Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?

Something as effective as semaglutide in pill form would be a huge success
they do have semaglutide in pill form
For the majority of people who don't like to inject for sure, but let's see the market price first. There already is an oral GLP-1 product and it is very expensive compared to injectable forms.
Exactly. & if it's so effective PO how much more effective subQ would it be & at an even lower dose.
If practical, it'd be great if we could source it lyophilized for massively cheaper.
First week of QSC sema here. Probably hiperresponder as .250mg was bordering a bit too much nausea/side effects during the first 48-72h. I´ve lost 1.1k (+2pounds) in five days, quite promising.

For the second dose at 6 days I´ve done .130mgs and will repeat another .130mgs in 4-5 days when effects start to fade

Mixed with MT2 in second day with the expected notch in nausea with cero problem, so if you have done both peptides before just take half dose and it should not cause trouble

Loving the cosmetic effect in face and core. Even just 1k is quite noticiable. Losing 2-3 kilos will turn me into a real dandy, so yeah, for cutting it is a godsend.

Im feeling way less energetic in general, thought. Also I havent done scans but pretty sure even taking a cruise dose of T plus some lil AAS im losing some muscle/strength. In the gym feeling like just do a regular/mediocre workouts to keep mass but it doesnt make sense to go balls deep as Im almost not taking protein and there´s no way of builing muscle like this, just shoot for not losing what you have

Before sema I was like 4 years eating almost pure carnivore. Now meat doesnt appeal at all and only feeling like feeding some carbs and whey shakes

And yea, saving a ton in food. Even with the price of the peptide, you finally end saving money with it

So all in all, loving th experiment. I will run it maybe 2-3 more weeks and then use the rebound to bulk the fuck up with no mercy
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Currently planning my appetite rebound bulking cycle for when my semaglutide course ends in a few weeks. I didn't want to clutter this thread with an unrelated discussion so I posted a new thread, but for anybody curious in following a tangentally related topic I thought I'd link to the thread:

First week of QSC sema here. Probably hiperresponder as .250mg was bordering a bit too much nausea/side effects during the first 48-72h. I´ve lost 1.1k (+2pounds) in five days, quite promising.

For the second dose at 6 days I´ve done .130mgs and will repeat another .130mgs in 4-5 days when effects start to fade

Mixed with MT2 in second day with the expected notch in nausea with cero problem, so if you have done both peptides before just take half dose and it should not cause trouble

Loving the cosmetic effect in face and core. Even just 1k is quite noticiable. Losing 2-3 kilos will turn me into a real dandy, so yeah, for cutting it is a godsend.

Im feeling way less energetic in general, thought. Also I havent done scans but pretty sure even taking a cruise dose of T plus some lil AAS im losing some muscle/strength. In the gym feeling like just do a regular/mediocre workouts to keep mass but it doesnt make sense to go balls deep as Im almost not taking protein and there´s no way of builing muscle like this, just shoot for not losing what you have

Before sema I was like 4 years eating almost pure carnivore. Now meat doesnt appeal at all and only feeling like feeding some carbs and whey shakes

And yea, saving a ton in food. Even with the price of the peptide, you finally end saving money with it

So all in all, loving th experiment. I will run it maybe 2-3 more weeks and then use the rebound to bulk the fuck up with no mercy
Lucky. I've injected 3mg qsc sema now and nothing. Feels nothing like the months of 1.7mg compounded semaglutide I took before it
Pfizer has their own GLP-1, in oral form, in phase 2 and announced yesterday that it achieved the same results as semaglutide in half the time. This whole market is going to be astonishingly huge.
The big downside I saw to oral was the strict rule like using an exact amount of water and not eating/drinking anything 30-60mins after. The fact that you have to do it 1x to 2x a day was a huge turn off for me. Maybe something I would use for maintenance in the future?

I’m interested to see how all these new GLP-1’s and other weight loss drugs go. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide seem like the tip of the iceberg and Novo and other companies will keep adding on.
The big downside I saw to oral was the strict rule like using an exact amount of water and not eating/drinking anything 30-60mins after. The fact that you have to do it 1x to 2x a day was a huge turn off for me. Maybe something I would use for maintenance in the future?

I’m interested to see how all these new GLP-1’s and other weight loss drugs go. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide seem like the tip of the iceberg and Novo and other companies will keep adding on.
Seven minutes after Mounjaro gets FDA approval for weight loss Ozempic will be Mack Robinson.
Keep in mind that you have to come off of it at some point and the hunger will come back and fuk you up the higher the dose. Now, I went as high as 1mg and came off and I went as high as 2mg and came off and the last time was for sure harder to manage. I cant imagine going up to 7.2mg and then coming off completely.

But it's actually great to see that we are capable to creat modern drugs like GLP-1 receptor agonists that are kinda safe and also very helpful. At 7.2mg I think the hba1c of most diabetics will be in a healthy range below 5.6.
You don't have to come off of it.
QSC tirz update, slamming 2 5mgs a week and seeing some weight drop and less food noise. Ironically, it hasnt worked as well as the sema but ive also had 0 of the s/e's. So, I'll do this course and probably take a break, then use of the QSC sema.I have in the Fall or Winter.
I just got a batch of qsc sema from USA. Not noticing anything compared to the pharmacy grade I was on. It's either incredibly weak or bunk. I would avoid
Your feedback is a bit unfair compared to the many others in this thread that have had very good results with QSC. Perhaps add some supporting info, such as dose used with the pharma sema, length of time on pharma sema, dose used with QSC sema, length of time on QSC sema, how much time passed between your last pharma dose vs when you started QSC.

Personally, I was on pharma Ozempic for 2 months, split doses between pharma Ozempic and QSC sema for another month, and have now been on strictly QSC for the past month. Appetite suppresion has not been as strong for the month that I've been on QSC only but it's definitely not incredibly weak or bunk in my experience. In the first 2 months (Ozempic only), I lost 16 pounds. In the 1 month where I split between pharma Ozempic and QSC sema, I lost another 12 pounds, and in the past month on QSC sema only I've dropped 7 pounds.