Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I've had rather limited success this year with semaglutide, to be perfectly frank my results have been disappointing. I introduced 900mg of Metformin and still didn't have much success... Until recently introducing 100mg of Canagliflozin daily.

I'm now down about 10lbs in the last 14 days, love handles are quickly deflating and my stomach is leaner than it's been in a long time. I have pretty visible outlines of abs despite still needing to lose 15-20lbs. I'm actually starting to worry about loose skin problems from dropping weight so quickly but I'll take that over obesity any day.

Figured I'd share my success stacking with Canagliflozin for anybody else in the same boat.
I've had rather limited success this year with semaglutide, to be perfectly frank my results have been disappointing. I introduced 900mg of Metformin and still didn't have much success... Until recently introducing 100mg of Canagliflozin daily.

I'm now down about 10lbs in the last 14 days, love handles are quickly deflating and my stomach is leaner than it's been in a long time. I have pretty visible outlines of abs despite still needing to lose 15-20lbs. I'm actually starting to worry about loose skin problems from dropping weight so quickly but I'll take that over obesity any day.

Figured I'd share my success stacking with Canagliflozin for anybody else in the same boat.
Never heard of this before so I just briefly looked into it. Since it helps flush glucose out through the kidneys is it harmful at all to the kidneys? Didn’t really see anything that pointed to that in my very brief search just wondering really.
How do any of you deal with the terrible belches ( to me they’re sulfuric smelling and tasting almost ) these meds can cause? I had it terrible on sema but not on Tirz until I hit the 7.5mg dose a couple weeks ago. It’s really bad for a day or two after dosing. Just wondering if anyone has found a way to counteract that.
How do any of you deal with the terrible belches ( to me they’re sulfuric smelling and tasting almost ) these meds can cause? I had it terrible on sema but not on Tirz until I hit the 7.5mg dose a couple weeks ago. It’s really bad for a day or two after dosing. Just wondering if anyone has found a way to counteract that.
I haven’t had that on either one of them. Maybe because I don’t dose as high. Idk
I just had the major stomach pain on Tirz. I read that for those that get the stomach pain, it eventually goes away. It has been getting less and less every week. I’m not at the gone part yet. I’m still at the minimum dosage and I’m hungrier on it, so I tossed in a very low dose of Semi yesterday to curb the hunger.

Tirz was still keeping me level all day at that low dosage.
How do any of you deal with the terrible belches ( to me they’re sulfuric smelling and tasting almost ) these meds can cause? I had it terrible on sema but not on Tirz until I hit the 7.5mg dose a couple weeks ago. It’s really bad for a day or two after dosing. Just wondering if anyone has found a way to counteract that.
Well you already know how I’m running this compound lmao. I basically do not fart or burp anymore. This makes me believe it has to have something to do with food. I guess I would figure out what that food group is and eat less of it.
I haven’t had that on either one of them. Maybe because I don’t dose as high. Idk
I just had the major stomach pain on Tirz. I read that for those that get the stomach pain, it eventually goes away. It has been getting less and less every week. I’m not at the gone part yet. I’m still at the minimum dosage and I’m hungrier on it, so I tossed in a very low dose of Semi yesterday to curb the hunger.

Tirz was still keeping me level all day at that low dosage.
I never went above 1mg week on sema but I had it from the beginning. Tirz I never had it til hitting this 7.5mg dose and it started immediately at that point. Was wondering if maybe some digestive enzymes may help that’s why I was wondering if anyone else had found anything helpful because this can be a common side effect of these meds.
Well you already know how I’m running this compound lmao. I basically do not fart or burp anymore. This makes me believe it has to have something to do with food. I guess I would figure out what that food group is and eat less of it.
I can understand why you don’t cause you’re not eating enough food for a mouse to have a bowel movement lmao. I eat pretty clean and it doesn’t seem to matter. I think I have noticed though when I drink my gatorlyte rapid hydration drink it seems to be worse. Kind of weird but maybe there is something in that drink causing it through interaction or it may just be working too well and I might need to go back down on my dose. I had to prep for a colonoscopy and edoscopy 2 weeks ago and they told me I was fine to g ahead and take my mounjaro (tirz) on Sunday of that week. I stopped eating Tuesday evening at 7pm and didn’t eat much that meal. I prepped the whole next day which is awful if you’ve never done it’s a clear liquid diet only for that day and they did my endoscopy on Thursday and wouldn’t do the colonoscopy because I still had food in my stomach from at least Tuesday evening so more than 36 hrs later. This was after shutting my guys out for a day and a half to clean out for the procedure. This almost leads me to believe the effects can be too strong for some people such as myself and food setting in the gastric system for so long is causing it. But that’s just a theory. I may try to split my dose next week and see if that helps but if not then I’ve either got to take another break from it which I just did from august to November, or find something to help.
How do any of you deal with the terrible belches ( to me they’re sulfuric smelling and tasting almost ) these meds can cause? I had it terrible on sema but not on Tirz until I hit the 7.5mg dose a couple weeks ago. It’s really bad for a day or two after dosing. Just wondering if anyone has found a way to counteract that.

I eat pretty clean and it doesn’t seem to matter. I think I have noticed though when I drink my gatorlyte rapid hydration drink it seems to be worse. Kind of weird but maybe there is something in that drink causing it through interaction or it may just be working too well and I might need to go back down on my dose. I had to prep for a colonoscopy and edoscopy 2 weeks ago and they told me I was fine to g ahead and take my mounjaro (tirz) on Sunday of that week. I stopped eating Tuesday evening at 7pm and didn’t eat much that meal. I prepped the whole next day which is awful if you’ve never done it’s a clear liquid diet only for that day and they did my endoscopy on Thursday and they wouldn’t do the colonoscopy because I still had food in my stomach from at least Tuesday evening so more than 36 hrs later. This was after shitting my guts out for a day and a half to clean out for the procedure. This almost leads me to believe the effects can be too strong for some people such as myself and food setting in the gastric system for so long is causing it. But that’s just a theory. I may try to split my dose next week and see if that helps but if not then I’ve either got to take another break from it which I just did from august to November, or find something to help.

