Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I can understand why you don’t cause you’re not eating enough food for a mouse to have a bowel movement lmao. I eat pretty clean and it doesn’t seem to matter. I think I have noticed though when I drink my gatorlyte rapid hydration drink it seems to be worse. Kind of weird but maybe there is something in that drink causing it through interaction or it may just be working too well and I might need to go back down on my dose. I had to prep for a colonoscopy and edoscopy 2 weeks ago and they told me I was fine to g ahead and take my mounjaro (tirz) on Sunday of that week. I stopped eating Tuesday evening at 7pm and didn’t eat much that meal. I prepped the whole next day which is awful if you’ve never done it’s a clear liquid diet only for that day and they did my endoscopy on Thursday and wouldn’t do the colonoscopy because I still had food in my stomach from at least Tuesday evening so more than 36 hrs later. This was after shutting my guys out for a day and a half to clean out for the procedure. This almost leads me to believe the effects can be too strong for some people such as myself and food setting in the gastric system for so long is causing it. But that’s just a theory. I may try to split my dose next week and see if that helps but if not then I’ve either got to take another break from it which I just did from august to November, or find something to help.
I think we figured it out your comment confirms it. How much potassium and magnesium are you ingesting? I upped my amount of potassium and magnesium yesterday. I got the burps last night, and they didn’t stop until a few hours ago. They’re fucking disgusting, they’re like the ones you get after eating Honey Nut Cheerios but worse, right? You mentioned gatorlyte, so I’m thinking this has gotta be the cause. Good luck with everything going on with the colonoscopy and stuff, that sounds brutal.
I think we figured it out your comment confirms it. How much potassium and magnesium are you ingesting? I upped my amount of potassium and magnesium yesterday. I got the burps last night, and they didn’t stop until a few hours ago. They’re fucking disgusting, they’re like the ones you get after eating Honey Nut Cheerios but worse, right? You mentioned gatorlyte, so I’m thinking this has gotta be the cause. Good luck with everything going on with the colonoscopy and stuff, that sounds brutal.
I honestly think that might be it. I drink a lot of those because I only drink that and water pretty much. I haven’t had one today and guess what? No nasty burps this has to be a big part of it I’m thinking. It sucks too because I love those drinks because they’re very low in sugar and have alll the electrolytes. I guess I’m gonna have to find a new electrolyte source and see if it happens with others or maybe just specifically the gatorlyte. Thanks for the insight
Right I understand that’s a benefit of the medicine is delayed gastric emptying. I am going to stop taking it 2 weeks prior to having the procedure when they reschedule me. I was more asking if you might have any idea of how to combat the sulfuric belches it has started giving me at the new dose. I’m gonna try the digestive enzymes that someone suggested and try and split my dose in half twice a week and see if it gets better if not I may just take have to go back down to 5mg but I’d prefer not to if I don’t have to since the most effective dose in studies seemed to be 10mg and I am t2d which is why I’m on it to begin with.

Fantastic thank you for that information that’s what I was hoping to hear.

Increases its efficacy how? Would you mind to send me the list that does that? I’m t2d and would love to know what they are so I could talk to my dr about maybe adding something with it for that reason.
I don't have any recommendation besides cessation because it is a consequence of delayed gastric emptying (food hanging out in your gut longer) per se. There's not really any other measure that you can take.
Increases its efficacy how? Would you mind to send me the list that does that? I’m t2d and would love to know what they are so I could talk to my dr about maybe adding something with it for that reason.
Apologies, I have been away from the computer. Here's a list of the medications I referred to earlier... (you'll have to take all due diligence etc):
acetyl sulfisoxazole
nalidixic acid
Apologies, I have been away from the computer. Here's a list of the medications I referred to earlier... (you'll have to take all due diligence etc):
acetyl sulfisoxazole
nalidixic acid
No problem I wasn’t in a hurry. Thank you for that information. I have a lot to start researching and talk to my doc about.
I tried some retatrutide this week and didn’t find it to be effective at all (only had a 5mg vial and had previously been using 10-15mg of tirz). I did my last 2mg shot today but my appetite is through the roof - would going back to my 10mg shot of tirz tomorrow be too soon?
I tried some retatrutide this week and didn’t find it to be effective at all (only had a 5mg vial and had previously been using 10-15mg of tirz). I did my last 2mg shot today but my appetite is through the roof - would going back to my 10mg shot of tirz tomorrow be too soon?
1. 2mg Reta is nowhere near equivalent to a 10mg dose of Tirz. You need to titrate up. Near 6-8mg you might start to see similar effects. So yeah, you're hungrier.

