Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

He was talking about the SGLT-2 inhibitor, empagliflozin. Moderate effect on weight loss if any. Used mainly to help manage blood glucose.
It helped me a lot. The more carbs you eat the more you pee out. It's actually a great drug to use for the last couple weeks of diet when food is already low and cardio somewhat high.
Thanks to all those who gave me advice on my post a little while ago.

I’ve ordered some sema and will add that in to the mix to see if I can get some extra appetite suppression.

Currently running 10mg tirz on Mondays and was thinking of adding the sema in on Thursdays. Would starting at 5mg be over kill? I’ve run Ozempic before at 1mg but the appetite suppression lasted a day.
Thanks to all those who gave me advice on my post a little while ago.

I’ve ordered some sema and will add that in to the mix to see if I can get some extra appetite suppression.

Currently running 10mg tirz on Mondays and was thinking of adding the sema in on Thursdays. Would starting at 5mg be over kill? I’ve run Ozempic before at 1mg but the appetite suppression lasted a day.
5mg tirz was my sweet spot. 7.5 made me bloated and gassy. Very gassy. I cant imagine 10mg
I’m looking to add either sema or tirz for the first time to my cut. Leaning towards tirz from what I read here.
I’ll be running it with test primo and HGH

As many of you have some experience with this, what do you guys recommend? I know how to get shredded, so I just need this to aid and not do the work for me. Fat loss is the main goal, appetite I can handle very well.

What dosage would be good to start on?
And inject once or twice a week?
Can I continue using metformin with this? I take 500mg ED
I've been using qsc sema and tirz for a while and I would like to order again. I usually use alibaba to pay but I see they don't like that method and add on a charge. I'm not sure how to do any other payment method. Any insight from anyone?

I'm currently on a break from any glp. I was on sema and lost 50 pounds and then switched to tirz and got dizzy and felt weird so decided to take a break. I'm starting back up with the sema again since I didn't feel dizzy on it. I have a history of extreme dizziness after Covid and I'd prefer to not feel like that again lol.
Thanks to all those who gave me advice on my post a little while ago.

I’ve ordered some sema and will add that in to the mix to see if I can get some extra appetite suppression.

Currently running 10mg tirz on Mondays and was thinking of adding the sema in on Thursdays. Would starting at 5mg be over kill? I’ve run Ozempic before at 1mg but the appetite suppression lasted a day.
5mg Sema? I think you would regret that. I've been on it about three months and I take .5 M/W/F and still get sides.
Thanks to all those who gave me advice on my post a little while ago.

I’ve ordered some sema and will add that in to the mix to see if I can get some extra appetite suppression.

Currently running 10mg tirz on Mondays and was thinking of adding the sema in on Thursdays. Would starting at 5mg be over kill? I’ve run Ozempic before at 1mg but the appetite suppression lasted a day.
5 mg may be too much unless you actually meant 0.5mg. The commercial weight loss doses for sema don't even go up to 5 mg so that dose would be risky.
You realize the max dose is 2mg right. Normal starting dose is .25mg but yeah fuck it let’s start at 10 times that
I ran through the standard dosage titration when I was on Ozempic a few months ago - I’m still using 1mg per week but my access to the pens is about to end which is why I’ve swapped to generic. I’m comfortable going to 2/2.5mg from the current 1mg dose I’ve kept in alongside my tirzepetide (my apologies, I didn’t mention I was currently still using ozempic).
I’m running 10-15mg of tirz without any sides and have used 2mg of Ozempic with no issues … I’m a hungry boy so it usually takes a bit to kill my appetite.
You definitely need to see a doctor, you probably need some kind of receptor detox, or perhaps you have used too much too fast and fucked up your system.

Important: More than 15 mg of tirz and 2,4mg of sema, are not tested to be safe. And that's not mixing 15 mg tirz with 2,4 mg sema either.

For each 9 mg of tirz you take, you have to subtract 1 mg, so if you are taking 15 mg of tirz 2,4 mg - 1,666, that means you should maximum do 0,7 mg sema with your 15 mg tirz. Then BOTH the GLP-1 and GIP are saturated and MAXED out.

If your problem is glucagon, you should try reta instead, tirz problem is it raises glucagon.

But unless you have been on this stuff for years and years, something is really off... again perhaps you have screwed up your entire system, by taking too much too fast... none the least you should see a specialized doc at this point.

Most do great on EITHER 4 mg a week of tirz for years or 1 mg of sema a week for years.
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