Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
You have zero experience using this or any other GLP.
Well, that's true, but I can read and apparently unlike you think! ;)

I also have lifelong experience with dieting, training and rapid fatloss ... where as you have been obese and out of shape your entire life...

You have "been taking action" for two months, or rather have been mixing everything in the med cabinet like it was candy without any intelligent thoughts or plans behind what you are doing: and you think that makes you an expert?! A disciplined badass?! or what exactly?!

The thing is you did a lot of things right the first month: but you are doing some really crazy fucked up amateurish stuff at this point (most of them I just listed in my post above), and everyone in here that knows anything about what they are doing will agree... if they say otherwise it's not because they don't agree, but because they feel butthurt towards me already, that's all.

It's fine you have lost 10 kg in a month, well done, that it was both on Tirz (smart), and big doses of HGH and Steroids, as well as adderal and all other kinds of stuff - well you would have done at least at well if you had lowered those things to smarter doses.

Your results the first month are around what to expect the first months of anyone doing RFL, without any use of all the things you are on ... and you are on it all! Your second month is a hell of allot worse!

Dude, EVERYONE can live 2 months on 600 kcals for one time in their life and lose 15 kgs doing so (the first time you do it, just going that low in kcal will release catecholamines that blunt most hunger anyway) - most would be smart enough to base those 600 kcals on enough protein of high enough quality though, not pizza dough, butter and nuddles! ... The entire idea with Rapid Fatloss, is you accept to suffer more but do it for a shorter time - so you can get faster back on maintenance and eat a little of those things you like. You are trying to burn the candle in both ends at the same time though.
I’ve actually been on my GLP for over 2 months, losing weight, changing my life
So using GLP-1s for 2 months, not even sticking to ONE for longer time, but already shifted from one to the other., You deserve a Nobel prize and a war medal then?! ...

Dude! You realize hundreds of thousands of people have used these meds for several years now? and that scientist that has never been on them, is studying them and sharing the studies with all of us?!

Who do you want advice from, a scientist who has never been on a med but is studying it, or sick patients taking the meds at random?

All I'm saying is you are taking these meds under some rather crazy conditions, where your experiences with them won't be representing too how other people will experience them.

You also have tons of issues that do not put you in the same group as most other people.

Other people won't mix these meds with so many other drugs at those high doses. They might do low doses of HGH or TRT, but won't take that high doses of HGH and steroids and everything while cutting down in weight They won't go from no exercise to those amounts of exercise you are doing while doing a VLCD. If they do a VLCD it will most likely be RFL with plenty of protein, they won't be trying to lose weight at this speed on half the recommended protein intake for women that does not train and are not cutting at all while doing all this.

Clown shit.
You are the clown here amigo ... just hope these meds are powerful enough to actually save you from yourself.

PS: I actually have more than 20 years experience with training, including natural bodybuilding ... I'm 44, have not trained for a few years, but I started lifting weights when I was 16. I also have an actual relevant background.
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Well, that's true, but I can read and apparently unlike you think! ;)

I also have lifelong experience with dieting, training and rapid fatloss ... where as you have been obese and out of shape your entire life...

You have "been taking action" for two months, or rather have been mixing everything in the med cabinet like it was candy without any intelligent thoughts or plans behind what you are doing: and you think that makes you an expert?! A disciplined badass?! or what exactly?!

The thing is you did a lot of things right the first month: but you are doing some really crazy fucked up amateurish stuff at this point (most of them I just listed in my post above), and everyone in here that knows anything about what they are doing will agree... if they say otherwise it's not because they don't agree, but because they feel butthurt towards me already, that's all.

It's fine you have lost 10 kg in a month, well done, that it was both on Tirz (smart), and big doses of HGH and Steroids, as well as adderal and all other kinds of stuff - well you would have done at least at well if you had lowered those things to smarter doses.

Your results the first month are around what to expect the first months of anyone doing RFL, without any use of all the things you are on ... and you are on it all! Your second month is a hell of allot worse!

