Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Wish I had seen this comment sooner. I've been on either Mounjaro 10mg or compounded semaglutide 1.7mg from the local pharmacy for 6 months. Just got a kit from qsc for 2mg semaglutide. Injected the whole vial on Monday since i saw the janoshik test for the 2mg vial only said 1.8mg. it's Wednesday and today hasn't felt anything like the last 6 months. This is the first time I've felt this hungry. I'm missing the sulfer burps too. Very frustrating. I may try injecting another whole vial tomorrow. If I still don't feel anything by the weekend Ill know this stuff is garbage. I was really hoping it would match the janoshik test posted
You my friend have built up a nice tolerance to GLP-1 drugs. It's no wonder you don't feel 3mg of sema working.
I'm a week and a half into 2.5 mg weekly dose and I've noticed something strange. Remeber, I had no suppression on 2.0 mg weekly and increased after only two weeks.

I still don't really feel I have appetite suppression at 2.5mg, but I am blasting through a weight plateau I've had for a while. My face is definitely leaner, my love handles are really starting to drop in size, and my abdominal fat has been reduced. I'm starting to see definition in my quads now as well.

There's something else at play here besides just appetite suppression.

I've also introduced Metformin in the morning (900-1200mg) trying to squeeze a bit more appetite suppression out of this before I finish my semaglutide cycle and take a few months off.
Hey guys, have finished one pen of pharmacy liraglutide (Saxenda).
No appetite suppression whatsoever.

EC stack works amazing. Only doing 8mg w 150mg caffeine twice a day. Can stick to my -700kcal deficit whilst doing 500kcal worth of cardio.

Got roughly 6-8ish more weeks left in this cut and hunger is definitely strong without the EC.

However EC is bringing my resting heart rate from 70ish to 90-100ish even with the cardio. So gotta dial this down a bit.

Also taking rawulscine (a type of yohimbine) 3 times a week in the morning for fasted cardio. These days I only take one dose of EC stack.

Should I bother trying Tirzepatide since Lira was poor.
Any other appetite suppressants y'all recommend?
Hey guys, have finished one pen of pharmacy liraglutide (Saxenda).
No appetite suppression whatsoever.

EC stack works amazing. Only doing 8mg w 150mg caffeine twice a day. Can stick to my -700kcal deficit whilst doing 500kcal worth of cardio.

Got roughly 6-8ish more weeks left in this cut and hunger is definitely strong without the EC.

However EC is bringing my resting heart rate from 70ish to 90-100ish even with the cardio. So gotta dial this down a bit.

Also taking rawulscine (a type of yohimbine) 3 times a week in the morning for fasted cardio. These days I only take one dose of EC stack.

Should I bother trying Tirzepatide since Lira was poor.
Any other appetite suppressants y'all recommend?
Liraglutide is the weakest and least effective of the GLP-1/GIP drugs, so I would not use it as a baseline for predicting your response to all other drugs in the class.
Adding my experience to the mix- I purchased QSC Semaglutide a while back, was on it for several months, came off for a quick strength/bulking training cycle so I could actually come close to eating enough. Took .25mg per week probably 3 months, bumped it to .3 mg per week for the rest of my time on and was essentially never hungry. I would either feel like "I cannot even think about food right now or I will feel sick" or "I COULD eat, but eh, I don't really want to." which is crazy to me since I absolutely love food and usually am constantly thinking about eating and have crazy appetite. During my time on- I pin it on Fridays, and I would notice the strongest effects on Mondays, where I wouldn't want to even look at food, usually by Thursday I'd almost feel a tiny bit hungry at times, but not enough to bother me. During my time off- the effects lingered, as expected for the long half life of the drug, but I was surprised how little hunger rebound I got (probably due to not taking a high dose) I wouldn't say I actually starting getting my full appetite back until maybe two months off of Semaglutide. I will note that the entire time I was taking 2g of metformin per day, This seems to have a pretty potent additive effect and really destroys any hunger. I also take Berberine, this combo seems to make it near impossible for me to put on any significant amount of fat, and seems to keep my lipids looking good. Not sure if I am a hyper-responder or what, but I am pretty surprised at some of the doses I'm seeing people post on here based on my own experience. I think if I nailed myself with nearly 2mg of semaglutide I'd end up not eating for a month. other info: I'm 6ft, bulked up to 250lbs (fatass, not clean) and with semaglutide I felt like I changed nothing and am down to around 235 already. Planning on taking .3mg for at least a few months as I hit a big reset (long overdue) and work my way down until I am around 12% body fat hopefully.
Second week of QSC sema. Started with .250 but it was a bit too much. On the 5th day Istarted taking half, 0.125

With this amount I pretty much have the same sides and less effect. Heartburn is killing my sleep. I use to wake up in the half of the night with the worst heartburn of my life, even if the previous night I have just barely touch 2 bits of food

Currently I take water with bicarbonate for easing the heartburn. Wont take nothing with edulcorants or aluminium salts. How´s people here combatting the heartburn?. Any tricks to ease the sleeptime?
Not sure if I am a hyper-responder or what, but I am pretty surprised at some of the doses I'm seeing people post on here based on my own experience. I think if I nailed myself with nearly 2mg of semaglutide I'd end up not eating for a month
No, this is my experience as well. Problem with GLP-1 drugs is that they build up tolerance over time and if you keep dieting for some time you will end up pushing the dose higher and higher while the effects are slightly getting weaker and weaker.

These drugs work best with some time off of them.
Hey guys, have finished one pen of pharmacy liraglutide (Saxenda).
No appetite suppression whatsoever.

EC stack works amazing. Only doing 8mg w 150mg caffeine twice a day. Can stick to my -700kcal deficit whilst doing 500kcal worth of cardio.

