Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hey guys please don’t flame as I’m sure the answer is somewhere in this thread, but it’s too large now to try and search.
Simple question. How long after you started using Semaglutide did you begin to notice appetite suppression.
Did anybody have difficulties with QSC shipment of black top tirzepatide in april ? I can't tell if it was the Tirz or the bac water that came with it, but I bruised every time and did not get effects from the medication. I am using a different supplier and different bac water and it is far superior.
I have a specific question re: semaglutide appetite suppression. I realize this answer will likely vary, or maybe not.

For those of you who are balls deep running this, is the suppression so strong that you actually CANT hit your macros? Like, on the one hand, I have an insatiable appetite that I put off and put off all day before finally breaking at night, the worst possible time. On the other, people on semaglutide have said things like “have to remember to eat because hunger didn’t cross my mind all day.”

My question is, though, if I set an alarm with premade meals, would I actually be able to eat them or is it a feeling like “oh fuck I had too much turkey” all day long where you literally are stuffed and cannot eat? If that’s the case, I don’t think I’d like that. I want the ability to eat without the cravings.

I’d love to hear it makes you just not hungry but can eat if you set your mind to it. I’m imagining, though, it’ll be like Ronnie Coleman choking down 12 eggs and 10 pieces of toast spraying 0 cal cheese whiz everywhere.
I have a specific question re: semaglutide appetite suppression. I realize this answer will likely vary, or maybe not.

For those of you who are balls deep running this, is the suppression so strong that you actually CANT hit your macros?
It’s a little easier to discuss likelihoods than give a yes or no for this question.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the acclimation dose is 0.25 mg, which is about one-tenth of the largest dose studied by the manufacturer. You stay at 0.25 mg for a month, then go up to 0.50 for a month. If you need more suppression, you can go up again. Because you can increase the dose with such great control, and because you have so much room to experiment, there’s a good chance you’ll find a dose where the appetite suppression allows you to eat what you need to but leaves you uninterested in eating more.

However, some people find the side effects intolerable even at the lowest dose. If you’ve got crazy stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, or vomiting, you maynot be hitting your macros. Those may fade as you get used to the drug or they may not. In that case, you’d likely want to quit anyway. (Although, there is nothing saying that, if 0.25 mg/week is too much, you can’t step down rather than up.)

So if (1) you don’t experience intolerable side effects and (2) you follow the dosing schedule, it’s pretty likely you’ll be able to meet your macros without wanting to eat more.

The best way to make this drug a fucking horrible experience is to start at 1 mg right off the bat, or make huge jumps early in the process. You won’t be able to eat anything and you’ll probably puke your brains out for a solid week in that case.
I just got some QSC semaglutide 4g and it's very clumped up. Is this normal?

View attachment 259223
I got some that looked like that (also clear tops). When I looked closely it seemed that is isnt clumpy per se, but more like broken up pucks. On the “clumps” you could see the roundness of where they were once pucks. Maybe the batch got jostled badly at some point in its life? Anyway, it isn’t something I am worrying myself over.
Hey guys please don’t flame as I’m sure the answer is somewhere in this thread, but it’s too large now to try and search.
Simple question. How long after you started using Semaglutide did you begin to notice appetite suppression.
It starts in 1 hour approx, and keeps building for 24-36h. At 36h it peaks and stays there for like 48h and then the hunger suppression starts to fade again approx at the 5-6th day where you feel like eating again but still not to binge
I have a specific question re: semaglutide appetite suppression. I realize this answer will likely vary, or maybe not.

For those of you who are balls deep running this, is the suppression so strong that you actually CANT hit your macros? Like, on the one hand, I have an insatiable appetite that I put off and put off all day before finally breaking at night, the worst possible time. On the other, people on semaglutide have said things like “have to remember to eat because hunger didn’t cross my mind all day.”

