Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Sadly, on sema at least, almost everyone that stops return to their highest weight within 5 years (it's thought we have a marker in the brain, that will always try to return os to the heaviest weight we have ever been - according to Novo Nordisk).
Speaking of the people in these studies this is true, speaking of the guys using semaglutide in my circle they all kept most of the pounds off after dropping the sema. If you have no work ethic you will always fall back into your old eating habits. That's the reason why those people in these studies got so fat in the first place.
BTW I wondered if anyone have tried to MIX Rets and Sema? to get more GL-1 activation next to GIP actication ... it's not given to be smart, I know there is many mechanisms that has to be aligned in a very careful 1:1 relation to work in synergy and such .... but still it might be something like that Nova Nordisk is going to do next themselves. 0,5 mg of SEMA with 4 mg of Rets, should be a strong combo.
I've read of a fair few people mixing Sema with either Ret or Tirz. Sema's significantly cheaper, which is usually why. I might actually try it myself now you've posited it

Also, weight loss rebound is common, particularly where drugs are involved. I don't think Semaglutide is particularly unique in this regard. The issue as always is that too many people allow the drug to do the heavy lifting (here being appetite suppression and increased satiety) without building better habits. For those who get morbidly overweight, there's often a deeper dysfunctional psychological or behavioural issue that needs to be addressed, else the pattern just repeats.

Sema: highest suppression, highest side effects

Tirz: less side effects, less suppression, more weight loss

Reta: least side effects (except heart), least suppression, highest energy, highest BMR increase, highest overall weight loss

These are of course generalized, experiences will differ by the individual.
Is Reta new? Never heard of it
Definitely in your head.... plenty of people who has slow gastric emptying can still absorb their medication.

The people who having dumping syndrome(literally) need to lay down so everything won't come out.
"semaglutide can delay gastric emptying and may impact the absorption of oral medications."
I've had rather limited success this year with semaglutide, to be perfectly frank my results have been disappointing. I introduced 900mg of Metformin and still didn't have much success... Until recently introducing 100mg of Canagliflozin daily.

I'm now down about 10lbs in the last 14 days, love handles are quickly deflating and my stomach is leaner than it's been in a long time. I have pretty visible outlines of abs despite still needing to lose 15-20lbs. I'm actually starting to worry about loose skin problems from dropping weight so quickly but I'll take that over obesity any day.

Figured I'd share my success stacking with Canagliflozin for anybody else in the same boat.
Be careful mixing Metformin and Semiglutide. They both reduce BG. My wife’s Dr took her off Metformin when she started Semiglutide.
"semaglutide can delay gastric emptying and may impact the absorption of oral medications."

Significantly increasing bioavailability may bring you just as far out of the therapeutic zone as significantly decreasing it. More isn't always better.
"semaglutide can delay gastric emptying and may impact the absorption of oral medications."
Well my adderall’s blasting the fuck off on Reta I guess you could call that impact
Definitely in your head.... plenty of people who has slow gastric emptying can still absorb their medication.

The people who having dumping syndrome(literally) need to lay down so everything won't come out.
Not necessarily in OP's head at all. I'm similarly ADHD diagnosed and medicated, and these GLP drugs do funky stuff to my condition and meds. Some of this is ofc due to delayed Gastric emptying as you said, but there's already decent research (and an enormity of anecdotes) of these drugs effecting neural reward pathways. Plenty of people report starting these drugs for weight loss and food addiction, only to suddenly find other compulsions like gambling, alcohol, and shopping similarly disappear.

Somewhere in these Meds there's definitely something that effects addiction, ADHD, OCD, depression, and anxiety.
Not necessarily in OP's head at all. I'm similarly ADHD diagnosed and medicated, and these GLP drugs do funky stuff to my condition and meds. Some of this is ofc due to delayed Gastric emptying as you said, but there's already decent research (and an enormity of anecdotes) of these drugs effecting neural reward pathways. Plenty of people report starting these drugs for weight loss and food addiction, only to suddenly find other compulsions like gambling, alcohol, and shopping similarly disappear.

Somewhere in these Meds there's definitely something that effects addiction, ADHD, OCD, depression, and anxiety.
You took the words out of my mouth.
Started my ADHD meds. I'm on instant release dexamphetamine. They turn into a extended release version because of Tirz.
They kick in 3 hours later. And stop working 12 hours later. Instead of the official 4-6 hour half life.
It's fucks up a lot.
Severe anhedonia. No reward pleasure from actually doing some hard stuff.
also to replace the addictions I binge watch youtube and need to have constant music on otherwise I feel like I'm deprived of dopamine.