Dude, EVERYONE can live 2 months on 600 kcals for one time in their life and lose 15 kgs doing so (the first time you do it, just going that low in kcal will release catecholamines that blunt most hunger anyway) - most would be smart enough to base those 600 kcals on enough protein of high enough quality though, not pizza dough, butter and nuddles! ... The entire idea with Rapid Fatloss, is you accept to suffer more but do it for a shorter time - so you can get faster back on maintenance and eat a little of those things you like. You are trying to burn the candle in both ends at the same time though.

So using GLP-1s for 2 months, not even sticking to ONE for longer time, but already shifted from one to the other., You deserve a Nobel prize and a war medal then?! ...

Dude! You realize hundreds of thousands of people have used these meds for several years now? and that scientist that has never been on them, is studying them and sharing the studies with all of us?!

Who do you want advice from, a scientist who has never been on a med but is studying it, or sick patients taking the meds at random?

All I'm saying is you are taking these meds under some rather crazy conditions, where your experiences with them won't be representing too how other people will experience them.

You also have tons of issues that do not put you in the same group as most other people.

Other people won't mix these meds with so many other drugs at those high doses. They might do low doses of HGH or TRT, but won't take that high doses of HGH and steroids and everything while cutting down in weight They won't go from no exercise to those amounts of exercise you are doing while doing a VLCD. If they do a VLCD it will most likely be RFL with plenty of protein, they won't be trying to lose weight at this speed on half the recommended protein intake for women that does not train and are not cutting at all while doing all this.

You are the clown here amigo ... just hope these meds are powerful enough to actually save you from yourself.

PS: I actually have more than 20 years experience with training, including natural bodybuilding ... I'm 44, have not trained for a few years, but I started lifting weights when I was 16. I also have an actual relevant background.
You're a fat fuck with experience eating too much and making excuses. Nobody wants you here and nobody wants you shitting up this thread. Fuck off clown.
You managed to burn your bridge with the only single person on this forum who liked you haha. What a joke.
I'm not here to be liked, I'm here as part of a bigger process of studying these meds, to use them to get back and continue my lifelong lifting career - a handful of you guys have no idea what bridges you are burning down yourself ... but keep letting the blind leading the blind and keep trucking - just please stop doing it in this thread, because when you write personal shit, I'm forced to answer back.

There are lots of interesting people who have written tons of actually useful stuff in here. keep on topic.

You can pm about your problems if you absolutly feel the need to!
I'm not here to be liked, I'm here as part of a bigger process of studying these meds, to use them to get back and continue my lifelong lifting career - a handful of you guys have no idea what bridges you are burning down yourself ... but keep letting the blind leading the blind and keep trucking - just please stop doing it in this thread, because when you write personal shit, I'm forced to answer back.

There are lots of interesting people who have written tons of actually useful stuff in here. keep on topic.

You can pm about your problems if you absolutly feel the need to!
Nobody's forcing you to do anything, fatass.
I'm not here to be liked, I'm here as part of a bigger process of studying these meds, to use them to get back and continue my lifelong lifting career - a handful of you guys have no idea what bridges you are burning down yourself ... but keep letting the blind leading the blind and keep trucking - just please stop doing it in this thread, because when you write personal shit, I'm forced to answer back.

There are lots of interesting people who have written tons of actually useful stuff in here. keep on topic.

You can pm about your problems if you absolutly feel the need to!
Then shut up about yourself and read, no need to post your made up stories about anything, we don’t care.

Everyone here had the balls to inject or use the drugs so their experience is first hand and factual anecdotal evidence.

For you to litter every thread with your lectures and sob stories is just disrespectful and basically causes misinformation.

Would you listen to a fat ass who is not working out, who cannot control what he puts in his mouth and basically crying about his sorry ass life in every thread or a positive guy who is used compounds as supplements to exercise and proper diet; one who instead of making excuses is actively listening to advices from guys who have done it?

This forum is for harm reduction and the thread clearly indicates glp-1 experiences not theory or scientific studies. Sure, they are great especially if interpreted by people who can understand it properly, but we all know sometimes in reality it varies person to person.