@Type-IIx any ideas on this?
I never went above 1mg week on sema but I had it from the beginning. Tirz I never had it til hitting this 7.5mg dose and it started immediately at that point. Was wondering if maybe some digestive enzymes may help that’s why I was wondering if anyone else had found anything helpful because this can be a common side effect of these meds.
Now that you mention it, I do take digestive enzymes with most of my meals. I’ve been taking them for many years. That would be a good thing for you to try.
Now that you mention it, I do take digestive enzymes with most of my meals. I’ve been taking them for many years. That would be a good thing for you to try.
I’ll give that a try before dropping dose back down. Any recommendations on a good brand? Thanks

I’m hoping type-IIx will weigh in also I tagged him above.
Never heard of this before so I just briefly looked into it. Since it helps flush glucose out through the kidneys is it harmful at all to the kidneys? Didn’t really see anything that pointed to that in my very brief search just wondering really.

I haven't had bloods since starting Canagliflozin but maybe @HB_22 has some insight
How do any of you deal with the terrible belches ( to me they’re sulfuric smelling and tasting almost ) these meds can cause? I had it terrible on sema but not on Tirz until I hit the 7.5mg dose a couple weeks ago. It’s really bad for a day or two after dosing. Just wondering if anyone has found a way to counteract that.
I'm on 7.5 mg tirz right now. I only got that if I had food in my stomach before injecting, and it was a lot more common before splitting doses in half and injecting every 4 days. Not doing it in full weekly reduced my side effects noticeably. Famotidine might help you, I took 20 mg to relieve it personally.
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on a side note of digestive enzymes, its not just voodoo there is evidence it/they can allow u to absorb vitamin D much better for example. bromalain and quercetine apparently help absorb zinc.. I dont know if our hydroponic sterile anemic veggies and fruit have lower enzymes but def helps not only micro nutrient absorption but im sure also macros... synergy IMO, proteins/amino help chelate nutrients and plant enzymes help break down proteins, and likely depends on your genetics and natural flora.. interesting how some families have weird smells that come form family bacteria strains, often because of what they eat aswell as other metabolic difference re produce more cholesterol so skin is more oily and obv attract bacteria that like oil that smells differently

lol 1 last bit of off topic discussion, there is some research being done with C section kids, they place gauze in the moms vagina ideally after labor and use that gauze to rub all over the kids eyes ears nose mouth etc. idea being that will lower the incidence in asthma eczema (which is higher in C section kids) because of being properly inoculated with healthy bacteria and prevents the overreaction of the immune system. I would GUESS it has alot more to do with getting inside the intestine than skin.. perhaps c section kids are more likely to drink premix baby shakes than breast milk, I don't know but all these bacteria produce enzymes aswell..

all that to say is ya use some enzymes and mix veggie fruit extracts as imagine with slower gastric emptying there will be changes in absorption of nutrients and killing off of enzymes one would expect if sits in stomach acid longer and perhaps higher PH when bile hits it etc.. just a guess, one of those things cant hurt might help, but I bet a study will be done on GI flora and how it changes with sema or tirz etc.

Never heard of this before so I just briefly looked into it. Since it helps flush glucose out through the kidneys is it harmful at all to the kidneys? Didn’t really see anything that pointed to that in my very brief search just wondering really.

I haven't had bloods since starting Canagliflozin but maybe @HB_22 has some insight
It's not harmful to your kidneys at all. In the studies it even improved kidney function a little. By my own bloodwork I can tell the same. It helps to flush out things we dont want during a cycle, things like Ldl, Triglycerides, uric acid. These parameters went down a little and hdl slightly improved.
I've had rather limited success...results have been disappointing...Until recently introducing 100mg of Canagliflozin daily...
I have a list of Rx medication that could increase the efficacy of Tirzepatide, canagliflozin is one of them (odd because there are also several
And, of course, there are medications that decrease its effectiveness.
Thank you for the info and the dose!
Yes, it's the delayed gastric emptying effect.

It's a feature, not a bug, basically.

You might have to come off the incretin for the effect to dissipate enough to have the procedure done.
Right I understand that’s a benefit of the medicine is delayed gastric emptying. I am going to stop taking it 2 weeks prior to having the procedure when they reschedule me. I was more asking if you might have any idea of how to combat the sulfuric belches it has started giving me at the new dose. I’m gonna try the digestive enzymes that someone suggested and try and split my dose in half twice a week and see if it gets better if not I may just take have to go back down to 5mg but I’d prefer not to if I don’t have to since the most effective dose in studies seemed to be 10mg and I am t2d which is why I’m on it to begin with.

It's not harmful to your kidneys at all. In the studies it even improved kidney function a little. By my own bloodwork I can tell the same. It helps to flush out things we dont want during a cycle, things like Ldl, Triglycerides, uric acid. These parameters went down a little and hdl slightly improved.
Fantastic thank you for that information that’s what I was hoping to hear.

I have a list of Rx medication that could increase the efficacy of Tirzepatide, canagliflozin is one of them (odd because there are also several
And, of course, there are medications that decrease its effectiveness.
Thank you for the info and the dose!
Increases its efficacy how? Would you mind to send me the list that does that? I’m t2d and would love to know what they are so I could talk to my dr about maybe adding something with it for that reason.