Now almost 3 weeks after my last shot. Things are slowly starting to absorb again with a 2-3 hour delay.

Never taking these GLP-1's again ever.
You took the words out of my mouth.
Started my ADHD meds. I'm on instant release dexamphetamine. They turn into a extended release version because of Tirz.
They kick in 3 hours later. And stop working 12 hours later. Instead of the official 4-6 hour half life.
It's fucks up a lot.
Severe anhedonia. No reward pleasure from actually doing some hard stuff.
also to replace the addictions I binge watch youtube and need to have constant music on otherwise I feel like I'm deprived of dopamine.

Now almost 3 weeks after my last shot. Things are slowly starting to absorb again with a 2-3 hour delay.

Never taking these GLP-1's again ever.
Yeah my Adderall was already extended release, so now I feel like I’m on 24/7, waking up bug-eyed ready to take on the world or get trapped in a 2-hour conversation lmao. I honestly fucking love it, but I guess that’s sort of the problem. No anhedonia, thankfully.
I am in the “it’s a different drug” crowd. I was on a middling dose of sema and I tried to ramp up dose of tirz too quick and the first few days I wanted to die. I felt like I was going to birth a fucking alien out of my stomach. I should have just read the fucking manual made by the people that engineered the damn drug instead of freeballing it.
Wait, you were on both sema and tirz? :eek:
Either way, yeah, my sympathies to anyone who starts glp agonists at high doses.
Be careful mixing Metformin and Semiglutide. They both reduce BG. My wife’s Dr took her off Metformin when she started Semiglutide.
Agree. The people I know on Sema are still on their metformin and so far no issues. I wonder though if they reach their maintenance dose of sema and have issues if the doc would also suggest dropping metformin in addition to the possible solutions seen in drug information profile.
I don't know about Tirzepatide or Retatrutide, but Semaglutide is well tolerated together with Metformin, studies have shown there are no drug interactions.

Also, hypoglycemia is unlikely on either Sema or Metformin.

Also, they work in different ways: Sema stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas and Metformin improves insulin sensitivity (Sema only does that by lowering appetite/food intake). So it's said to be a nice pairing. Same with adding Telmisartan... those 3 together can really repair metabolism in fat ppl, people with diabetes, prediabetes, and so on.

Also in my view, everyone on TRT should be on Telmisartan and Metformin always, because those will counter many of those factors in TRT that shorten life span and such.

Not to mention they overall have a nice positive synergy on nutrient partioning.
Yeah my Adderall was already extended release, so now I feel like I’m on 24/7, waking up bug-eyed ready to take on the world or get trapped in a 2-hour conversation lmao. I honestly fucking love it, but I guess that’s sort of the problem. No anhedonia, thankfully.
Lol. Luckily I'm not the only one.
my anhedonia comes from the poor neurosteroid absorption like DHEA and Pregnenolone. Waiting for some HCG to relieve that. your feeling it stronger...sema at least has some anti addictive properties, unsure of how but imagine something to do with dopamine and feeling full... although people crave smokes AFTER they get full so I dunno..
Yeah, it’s tricky though, because I don’t know if it’s because the Adderall is actually hitting stronger, or if it’s because I’m feeling Aderall’s energy combining with Reta’s energy, or if it’s because I’m not binging myself into carb comas anymore, or if it’s because I (most likely) eliminated all my vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or if it’s a mixture of the 4. your feeling it stronger...sema at least has some anti addictive properties, unsure of how but imagine something to do with dopamine and feeling full... although people crave smokes AFTER they get full so I dunno..
True, new studies indicate it might even work against cocaine addiction.
Guess Reta should do the same unless it's tied to the GL-1 receptor, it takes 9 mg of Reta to activate the GL-1 receptor as much as 1mg of sema.
Yeah, it’s tricky though, because I don’t know if it’s because the Adderall is actually hitting stronger, or if it’s because I’m feeling Aderall’s energy combining with Reta’s energy, or if it’s because I’m not binging myself into carb comas anymore, or if it’s because I (most likely) eliminated all my vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or if it’s a mixture of the 4.
Guess the heat from the DNP might increase the uptake and make it more effective as well ... or something else entirely

Also with low kcal intake are some months of insane activated activity in natural catecholamines. I felt that on RFL as well, but then eventually it crashed and it feels more like burnout. (though I think Reta etc. will minimize or eliminate that).