Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Did anybody have difficulties with QSC shipment of black top tirzepatide in april ? I can't tell if it was the Tirz or the bac water that came with it, but I bruised every time and did not get effects from the medication. I am using a different supplier and different bac water and it is far superior.
Mine were/are just fine
Just a heads-up, these drugs interfere with your body's ability to process magic mushrooms (psilocybin).
My girl and I took a few grams each and barely felt anything. After some googling I saw others say the same thing.
We're on tirzepatide and I saw people saying it about Semaglutide, so I assume the same for all GLP/GIP agonists.
I did not find this to be the case with Semaglutide. Maybe try making tea instead of eating so they don’t get hung up in your slowed GLP1 digestion process.
I got black tops in April and they had no effect on me during the first three weeks at 2.5. I titrated up to 5.5, added a little extra to try and feel something, and it started kicking my ass hard. No nausea, but extreme fatigue for 1 day, followed by 3-4 days of zero hunger. Now I'm trying to find a solution to that first day of extreme fatigue post-inject, probably going to add B12 and see how that works. Working great now!
I bruised when I used black top as well, I figured it was the BAC though. Will have to use it again to see with new BAC I have.

I have been using white tops in meantime. Which, apparently are 7mg, not 10 due to some issue.
Are the white tops working fine for you ? Thank you for letting me know you had the same problem. QSC is so cheap but seems impossible to trust. I am aware that any injection can cause bruising but something just felt so off about that batch.
I did not find this to be the case with Semaglutide. Maybe try making tea instead of eating so they don’t get hung up in your slowed GLP1 digestion process.

It was actually ground up and put into capsules, so essentially the same as tea.
We're both taking a break from Tirz later this month, so we'll try again with the same crop and see if there's a difference. It'll be from the same crop.
It’s hit or miss how we process different drugs while using semaglutide and Tirzepatide. Sometimes 2 capsules of
F-phenibut will knock my dick in the dirt. Other days I can barely feel it. Fasted 8+ hours every time. All other things equal too.

These drugs alter digestion so much that it’s difficult to gauge rec drugs or other meds while using them. At least that’s been my experience and I’m keen on paying attention to this aspect of things.
Hi! I ordered Tirzepatide from QSC and have been tracking my package closely every morning and it didn’t have the package in my city yet and USPS didn’t have any packages in my informed delivery set for yesterday. I did my normal morning check today on the tracking and my package was delivered yesterday by USPS :( I am in Texas and yesterday high temp was around 92. I got the package and the powder looks hard. Do you think it’s ruined?
Hi! I ordered Tirzepatide from QSC and have been tracking my package closely every morning and it didn’t have the package in my city yet and USPS didn’t have any packages in my informed delivery set for yesterday. I did my normal morning check today on the tracking and my package was delivered yesterday by USPS :( I am in Texas and yesterday high temp was around 92. I got the package and the powder looks hard. Do you think it’s ruined?
It SHOULD be hard, almost like a little puck.

It's fine, its actually really hard to screw it up in powder form.
Both white and black tops worked for me, I simply got some brusing from the black tops using Amazon BAC.

I now have QSC BAC but haven't tried the black tops with it yet.... one vial lasts a while for me, so it's not easy to rapidly test this.
Are the white tops working fine for you ? Thank you for letting me know you had the same problem. QSC is so cheap but seems impossible to trust. I am aware that any injection can cause bruising but something just felt so off about that batch.
I got black tops in April and they had no effect on me during the first three weeks at 2.5. I titrated up to 5.5, added a little extra to try and feel something, and it started kicking my ass hard. No nausea, but extreme fatigue for 1 day, followed by 3-4 days of zero hunger. Now I'm trying to find a solution to that first day of extreme fatigue post-inject, probably going to add B12 and see how that works. Working great now!

I've tried everything for the day-after fatigue, nothing works, B6/12, caffeine, iron, bariatric vitamins, too much water, etc etc etc.

I've just accepted it by now.
I haven't read the entire thread, but FWIW I took my first dose of sema yesterday, .5 mg.
Source is Core Peptides, so pretty pure stuff, though not cheap.

I wasn't expecting it to hit so early, but holy hell, the acid reflux isn't playing. Kept me awake all night. Fortunately we do have some prescription pantoprazole in the house, so I popped one of those and it seems to have settled down.