2. Reta doesn't hit the GLP1 receptor nearly as hard anyway. It's more a gentle caress; it works by goosing metabolic rate which Tirz does not do. So yes. You will be hungrier. Glucagon is like that. Doesn't mean it isn't working; you'll still eat less, relatively, but also burn more.

3. Lots of people stack both, so sure, go ahead. Since they are both built on GIP backbones though, you may be lessening the effects of one in favour of binding the other. But that's my totally uninformed theory, I'm no scientist and have no idea whether or how saturation is a thing for GIP.
I tried some retatrutide this week and didn’t find it to be effective at all (only had a 5mg vial and had previously been using 10-15mg of tirz). I did my last 2mg shot today but my appetite is through the roof - would going back to my 10mg shot of tirz tomorrow be too soon?
You’re gonna need waaaaay more than that if you were on 10-15 mg of Tirz. I went straight to 4 mg of Reta from just 2.5 mg of Tirz. Even though that is higher than my Tirz dose, the suppression is about the same, because like @TessaM said, Reta’s suppressive effects are lesser than Tirzepatide’s. I would not give up on Reta, because it is much better than Tirz imo. I’ve had way less side effects, and having extra energy instead of less energy is amazing! I would use Tirzepatide while you wait for more Reta to come in. If you’re worried about it being too soon to do a 10 mg shot, you could break that up into two 5 mg shots over the course of the week.
Another thing I love about Reta is the 6 day half life. You really do notice the difference. This is the last day before my next shot, and was the only day where cravings began to exist. When I was on Tirz, the last 3 days were pretty tough.
You’re gonna need waaaaay more than that if you were on 10-15 mg of Tirz. I went straight to 4 mg of Reta from just 2.5 mg of Tirz. Even though that is higher than my Tirz dose, the suppression is about the same, because like @TessaM said, Reta’s suppressive effects are lesser than Tirzepatide’s. I would not give up on Reta, because it is much better than Tirz imo. I’ve had way less side effects, and having extra energy instead of less energy is amazing! I would use Tirzepatide while you wait for more Reta to come in. If you’re worried about it being too soon to do a 10 mg shot, you could break that up into two 5 mg shots over the course of the week.
I only had one vial sample - I’ve got a lot of tirez in my fridge that I don’t want to waste so I’ll have to switch back. May need to go straight back to 10mg - my appetite has seemingly come back with a vengeance overnight. I actually chewed and spat out brownies before!!
I only had one vial sample - I’ve got a lot of tirez in my fridge that I don’t want to waste so I’ll have to switch back. May need to go straight back to 10mg - my appetite has seemingly come back with a vengeance overnight. I actually chewed and spat out brownies before!!
Oh yeah definitely go back if you’re stocked up, it’s a beautiful compound. I’m laying here with my appetite nagging at me right now, It’s keeping me awake but whatever. Just waiting until the morning comes so I can take my next dose. There is not one chance in the world that I could spit out a brownie right now though lmao.
Curious, but are there any people who are non or light responders to these drugs? As I've sampled a fair few now, all from different sources, and the only one that profoundly touched my appetite was Semaglutide - and that's primarily because the nausea, sulphur burps, and ramifications of eating poorly were just crippling. Tirz and Retra seem to limit my appetite ceiling - i.e. how much I could take in a single meal - but it's still grossly easy for me to over-eat, and I suffer the eternal food noise.

Admittedly I am already at a reasonable body-fat (14%) so there's not a tonne for me to lose, and am critically also ADHD so food is an easy source of dopamine for me. Though I've been disappointed with my experience and the money I've spent thus far. I've read many accounts where people battle to put down even 2000 calories, yet I can still comfortably hit my bulking targets of ~4400 even at near max doses of Tirz and Ret.
Curious, but are there any people who are non or light responders to these drugs? As I've sampled a fair few now, all from different sources, and the only one that profoundly touched my appetite was Semaglutide - and that's primarily because the nausea, sulphur burps, and ramifications of eating poorly were just crippling. Tirz and Retra seem to limit my appetite ceiling - i.e. how much I could take in a single meal - but it's still grossly easy for me to over-eat, and I suffer the eternal food noise.

