Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Has anyone used tirz higher than 15mg per week? I’m on 10mg currently but could easily start taking another dose 3-4 days later but this would put me at 20mg for the week overall …
Are you just stalled and not losing weight or are you overeating? Although I agree with others about taking a break, have you tried to add a little semi for the appetite suppression?
Not many drugs scare me enough to not give them a try if the results they produce are what I’m looking for but Tesofensine concerns me. I really want to try it for the appetite suppression but I’m legit concerned about the seratonin effects and general changes in brain chemistry that are possible.

Have you used it? How did you feel on it? Any noticeable changes in brain function and or outlook?
It scared me too. Adderall is also a reuptake inhibitor of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and I’ve definitely been on that. It for sure works, and I simply do not believe it’s that dangerous. I was on it for years and had nothing wild has ever happened.

The suppression goes away if you take it for multiple years but a few months? Haha yeah it’s gonna work. I got off it because no way in fuck can I keep using it with what I’m running right now, but I might actually deploy it for that 3 month idea if it’s ever needed.
Not many drugs scare me enough to not give them a try if the results they produce are what I’m looking for but Tesofensine concerns me. I really want to try it for the appetite suppression but I’m legit concerned about the seratonin effects and general changes in brain chemistry that are possible.

Have you used it? How did you feel on it? Any noticeable changes in brain function and or outlook?
I'd be more concerned about 19nors and their effect on brain chemistry than Tesofensine.
Are you just stalled and not losing weight or are you overeating? Although I agree with others about taking a break, have you tried to add a little semi for the appetite suppression?
I haven’t no - I’ve always been under the impression tirz was stronger than sema when it came to appetite suppression so I switch a while ago and never bought any more sema
I haven’t no - I’ve always been under the impression tirz was stronger than sema when it came to appetite suppression so I switch a while ago and never bought any more sema

Sema: highest suppression, highest side effects

Tirz: less side effects, less suppression, more weight loss

Reta: least side effects (except heart), least suppression, highest energy, highest BMR increase, highest overall weight loss

These are of course generalized, experiences will differ by the individual.
It's not harmful to your kidneys at all. In the studies it even improved kidney function a little. By my own bloodwork I can tell the same. It helps to flush out things we dont want during a cycle, things like Ldl, Triglycerides, uric acid. These parameters went down a little and hdl slightly improved.
yes people lost weight and lowering BP from that helps kidneys HOWEVER it appears that those who have gastro issues with it are at higher risk for kidney issues... now of course u need to have bad kidneys to begin with to notice. But indeed sema has been linked to permanent decrease kidney function/renal failure... maybe it has to do with rapid weight loss more than GLP itself, I dont know... but its a thing drs know about and won't give sema to diabetics if have poor kidney function.
yes people lost weight and lowering BP from that helps kidneys HOWEVER it appears that those who have gastro issues with it are at higher risk for kidney issues... now of course u need to have bad kidneys to begin with to notice. But indeed sema has been linked to permanent decrease kidney function/renal failure... maybe it has to do with rapid weight loss more than GLP itself, I dont know... but its a thing drs know about and won't give sema to diabetics if have poor kidney function.
I think you were misunderstanding my post, I was being asked about canagliflozin (sglt 2 inhibitors in general) and that post was my answer to it. In studies sglt 2 inhibitors improved kidney function in Diabetes type 2 patients.

I agree to what you have said about semaglutide (GLP-1 RAs).
Ahah. Tbh, personally 19nors also improve my mental health and quality life initially. Keeping doses reasonable, Tren makes me energetic and confident; Ment makes me bubbly and joyous; Deca just makes me zen af.

Then like week 10 or the sleep deprivation hits and its all down-hill lol
Dude, I’m similar actually. The insomnia from tren eventually gets to me and I have to use omeprazole while on which I’m not keen on. Other than that, I feel freakin fantastic on Tren, Ment and NPP. But especially Tren and Ment.

it’s like something is missing in my DNA that those drugs fill. Especially mentally. I’m calm, happy, confident and very capable. If I run Tren Ace near 400mg, occasionally I might have a delusional moment but I know it’s the tren so I’m able to not react to the thought and just shake my head and laugh and chuckle at the power of the orange/rusty nectar.