I implore you to not post things you have not experienced rather read and learn from people who have, mind you there are people here who are way smarter than you.
Then shut up about yourself and read, no need to post your made up stories about anything, we don’t care.

Everyone here had the balls to inject or use the drugs so their experience is first hand and factual anecdotal evidence.

For you to litter every thread with your lectures and sob stories is just disrespectful and basically causes misinformation.

Would you listen to a fat ass who is not working out, who cannot control what he puts in his mouth and basically crying about his sorry ass life in every thread or a positive guy who is used compounds as supplements to exercise and proper diet; one who instead of making excuses is actively listening to advices from guys who have done it?

This is forum is for harm reduction and the thread clearly indicates glp-1 experiences not theory or scientific studies. Sure, they are great especially if interpreted by people who can understand it properly, but we all know sometimes in reality it varies person to person.

I implore you to not post things you have not experienced rather read and learn from people who have, mind you there are people here who are way smarter than you.
Dude that’s on you and guys like you! Stop making every post about me as a person, and stop using every post on trying to frame me falsely: so I’m not forced to show you that you are mistaken! If no one did that constantly there would be no such texts.

Dude, it’s your lack of imagination about how all that has ended up in the situation I’m in right now, is due to any of the things you are talking about.

Assume to much, and its only natural people won’t allow you to falsely frame them and explain how things really are.

And balls to inject :D … 100.000+ obese people are on this meds, mostly women without any balls at all… injecting things you haven't studied or planned well first is lack of brain, it got nothing to do with balls: though sure, to much testosterone in the brain has been shown to cause such behavior, in those who can’t handle the things they are taking very well.

It’s like you are bragging about being stupid and doing wreckless things,
Dude that’s on you and guys like you! Stop making every post about me as a person, and stop using every post on trying to frame me falsely: so I’m not forced to show you that you are mistaken! If no one did that constantly there would be no such texts.

Dude, it’s your lack of imagination about how all that has ended up in the situation I’m in right now, is due to any of the things you are talking about.

Assume to much, and its only natural people won’t allow you to falsely frame them and explain how things really are.

And balls to inject :D … 100.000+ obese people are on this meds, mostly women without any balls at all… injecting things you haven't studied or planned well first is lack of brain, it got nothing to do with balls: though sure, to much testosterone in the brain has been shown to cause such behavior, in those who can’t handle the things they are taking very well.

It’s like you are bragging about being stupid and doing wreckless things,
Nothing is ever your fault! You're just magically a fat fuck who will be dead in 10 years. You're also the nicest guy but everyone just keeps picking on you! Life is oh so hard.
That’s actually a good point, @trtbuilder I doubt he’d take you on as a client after all this, guess you’ll have to find another coach.
I’m not a coach, after the army I studied biomedicin Engineering and worked 8 years at the Copenhagen muscle clinic as a researcher, and ever since I have been running my own firm in the same domain.

But why are you guys insiting making this thread about me and derailing it?
Dude that’s on you and guys like you! Stop making every post about me as a person, and stop using every post on trying to frame me falsely: so I’m not forced to show you that you are mistaken! If no one did that constantly there would be no such texts.

Dude, it’s your lack of imagination about how all that has ended up in the situation I’m in right now, is due to any of the things you are talking about.

Assume to much, and its only natural people won’t allow you to falsely frame them and explain how things really are.

And balls to inject :D … 100.000+ obese people are on this meds, mostly women without any balls at all… injecting things you haven't studied or planned well first is lack of brain, it got nothing to do with balls: though sure, to much testosterone in the brain has been shown to cause such behavior, in those who can’t handle the things they are taking very well.

It’s like you are bragging about being stupid and doing wreckless things,
When I say balls to inject, I don’t mean literally, its a basic figure of speech called metaphor.

Have you actually used any glp-1 yet? If not shut up, have you lost weight yet if not shut up, have you even lift yet or did at least a km walk if not then shut up. We don’t care if you are what you claim you are and frankly nobody gives a fuck if you are a super spy, ex whatever you claim to be this week, but the thread indicates personal experience on glp-1 not what your opinion or what you read or what other people’s experience is.

