Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I wonder how the side effects of these new popular drugs compare to the OG GLP1s like Dulaglutide Liraglutide etc. Reta > more energy Tirz > a little less energy Sema > a lot less energy Dula/Lira > coma?
In my experience the desirable effects are lower, and the undesirable side effects are higher, haven't tried dulaglutide though but liraglutide had more sides than sema, and sema had more sides than tirz.
I did lose the most weight on sema though.
In my experience the desirable effects are lower, and the undesirable side effects are higher, haven't tried dulaglutide though but liraglutide had more sides than sema, and sema had more sides than tirz.
I did lose the most weight on sema though.
I hear Reta has the least undesirable effects of them all. Mine is coming in this upcoming week. I’m super excited but worried the appetite suppression won’t be as strong as I want it to be. Tirz suppression is golden.
So for guys that have a flat mood on Sema or Tirz. And are on TRT/Gear I may know why.

So because of the slower gastric emptying supplements like DHEA and or pregnenolone gets absorbed very slowly.

did my pregnenolone tablet sublingually this morning and the light switch turned on again.
And don't really have this flat mood anymore.

Might help for some!
I don’t follow the crowd. I march to the beat of my own drum. LOL
I’m having those awful stomach and gastro problems with the Tirz at 2.5mg. I have seen a lot of people having constipation issues with the it. I’m trying to stick with it and figure it out right now.
I am in the “it’s a different drug” crowd. I was on a middling dose of sema and I tried to ramp up dose of tirz too quick and the first few days I wanted to die. I felt like I was going to birth a fucking alien out of my stomach. I should have just read the fucking manual made by the people that engineered the damn drug instead of freeballing it.
I don’t follow the crowd. I march to the beat of my own drum. LOL
I’m having those awful stomach and gastro problems with the Tirz at 2.5mg. I have seen a lot of people having constipation issues with the it. I’m trying to stick with it and figure it out right now.
Take laxatives to clear what you already have built up. After that, take 1000mg magnesium daily and fiber, preferably from flax seeds. Put 1 tsp potassium powder and 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt or Real Salt into 500ml of water. Drink that throughout each day. If fasting, 1L water, 2 tsp potassium, 1 tsp salt. If you ever begin feeling constipated, drink a few big gulps of your salt water and coffee if need be. For bloating, take Tums or GasEx. Doing all this should keep things running smoothly. Do not eat too much at once!!!!!
.25mg you won’t get any glycemic control. Glycemic control happens .5mg and above.
your citing that one graphic right? remember this was likely compiled in diabetics.. ie if not diabetic lowering it any amount would mean glycemic "control".. just seems like folks push dose and often it is not needed and they just get worse side effects. more gastro sides more likely causing harm to kidneys. I know it goes without saying but when loose alot of weight ur peeing out the fat more or less so really have to drink alot of water to prevent stress on ur kidneys.
your citing that one graphic right? remember this was likely compiled in diabetics.. ie if not diabetic lowering it any amount would mean glycemic "control".. just seems like folks push dose and often it is not needed and they just get worse side effects. more gastro sides more likely causing harm to kidneys. I know it goes without saying but when loose alot of weight ur peeing out the fat more or less so really have to drink alot of water to prevent stress on ur kidneys.
Harm to kidneys? Did not know about this one! I drink a fuck ton of water, so hopefully I’ll be ok?
to be fair im making an assumption as why they find worsening kidney function particularly with those that have gastric sides... loosing weight is tuff on kidneys in particular if its fast and esp if ur a male. infact can be worse to on your kidneys to loose weight fast than to stay fat believe it or not.
I am in the “it’s a different drug” crowd. I was on a middling dose of sema and I tried to ramp up dose of tirz too quick and the first few days I wanted to die. I felt like I was going to birth a fucking alien out of my stomach. I should have just read the fucking manual made by the people that engineered the damn drug instead of freeballing it.
Ohhhhhhhh.. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!
Take laxatives to clear what you already have built up. After that, take 1000mg magnesium daily and fiber, preferably from flax seeds. Put 1 tsp potassium powder and 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt or Real Salt into 500ml of water. Drink that throughout each day. If fasting, 1L water, 2 tsp potassium, 1 tsp salt. If you ever begin feeling constipated, drink a few big gulps of your salt water and coffee if need be. For bloating, take Tums or GasEx. Doing all this should keep things running smoothly. Do not eat too much at once!!!!!
Thanks! Laxatives and did a salt flush. I'm now taking psyllium husk and drinking a sugar free Liquid IV every morning. Also now drinking a coffee every morning.
I am in the “it’s a different drug” crowd. I was on a middling dose of sema and I tried to ramp up dose of tirz too quick and the first few days I wanted to die. I felt like I was going to birth a fucking alien out of my stomach. I should have just read the fucking manual made by the people that engineered the damn drug instead of freeballing it.
The good thing is you’ll only make that mistake once lol
Does anyone notice their mood gets a bit flat on these GLP-1's

Noticed it this summer when on Semaglutide.
It's if that bit of dopamine gets taken away.
Happened to me on sema. In the few weeks where I quit sema and started 2.5 tirz I think I experienced something akin to hypomania. It was kind of great at first, felt amazing, got so much done, but after wallpapering a second room and not being able to sleep, it seemed like something might be wrong. It faded away, thankfully. My children told me over the summer I seemed different on sema. I admit I definitely felt anhedonia. Don’t have it nearly as much on tirz but I wouldn’t say it’s nothing. Might be time of year, too.
Happened to me on sema. In the few weeks where I quit sema and started 2.5 tirz I think I experienced something akin to hypomania. It was kind of great at first, felt amazing, got so much done, but after wallpapering a second room and not being able to sleep, it seemed like something might be wrong. It faded away, thankfully. My children told me over the summer I seemed different on sema. I admit I definitely felt anhedonia. Don’t have it nearly as much on tirz but I wouldn’t say it’s nothing. Might be time of year, too.
It’s a common side effect form sema I had the same kind of feeling. Since switching to tirz I have none of those sides
On these new 4mg blue clear tirz, anyone noticed decresed effectiveness? I was at 1/2 dose before for 8 weeks on old batch and fine, with this new i took whole vial down and minimal if any changes?