Admittedly I am already at a reasonable body-fat (14%) so there's not a tonne for me to lose, and am critically also ADHD so food is an easy source of dopamine for me. Though I've been disappointed with my experience and the money I've spent thus far. I've read many accounts where people battle to put down even 2000 calories, yet I can still comfortably hit my bulking targets of ~4400 even at near max doses of Tirz and Ret.

It sounds like they work exactly as they are supposed to, you are just ignoring them and pushing through to eat more. You have to know when to back off and stop eating. They help but they don't stop you from eating. I've been on semaglutide or tirzepatide for over a year now. I'm down 120 lbs. They work on me exactly as you describe, I just know I don't want sulphur burps or to feel miserable so I don't eat as much. With tirz I hit that wall when I'm eating like you but I stop and walk away. Could I push through and eat more? Sure. And I have before. But I am motivated to get in shape so I don't do that. It sounds like you just aren't motivated enough to me. You need to find a better reason to lose weight if that's what you really want bc everything you described makes it sound like the drugs are doing exactly what they are supposed to
It sounds like they work exactly as they are supposed to, you are just ignoring them and pushing through to eat more. You have to know when to back off and stop eating. They help but they don't stop you from eating. I've been on semaglutide or tirzepatide for over a year now. I'm down 120 lbs. They work on me exactly as you describe, I just know I don't want sulphur burps or to feel miserable so I don't eat as much. With tirz I hit that wall when I'm eating like you but I stop and walk away. Could I push through and eat more? Sure. And I have before. But I am motivated to get in shape so I don't do that. It sounds like you just aren't motivated enough to me. You need to find a better reason to lose weight if that's what you really want bc everything you described makes it sound like the drugs are doing exactly what they are supposed to
I disagree, “it’s still grossly easy to overeat” sounds like a light responder. These compounds nuke your appetite if you are a normal responder. The norm is people habii having to remember and even force themselves to get enough calories until they build a tolerance to their dose.
I disagree, “it’s still grossly easy to overeat” sounds like a light responder. These compounds nuke your appetite if you are a normal responder. The norm is people habii having to remember and even force themselves to get enough calories until they build a tolerance to their dose.
At first sure. I was the same way the first few months but eventually it tones itself down. I'm over a year in and can easily override the effect if I want to now. I'm currently on 12.5mg actual mounjaro. At first I would get bloated and miserable off the smallest amount of food but the effect wears off over time. The first 6 months I couldn't even touch alcohol bc it tasted so bad. I can have a few beers no problem now
At first sure. I was the same way the first few months but eventually it tones itself down. I'm over a year in and can easily override the effect if I want to now. I'm currently on 12.5mg actual mounjaro. At first I would get bloated and miserable off the smallest amount of food but the effect wears off over time. The first 6 months I couldn't even touch alcohol bc it tasted so bad. I can have a few beers no problem now
Yep - same thing with me. It's still effective but you can eat a lot more after you've been on for awhile.
I got up to 1mg Semaglutide and have switched over to Tirz since the Semaglutide was making me extremely tired. 5mg doesn't seem nearly as effective as the Semaglutide was and I'm guessing it's due to cross tolerance. Anyone have a similar experience?
At first sure. I was the same way the first few months but eventually it tones itself down. I'm over a year in and can easily override the effect if I want to now. I'm currently on 12.5mg actual mounjaro. At first I would get bloated and miserable off the smallest amount of food but the effect wears off over time. The first 6 months I couldn't even touch alcohol bc it tasted so bad. I can have a few beers no problem now
Thank you for the insight, he just started though. He should be bloated as fuck and miserable for daring to eat a 1000 calorie carby meal 21 hours ago like I am right now lmao.
I got up to 1mg Semaglutide and have switched over to Tirz since the Semaglutide was making me extremely tired. 5mg doesn't seem nearly as effective as the Semaglutide was and I'm guessing it's due to cross tolerance. Anyone have a similar experience?
5 mg is a little less than halfway up the max Tirz dose, just like 1 mg is a little less than halfway up the max Sema dose. Remember that sema’s appetite suppression is stronger than Tirzepatide’s, and Tirzepatide’s is stronger than Retatrutide’s. I was only on the 2.5 mg starter dose with tirz, but I had to go straight to 4 mg on Reta to get the same amount of suppression. You’ll likely need to do something similar. Try 7.5.