MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

Your efforts are appreciated nonetheless. May be misunderstood and viewed as arrogant at times, I for one get what is being spearheaded here. None of this is an attack or some elaborate sabotage on the lab, just a genuine risk management and prevention.
Thank you. I am lighting them up all the same as I have time and energy.
If GA delivers on the sterility testing it’s game over and they can recover from all the bullshit. I wonder if anyone here is willing to do sterility testing themselves from the product they have on hand from this source. Batch numbers would also be nice. Not much we are asking for honestly.

GA wouldn’t even have to eat that much cost and I would personally be willing to drop 20 per vial of test if all the above were present. I’m tired of the whole argument that nobody got sick or dead, YET, key word is yet here. Over time injection of harmful particles can lead to complications, may not be a year, may not be two years, but it is a possibility at any time.
I have test C mast E and tren E if @GenericAsia is interested in sending stuff to test for sterility