MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

you guys ready for USA DOMESTIC WAREHOUSE?!?! very soon available for US DOM!

prices is not the same as international if you want the prices cheap as now then keep proceed ordering from our international shop, guaranteed delivery stealth and discreet.

USA domestic prices will be a little different compared to international, but don’t worry it’s still cheap as fuck. 10$ & 20$ top up on each product. as there is expenses to cover

PDF file an pastebin will be shared for US domestics.

Nice! Looking forward to this.
The higher dose the better I think. Fewer vials having to be shipped, less injection volume which is nice since especially trest has shorter half life than other drugs.
Yes there's no doubt those are benefits of higher dose, but what is the PIP cost? That I don't know I've never ran the stuff so I'm hoping maybe some homebrewers have an idea about whipping up trest e at doses over 150mg/ml.

Maybe @narta or @Spaceman Spiff
This is my exact thought. Must be some straight up freaks in here to need 200mg/ml because of volume.
For trest E people usually do 25mg + eod. I see that 200mg/ml may be a bit much, but 100mg should be easy to with trest E, having seen any higher than that tho.
I can see a reason for trest ace at 50mg as this needs ed dosing alltho I still prefer 100mg, but number 1 is no pip, thats the most important I guess.