Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
So I after 2 weeks I was on the verge of quitting due excessive heartburn during nights and no sleep.

Yesterday I took 30mgs famotidine and had zero heartburn. I have slept like a baby for first time since starting the sema

This and psyllum husk (fiber) are 2 essentials if you are going to do GLP-1 agonists. 2 godsends.

Let´s keep melting fat
So I after 2 weeks I was on the verge of quitting due excessive heartburn during nights and no sleep.

Yesterday I took 30mgs famotidine and had zero heartburn. I have slept like a baby for first time since starting the sema

This and psyllum husk (fiber) are 2 essentials if you are going to do GLP-1 agonists. 2 godsends.

Let´s keep melting fat
I nearly choked in my sleep a couple times due to the heartburn, not even tren gave me so much heartburn it was crazy
So, Im 2 nights sleeping great but also the hunger has pretty much come at full throttle again. Even upping the dosage +50% today, it´s like the famotidine is in some way negating the semaglutide effect...

I will wait another 24-48 hours to draw conclusions but even with a higher dosage than ever Im eating like an african child since I started taking the famotidine... hmmm

Anyone can relate?
I'm a week and a half into 2.5 mg weekly dose and I've noticed something strange. Remeber, I had no suppression on 2.0 mg weekly and increased after only two weeks.

I still don't really feel I have appetite suppression at 2.5mg, but I am blasting through a weight plateau I've had for a while. My face is definitely leaner, my love handles are really starting to drop in size, and my abdominal fat has been reduced. I'm starting to see definition in my quads now as well.

There's something else at play here besides just appetite suppression.

I've also introduced Metformin in the morning (900-1200mg) trying to squeeze a bit more appetite suppression out of this before I finish my semaglutide cycle and take a few months off.
Is the drop in bf from the medicine or better diet?
You're supposed to inject once a week. Do you mean you reduced the dose for your fifth injection, or did you actually inject again wtihin 5 days?

For heartburn, the treatment order is like this:
-- Antacid: work quickly but for a short period. Will not allow sufficient time to heal damage caused by reflux, will only reduce pH of stomach contents at the time of ingestion
-- Acid reducer: work more slowly, but are more persistent. Will prevent acid production going forward but not lower acidity immediately. May provide enough time for mild or moderate esophageal damage to heal
-- Proton pump inhibitor: Same as an acid reducer, but more dramatic inhibition of stomach acid production.

If the bicarb water isn't helping, take something like famotidine with it next time. If that doesn't help after a couple of days, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Behaviorally, night time heartburn is exacerbated by eating close to bed (~3 hrs), smoking, and over-eating. Try to sleep with your head elevated relative to your stomach so that you don't have liquid pushing on the esophageal sphincter.
Apple cider vinegar, is amazing
I’m not able to comment in the QSC sub but I saw that Arctic uses them for Triz. May someone please ask if they also buy sema? I’m so curious if Arctic buys sema from them also. Not sure if this is a no no though.
It is cheaper as it is $180 for 10mg through my local compound pharmacy. I just need to find out what the equivalency is if it's not bunk
Compound Semaglutide is garbage, it doesn’t work, I got Sema UG from QSC and bought another local source Supertropin and both are top quality, I have a friend on Sema from Supertropin cuz he can’t get Ozempic and he said it’s just as good as Ozempic, QSC is also top quality, I got TIRZEPATIDE mixed w Sema and let me tell you, I haven’t had to increase 2.5mg dose in 2 month of Tirza mixed w .5mg of Sema, loss all my fat, lowered my glucose 20 points down and my appetite is been curved
For the majority of people who don't like to inject for sure, but let's see the market price first. There already is an oral GLP-1 product and it is very expensive compared to injectable forms.
There’s already Semaglutide tabs in the market available for quiet sometime, the efficacy is not even close to ozempic and has been a flop, I see the commercials on TV, it will be interesting to see if what they are creating is as good as injectable, I doubt it
Compound Semaglutide is garbage, it doesn’t work, I got Sema UG from QSC and bought another local source Supertropin and both are top quality, I have a friend on Sema from Supertropin cuz he can’t get Ozempic and he said it’s just as good as Ozempic, QSC is also top quality, I got TIRZEPATIDE mixed w Sema and let me tell you, I haven’t had to increase 2.5mg dose in 2 month of Tirza mixed w .5mg of Sema, loss all my fat, lowered my glucose 20 points down and my appetite is been curved
Would you mind sharing the following information? Are you alternating between TZ and SG or literally mixing for administration? What is your dosing schedule? Have you had a lot of side effects?
Oh man, I woke up choking on some fucking stomach acid the other day, it was brutal. Shit got up my nose and was burning like a mofo, fucking good morning to me.
Yeah I stoped it bro 24/7 hear burn was miserable, after every meal I wanted to just crawl in bed and moan , after a week that i stopped I am completely fine though
been cutting for a few weeks. just got some qsc triz and hgh. never used either before. ganna start at 5mg triz per week and 2iu gh per day. will ramp up the triz if needed and slowly titrate up to 4iu gh over the next 2 months. will report back on how things go.
been cutting for a few weeks. just got some qsc triz and hgh. never used either before. ganna start at 5mg triz per week and 2iu gh per day. will ramp up the triz if needed and slowly titrate up to 4iu gh over the next 2 months. will report back on how things go.
Probably should follow the initial dosing protocol i.e. 2.5mg
You can always dose another 2.5mg 3 or 4 days later if you don't feel any effects.
been cutting for a few weeks. just got some qsc triz and hgh. never used either before. ganna start at 5mg triz per week and 2iu gh per day. will ramp up the triz if needed and slowly titrate up to 4iu gh over the next 2 months. will report back on how things go.
I’m doing the same protocol, 5 mg tirz and 2 iu gh prior to fasted cardio. 22 lbs down in 6 weeks.