Again, the thread is asking for personal experience, I’ll break it down in simpler form; have you taken any of this compounds, ie. semaglutide, tiza or retra in injectable or oral form, if so, what are your experiences and results?

If not, then SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
This is the premise of the thread. Please stick to the topic and factual information do not post made up information which can mislead other members.

It will be beneficial to all to just follow OP’s lead on this.
Nothing is ever your fault! You're just magically a fat fuck who will be dead in 10 years. You're also the nicest guy but everyone just keeps picking on you! Life is oh so hard.
Nothing magically about that part, but you sure seems to have a hard time grasping it,

Never said life is hard, you are projecting.
I said I had some elements causing traumatic stress I have to live with for as long as my mother and sister is alive: thats not the same thing.

My current situation isn’t ‘hard’ either, but its dificult getting out of, because its more complex than you imagine. Not that it’s relevant to a group like this, I only informed you of some of the situation, to stop you from continuing to make up random assumptions,

Lol, like you guys (and thereby I’m talking to a little handful of those in here, not everyone) knows anything about being kind. I made a thread about these meds and was interesting in knowing what complimentary peds guys in here had experience with, - and you all wemt in as hyjænas trying to gain some cheap status on the internet.

You guys where rude as fuck in ypur assumptions, I made a little fun back, and you have all been crying ever since … get over it, most of it was jokes, nothing personally.
Why you guys haven't blocked the Danish Cunt yet amazes me. It's pretty satisfying to see the "you are ignoring content from this retard" message vs having to constantly read that bitch whine about his HPV and how he can't control his eating....but it's not his fault....and if you only listened to him you would be 5% body fat like he used to be when he was a cook in the army...
billion people served u say? must be good, ill take 2 Maczepetides please..upsized please.

everyone 'does the dew', must be good aswell!

just funny how hair loss and diabetic retinopathy are affected by thyroid.... typical panels only test TSH not thyroid itself, at least here.. as DELAN said, speculation...would think glp1 hair loss be reflected with body weight change. 3% with sema 6% with tirz showed hair loss... signal 50% extra people get the extra weightless that gives weightless from tirz.
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I just have restarted my semaglutide cycle with a 2 month pause and restarted with 0.4mg and 1 week in, I don't feel hungry anymore. It's so much better than the initial run. I always felt hungry but now... I went to the gym today and didnt eat anything pre/after and still not hungry. Amazing.


The study found serios gastroparesis linked to it. It's risky. Gastroparesis is no joke.

I just have restarted my semaglutide cycle with a 2 month pause and restarted with 0.4mg and 1 week in, I don't feel hungry anymore. It's so much better than the initial run. I always felt hungry but now... I went to the gym today and didnt eat anything pre/after and still not hungry. Amazing.


The study found serios gastroparesis linked to it. It's risky. Gastroparesis is no joke.

Gastroparesis is scaled though. The symptoms one feels from sema is partly due to some form of gastroparesis. I'm not sure this study scaled it.
However it is comforting that Semaglutide doesn't significantly increase the risk of Bowel Obstruction (which is a more severe sequelae of gastroparesis)
Gastroparesis is scaled though. The symptoms one feels from sema is partly due to some form of gastroparesis. I'm not sure this study scaled it.
However it is comforting that Semaglutide doesn't significantly increase the risk of Bowel Obstruction (which is a more severe sequelae of gastroparesis)
I think its listed because there is obvious risk of it happening and has killed at least a couple folks... I mean it literally causes slowing of GI emptying which is gastroparesis give or take.

pancreatitis doesn't seem very rare either ~1 in every 200 people.

I wonder if perhaps it will end up overworking folks pancreases and actually giving them diabetes, I know SUPPOST to have a mechanism that doesn't.. or at least if 1 in 200 get pancreatitis, thats not great for the organ regardless of cause. of course will take many years of use to develop a signal as obese people getting diabetes kidney damage isn't surprising, esp with covid entering the equation and causing both those things.

no free lunch as they say...
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