Appetite is already diminished. I'm not looking to shed a whole ton of weight, nor get "stage lean" just cut down a few percentage points and get rid of the back fat plus I'd like to see some more quad definition. Diet is pretty tight, around 1800 cals (female if the username doesn't give it away) and dropping every week/10 days.
Just a heads-up, these drugs interfere with your body's ability to process magic mushrooms (psilocybin).
My girl and I took a few grams each and barely felt anything. After some googling I saw others say the same thing.
We're on tirzepatide and I saw people saying it about Semaglutide, so I assume the same for all GLP/GIP agonists.
I don't think it's the stomach. I think it's more what it's doing in the brain - its doing things to neurotransmitters too, hence the help with other addictive issues. I had the same problem with ketamine lozenges/RDTs and with mushrooms. Effects significantly dampened.
I´ve done quite psychedelics and dissociatives on Sema and did not notice any difference in absorption or effects. I take my drugs sublingual

I have just finished my first 2 weeks cycle. 2.5kg (5pounds) less. I would say I´ve lost some lean mass too (well, probably mostly glycongen), even taking a cruise dosage of T plus sprinkling some orals to keep the muscle.

Your bigger enemies during the cycle is the heartburn and constipation. For the heartburn I used famotidine and it pretty much clicked and changed it all. For the constipation pretty well soaked psylium husk. With that 2, you just see the fat melting away as days pass and you eat 50% and less of your common calories. Feels like cheating.

Im not getting rebound hunger but somehow I have used the body to eat less and is easier to keep losing fat even without the drug. I was pretty sure the rebound was going to be brutal but in my case at least there´s nothing of it. Well, maybe Im still lingering effects and in 1 or 2 weeks the hunger will come with a vengueance. Let´s see
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Compound Semaglutide is garbage, it doesn’t work, I got Sema UG from QSC and bought another local source Supertropin and both are top quality, I have a friend on Sema from Supertropin cuz he can’t get Ozempic and he said it’s just as good as Ozempic, QSC is also top quality, I got TIRZEPATIDE mixed w Sema and let me tell you, I haven’t had to increase 2.5mg dose in 2 month of Tirza mixed w .5mg of Sema, loss all my fat, lowered my glucose 20 points down and my appetite is been curved
Are you mixing this yourself or is QSC selling this mixture?
I´ve done quite psychedelics and dissociatives on Sema and did not notice any difference in absorption or effects. I take my drugs sublingual

I have just finished my first 2 weeks cycle. 2.5kg (5pounds) less. I would say I´ve lost some lean mass too (well, probably mostly glycongen), even taking a cruise dosage of T plus sprinkling some orals to keep the muscle.

Your bigger enemies during the cycle is the heartburn and constipation. For the heartburn I used famotidine and it pretty much clicked and changed it all. For the constipation pretty well soaked psylium husk. With that 2, you just see the fat melting away as days pass and you eat 50% and less of your common calories. Feels like cheating.

Im not getting rebound hunger but somehow I have used the body to eat less and is easier to keep losing fat even without the drug. I was pretty sure the rebound was going to be brutal but in my case at least there´s nothing of it. Well, maybe Im still lingering effects and in 1 or 2 weeks the hunger will come with a vengueance. Let´s see
No difference with Ketamine?
I got black tops in April and they had no effect on me during the first three weeks at 2.5. I titrated up to 5.5, added a little extra to try and feel something, and it started kicking my ass hard. No nausea, but extreme fatigue for 1 day, followed by 3-4 days of zero hunger. Now I'm trying to find a solution to that first day of extreme fatigue post-inject, probably going to add B12 and see how that works. Working great now!
Daily injections is a solution. Or at least twice a week or thrice a week, just split your total weekly dose (let's say 5mg) into 2 or 3 shots over the week. You will get all the benefits but sides are less strong.
For me it comes on less than a day. Where you really feel it is when you eat a meal. Kinda get a fullness in the top of your stomach and you don’t want to keep eating.

Some report not thinking about food as much but it can vary from person to person and dosage. My wife tends to get more heartburn and indigestion, but I take a daily GERD medication and haven’t had issue at all.

I use to have snack cravings but don’t dwell on food much now. I’ve lost about 40 pounds since Feb 2023. I’ve done some intermittent fasting lately to help break a plateau, but I was never able to stand fasting before the medication.

I am also on Metformin for Type 2 diabetes that pairs well with Glp-1 medications.

Good luck!
Hey guys please don’t flame as I’m sure the answer is somewhere in this thread, but it’s too large now to try and search.
Simple question. How long after you started using Semaglutide did you begin to notice appetite suppression.