Got roughly 6-8ish more weeks left in this cut and hunger is definitely strong without the EC.

However EC is bringing my resting heart rate from 70ish to 90-100ish even with the cardio. So gotta dial this down a bit.

Also taking rawulscine (a type of yohimbine) 3 times a week in the morning for fasted cardio. These days I only take one dose of EC stack.

Should I bother trying Tirzepatide since Lira was poor.
Any other appetite suppressants y'all recommend?
What dose of liraglutide? Keep ramping it up until you feel appetite suppression.
I don't respond to liraglutide until I hit 3mg/day and then I still have to increase dose almost weekly.
That said, semiglutide & tirzepatide are great & I do respond well to them.
Second week of QSC sema. Started with .250 but it was a bit too much. On the 5th day Istarted taking half, 0.125

How´s people here combatting the heartburn?. Any tricks to ease the sleeptime?
You're supposed to inject once a week. Do you mean you reduced the dose for your fifth injection, or did you actually inject again wtihin 5 days?

For heartburn, the treatment order is like this:
-- Antacid: work quickly but for a short period. Will not allow sufficient time to heal damage caused by reflux, will only reduce pH of stomach contents at the time of ingestion
-- Acid reducer: work more slowly, but are more persistent. Will prevent acid production going forward but not lower acidity immediately. May provide enough time for mild or moderate esophageal damage to heal
-- Proton pump inhibitor: Same as an acid reducer, but more dramatic inhibition of stomach acid production.

If the bicarb water isn't helping, take something like famotidine with it next time. If that doesn't help after a couple of days, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Behaviorally, night time heartburn is exacerbated by eating close to bed (~3 hrs), smoking, and over-eating. Try to sleep with your head elevated relative to your stomach so that you don't have liquid pushing on the esophageal sphincter.
Adding my experience to the mix- I purchased QSC Semaglutide a while back, was on it for several months, came off for a quick strength/bulking training cycle so I could actually come close to eating enough. Took .25mg per week probably 3 months, bumped it to .3 mg per week for the rest of my time on and was essentially never hungry. I would either feel like "I cannot even think about food right now or I will feel sick" or "I COULD eat, but eh, I don't really want to." which is crazy to me since I absolutely love food and usually am constantly thinking about eating and have crazy appetite. During my time on- I pin it on Fridays, and I would notice the strongest effects on Mondays, where I wouldn't want to even look at food, usually by Thursday I'd almost feel a tiny bit hungry at times, but not enough to bother me. During my time off- the effects lingered, as expected for the long half life of the drug, but I was surprised how little hunger rebound I got (probably due to not taking a high dose) I wouldn't say I actually starting getting my full appetite back until maybe two months off of Semaglutide. I will note that the entire time I was taking 2g of metformin per day, This seems to have a pretty potent additive effect and really destroys any hunger. I also take Berberine, this combo seems to make it near impossible for me to put on any significant amount of fat, and seems to keep my lipids looking good. Not sure if I am a hyper-responder or what, but I am pretty surprised at some of the doses I'm seeing people post on here based on my own experience. I think if I nailed myself with nearly 2mg of semaglutide I'd end up not eating for a month. other info: I'm 6ft, bulked up to 250lbs (fatass, not clean) and with semaglutide I felt like I changed nothing and am down to around 235 already. Planning on taking .3mg for at least a few months as I hit a big reset (long overdue) and work my way down until I am around 12% body fat hopefully.
I'll echo this for you, .25 split 2xs weekly at .125 smoked me initially and I shouldve stuck w it. Ramping up dose just fkd me on side effects and had to cut it. Started back on tirz and have to hit 5mgs 2xs week for barely 30% of the effect. I ran thru this entire kit so quickly almost I see the sema as a better drug for me at least, just gonna keep back at very low dose as a maintenance.
I'm taking Nordic Fusion Labs semaglutide. Started at 0.25mg ran that for 4 weeks, upped to 0.5mg and i've been running that for 2 weeks. So far I haven't really noticed much. Maybe a bit of appetite suppression but nothing major yet. I'll update here again but I plan on creating a thread to review this particular lab, as I haven't been able to find any reviews on their semaglutide myself.
Too much heartburn and nausea for me so I had to stop, I was at .5 mg for 1 month and after the 3rd week it was not tolerable, I have issues with my stomach though so I always had heartburn but this was like 24/7. Guess this one ain’t for me
Second week of QSC sema. Started with .250 but it was a bit too much. On the 5th day Istarted taking half, 0.125

With this amount I pretty much have the same sides and less effect. Heartburn is killing my sleep. I use to wake up in the half of the night with the worst heartburn of my life, even if the previous night I have just barely touch 2 bits of food

Currently I take water with bicarbonate for easing the heartburn. Wont take nothing with edulcorants or aluminium salts. How´s people here combatting the heartburn?. Any tricks to ease the sleeptime?
Prevacid dude. Tumms as needed as well. Also you need to have plenty of h20 near by
What dose of liraglutide? Keep ramping it up until you feel appetite suppression.
I don't respond to liraglutide until I hit 3mg/day and then I still have to increase dose almost weekly.
That said, semiglutide & tirzepatide are great & I do respond well to them.
cheers for the reply mate, appreciate it!

Currently at 1.4mg for lira, decided to grab tirz instead as it’s way cheaper from QSC than pharma lira. More effective from what I’ve heard here too.
Thanks for the responses. Famotidine seems exactly what I need. I will try and report.

Obvs I do .25mgs on the first week, and later .125mgs every 5 days.

Currently on the verge of quitting due the unbearable heartburnt. If the famotidine works I will keep the experiemt as the fat is indeed melting