My question is, though, if I set an alarm with premade meals, would I actually be able to eat them or is it a feeling like “oh fuck I had too much turkey” all day long where you literally are stuffed and cannot eat? If that’s the case, I don’t think I’d like that. I want the ability to eat without the cravings.

I’d love to hear it makes you just not hungry but can eat if you set your mind to it. I’m imagining, though, it’ll be like Ronnie Coleman choking down 12 eggs and 10 pieces of toast spraying 0 cal cheese whiz everywhere.
The first 3-4 days is really difficult to hit your macros. But if you go for half the dosage or less, you probably could. So just start with 100micrograms wich is plenty for a fisrt doage
I have a specific question re: semaglutide appetite suppression. I realize this answer will likely vary, or maybe not.

For those of you who are balls deep running this, is the suppression so strong that you actually CANT hit your macros.
Obviously depends on the person, but for me I am about 3 months into running it at a low then moderate dose now and it doesn't destroy my appetite entirely. What it does is it takes the willpower factor mostly out of the equation. In other words I am still able to overeat, I just... Don't really want to. I get full fast and don't think about food most of the day. I can still eat 2k Calories in a meal but I have no desire to. And that is very much not like me so I'm loving it.
How fast did you guys ramp up the dosage? or did you stick to the official guidelines?
I've been following the recommended dosage and ramp up for Tirzepatide. Still on week 3 of 5mg and having great results in terms of hunger supression. Since I did have high hba1c, gonna look at next bloods to see if I still need to ramp up more.
How fast did you guys ramp up the dosage? or did you stick to the official guidelines?
My two cents, but it's somewhat crazy to improvise with this drug. It's proven to help weight loss, and there are *piles* of very high quality data on how to use it. We're used to having to use bro science, anecdotes, and our best guesses with other stuff, because we're always working with either illegal or off-label compounds. We don't have to do that here.

Given that it's both fairly expensive and unpleasant to use, the goal should be to use as little of it as possible. The "fuck around and find out" consequence of injecting a drug that has a good chance of making you throw up for a week is bad times.

The only reasonable deviation, IMO, is going slower than the prescribed ramping rate.
Did anybody have difficulties with QSC shipment of black top tirzepatide in april ? I can't tell if it was the Tirz or the bac water that came with it, but I bruised every time and did not get effects from the medication. I am using a different supplier and different bac water and it is far superior.
I didn’t get the black top QSC, but I’m curious what supplier you used that is far superior? Would you share?
Just a heads-up, these drugs interfere with your body's ability to process magic mushrooms (psilocybin).
My girl and I took a few grams each and barely felt anything. After some googling I saw others say the same thing.
We're on tirzepatide and I saw people saying it about Semaglutide, so I assume the same for all GLP/GIP agonists.
Just a heads-up, these drugs interfere with your body's ability to process magic mushrooms (psilocybin).
My girl and I took a few grams each and barely felt anything. After some googling I saw others say the same thing.
We're on tirzepatide and I saw people saying it about Semaglutide, so I assume the same for all GLP/GIP agonists.
What!?! Crazy I wonder what mode of action is going on there?
It's going to be in the stomach longer, is psilocybin destroyed by HCL?
I've read some medication absorption rates are people report having to take sleeping pills up to an hour earlier to their normal dose time.
Interesting side note & thanks for sharing!
Did anybody have difficulties with QSC shipment of black top tirzepatide in april ? I can't tell if it was the Tirz or the bac water that came with it, but I bruised every time and did not get effects from the medication. I am using a different supplier and different bac water and it is far superior.
I bruised when I used black top as well, I figured it was the BAC though. Will have to use it again to see with new BAC I have.

I have been using white tops in meantime. Which, apparently are 7mg, not 10 due to some issue.
I am running 2mg sema from QSC. It definitely works. 0.25 4th week food noise is gone but I will need to up the dose next week since I have a slight appetite elevation at the 5th day from the shot.
It's not going to diet for you but it will definitely help.