch of testing came back good, so expecting this batch to test the same.

It seems the shipping issues have been ironed out for now, and the gear was on point last time, so I'm giving it two thumbs up. Good job, GA.

Even though prices have increased, it's still the best deal in my opinion. Sure, other places may be cheaper, but then you risk broken vials and shit. I'll stick to GA for now.

Don't let the quality go to shit and I think you'll continue doing very well.
Do you have the tests you sent? I’d like to see the results
My 2nd order arrived in 9 days to the US. Once again great communication and fast shipping. Plus the freebies are nice
Why is the price on var tabs so high? Your peptides are more competitively priced but the tabs are pretty high compared to competition.
Why is the price on var tabs so high? Your peptides are more competitively priced but the tabs are pretty high compared to competition.
guess what then from today the prices of ANAVAR 50mg/tab will be 90$

as im telling you guys im here to serve you folks :)
guess what then from today the prices of ANAVAR 50mg/tab will be 90$

as im telling you guys im here to serve you folks :)
I'm not trying to disparage your products at all. I'm genuinely curious what makes your tabs way better than other Chinese sources. Other sources sell the same thing and same quantity average $30 -$32. Maybe there is a difference that I'm unaware of?

Is it just because yours are coated? Is there some part of the manufacturing that you do that is much higher quality?

I don't have a dog in this fight because for oral AAS I buy raw powders and make a suspension. I was considering switching to tabs because the prices are so low these days and it's a lot easier. If I were to do that, I'd honestly prefer to buy from you, but I can't justify that at three times the price.
I'm not trying to disparage your products at all. I'm genuinely curious what makes your tabs way better than other Chinese sources. Other sources sell the same thing and same quantity average $30 -$32. Maybe there is a difference that I'm unaware of?

Is it just because yours are coated? Is there some part of the manufacturing that you do that is much higher quality?

I don't have a dog in this fight because for oral AAS I buy raw powders and make a suspension. I was considering switching to tabs because the prices are so low these days and it's a lot easier. If I were to do that, I'd honestly prefer to buy from you, but I can't justify that at three times the price.
hi uncle, it’s completely fine and understandable that you put questions and I am happy to reply those questions you guys have.

So the reason for why our tablets is expensive as it is is very simple.

1. We do not buy our tablets from an factory who produces them in bulk and sell the standard round white tablet forms.
2. We are the one who produce our batches our self nothing is bought from other factories, we make it from scratch. Which is more cost.
3. Our tablets is not the standard round white tablet form, our tablets is scored and colored as well. Even scoring the pills has a cost, so things add up.
4. We sell Anavar 50mg, not anavar 10/20.
5. 100tablets of Anavar 50mg/tab is cheap 90$
6. Our products is all lab tested I don’t know if that one for 30$ is lab tested as well. We do use 2 lab factories for testing our products and variance them
hi uncle, it’s completely fine and understandable that you put questions and I am happy to reply those questions you guys have.

So the reason for why our tablets is expensive as it is is very simple.

1. We do not buy our tablets from an factory who produces them in bulk and sell the standard round white tablet forms.
2. We are the one who produce our batches our self nothing is bought from other factories, we make it from scratch. Which is more cost.
3. Our tablets is not the standard round white tablet form, our tablets is scored and colored as well. Even scoring the pills has a cost, so things add up.
4. We sell Anavar 50mg, not anavar 10/20.
5. 100tablets of Anavar 50mg/tab is cheap 90$
6. Our products is all lab tested I don’t know if that one for 30$ is lab tested as well. We do use 2 lab factories for testing our products and variance them
I'm gonna chime in here... definently a fan of GA so just what I know.. the places @UncleBuns is talking about sells anavar 50mg tabs at least 4 sources that I deal with sell 50mg anavar tabs (with scores on them) for between 30 and 40$ per 100. I personally have a few bottles, have used several and seen testing on them as well! 90$ is not cheap several people that are really rooting g for your service and like you have tried to explain this to you!! Seems like you are having a had time excepting this. Even if you were to bring your price down to about 50$ per 100 ... people may buy fro. You because they want a onestop shop and want to be loyal but , my friend you are not listening... also you never commented back with what I explained to you how ridiculously overpriced you were going to try and sell tirzepatide.
I'm gonna chime in here... definently a fan of GA so just what I know.. the places @UncleBuns is talking about sells anavar 50mg tabs at least 4 sources that I deal with sell 50mg anavar tabs (with scores on them) for between 30 and 40$ per 100. I personally have a few bottles, have used several and seen testing on them as well! 90$ is not cheap several people that are really rooting g for your service and like you have tried to explain this to you!! Seems like you are having a had time excepting this. Even if you were to bring your price down to about 50$ per 100 ... people may buy fro. You because they want a onestop shop and want to be loyal but , my friend you are not listening... also you never commented back with what I explained to you how ridiculously overpriced you were going to try and sell tirzepatide.
i do appreciate the inputs you guys been coming up with I will definitely have an check up on the market of the anavar 50.

About the tirzepatide 20mg, your correct and I have already made some new prices for that. Currently waiting it for being laboratory tested so I can publish it for sale for you guys.

the price for single orders of tirzepatide will be approx 35$ and for kit prices I will do around 380-400$ as well. These new prices are more fair then what I mentioned before.
I'm waiting for my second order of C Tren A test and oral win

Can anyone who has used the C and Tren test say whether the products give pips or are without?
I'm waiting for my second order of C Tren A test and oral win

Can anyone who has used the C and Tren test say whether the products give pips or are without?
Yes, test C give me a pip that start 24h after injection and stop 3 or 4 days later, but only first round of injections, i mean only first week as I injection 250e2d and use only 4 spots. I think this is due i been 10years off without any gear and before that never use mtc oil. Now everything is fine, no pip. And I mix it with deca or masteron depends of day.
Still waiting on three packages to EU. 25 days an counting since payment on first one. Other two I can wait a bit more.

Communication is good, and GA has been transparent.

Tracking numbers are working. Hoping for a touchdown next week.