oh and it’s also about week 9 when I have had enough of the poor sleep to throw in the towel.
Dude, I’m similar actually. The insomnia from tren eventually gets to me and I have to use omeprazole while on which I’m not keen on. Other than that, I feel freakin fantastic on Tren, Ment and NPP. But especially Tren and Ment.

it’s like something is missing in my DNA that those drugs fill. Especially mentally. I’m calm, happy, confident and very capable. If I run Tren Ace near 400mg, occasionally I might have a delusional moment but I know it’s the tren so I’m able to not react to the thought and just shake my head and laugh and chuckle at the power of the orange/rusty nectar.

oh and it’s also about week 9 when I have had enough of the poor sleep to throw in the towel.
God you and I both man. If I could ride those Tren and Ment highs forever indefinitely and without sides, I so would. That'd be the dream.

Tho sadly eventually it all catches up.
These GLP-1's fuck me up bad.

Literally non of my oral supplement or meds absorb and when they do they can't seem to peak.

Always have crashed DHEA and pregnenolone so need to supplement.
I had crazy anxiety attacks so couldn't figure it out. Until I found the supps don't absorb.
I do them sublingually now but they seem to be less effective for me that way.

Also worried that the ADHD meds I'm just prescribed won't absorb so waiting for it to get out of my system.

Tirzepatide is a wild one. Even 2 weeks after my last dose I have appetite suppression.

Does anyone know how long it takes before Tirzepatide gets out of your system and when the slow gastric emptying stops?
These GLP-1's fuck me up bad.

Literally non of my oral supplement or meds absorb and when they do they can't seem to peak.

Always have crashed DHEA and pregnenolone so need to supplement.
I had crazy anxiety attacks so couldn't figure it out. Until I found the supps don't absorb.
I do them sublingually now but they seem to be less effective for me that way.

Also worried that the ADHD meds I'm just prescribed won't absorb so waiting for it to get out of my system.

Tirzepatide is a wild one. Even 2 weeks after my last dose I have appetite suppression.

Does anyone know how long it takes before Tirzepatide gets out of your system and when the slow gastric emptying stops?
Meds should always work, no matter the GLP-1 dose. It's like taking medication on a full stomach, it will take longer to be absorbed and go into your system.
These GLP-1's fuck me up bad.

Literally non of my oral supplement or meds absorb and when they do they can't seem to peak.

Always have crashed DHEA and pregnenolone so need to supplement.
I had crazy anxiety attacks so couldn't figure it out. Until I found the supps don't absorb.
I do them sublingually now but they seem to be less effective for me that way.

Also worried that the ADHD meds I'm just prescribed won't absorb so waiting for it to get out of my system.

Tirzepatide is a wild one. Even 2 weeks after my last dose I have appetite suppression.

Does anyone know how long it takes before Tirzepatide gets out of your system and when the slow gastric emptying stops?
Definitely in your head.... plenty of people who has slow gastric emptying can still absorb their medication.

The people who having dumping syndrome(literally) need to lay down so everything won't come out.

Sema: highest suppression, highest side effects

Tirz: less side effects, less suppression, more weight loss

Reta: least side effects (except heart), least suppression, highest energy, highest BMR increase, highest overall weight loss

These are of course generalized, experiences will differ by the individual.
So Sema might be most effective if you push your kcal low enough. etc seems to be the one for RFL and very. low kcal diets?!

Remember most of the studies do not have study subject control kcals very effecicently. At best, they introduce better diets and a little training.

What I know for certain:
Sema: GLP-1 receptor agonist.
Tirz: dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist.
Reta: GIP, GLP-1 and glucagon receptor agonist.

GLP-1: Increases satiety, increases Nausea, increases insulin and Beta Cell Proliferation, lowers Glucagon and Beta Cell Apotosis, and lowers Glucose Production. Increase Insulin Sensitivity.
GIP: Lowers nausea, increases Insulin and Beta Cell Proliferation, increases Glucagon, lowers Beta Cell apoptosis, lowers Triglycerides, and increases Insulin Sensitivity and lipid Buffering Capacity.
Glucagon: (not certain, but seems to lower appetite).
Anecdotal though: it seems like people have more appetite suppression on Tirz and with less side effects though ... not talking about on a mg/mg compare, as Joe Jeffery says, that's not how we measure the efficacy of drugs.

Not sure about Reta ...