Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Have you been running these for awhile? I went through a period where sema stoppped working completely. I was at 2.4mg. I dropped the sema and reintroduced it after 4 months and had the full effects again at .25mg.
Only 3 months or so .. had been running them previously but had a while off.

I don’t quite understand this notion of needing to have time off to be honest. None of the studies on these medications I’ve read had participants need to take ‘time off’ due to them becoming ineffective after X months.

Very frustrating!
Only 3 months or so .. had been running them previously but had a while off.

I don’t quite understand this notion of needing to have time off to be honest. None of the studies on these medications I’ve read had participants need to take ‘time off’ due to them becoming ineffective after X months.

Very frustrating!
From what I understand or read, you will get accustomed, the body adjusts to the side effects which includes the appetite suppression. However, the gastric emptying and other mechanisms which affects blood sugar is still there.

Surely its been discussed already just search it.
The best thing about stopping and re-starting sema, at least for me, was that the side effects were way less pronounced. I've heard the same from a number of people.

And, now that there's tirezaptide on the market, you can alternate between the two rather than discontinuing an appetite control med entirely.
It sounds like you’re a good responder. From what I read semaglutide has worse sides.

Have you tried using lower dosage?
Well, a good responder for weight loss for sure, but not a good responder in terms of side effects. Try a dose lower than 2.5mg per week? I could try 1.5mg per week or 2.5mg every 10 days or something I suppose, seems like a tiny amount, but since I had success at 2.5mg weekly it's not impossible that 1.5mg would still help. I tend to be very sensitive to a lot of medications and things.
Only 3 months or so .. had been running them previously but had a while off.

I don’t quite understand this notion of needing to have time off to be honest. None of the studies on these medications I’ve read had participants need to take ‘time off’ due to them becoming ineffective after X months.

Very frustrating!
So It took me about 4 months to become tolerant to it. Some of us become tolerant to certain drugs and others don’t. Maybe give yourself a few weeks off and see if that helps. I would think it should be washed out by then and you might feel the effects after a short break.
I've seen people talk about taking 3 months off before. I've been on GLP1s for about 18 months, but have plataeued after losing a little over 100lbs so I'm going to cycle off for a couple of months using metformin and then hop back on and see what it does.
So how does it work if you come off Tirz? Do you just gain all your weight back? Will it get better after staying for a year on Tirz? Will there be a new "set point" by then?
So how does it work if you come off Tirz? Do you just gain all your weight back? Will it get better after staying for a year on Tirz? Will there be a new "set point" by then?
This is why everyone say use these drugs as aid to help you create a sustainable life long healthy dietary plan.

Utilize it to make the transition easier but ultimately, you should’ve adjusted to a healthier eating habits and nutritional choices.

Never rely on glps unless you medically need it.
You might want to check with your doctor about this- vomiting is a common side effect but it's usually occasional, mostly when upping the dose. Persistent/frequent vomiting is associated with one of the more severe complications that can arise- gastroparesis.
I think I'm going to have to. This morning I woke up because I had to puke. And my nutrition has been on point. I may switch to Tirz but I have about two kits of sema.
Two doses 2.5mg of sema in and my appetite is still annoyingly high. Something else I’m running must be causing the appetite. HGH maybe? Only running 5IU daily though.

Really frustrating taking tirz and sema together and I still want to binge eat.

I’m at 2.5mg Sema myself, and still have had minimal, if any appetite suppression. I still can eat as though I’m not on it. Only once did I notice anything, and that was at 2mg after a night of completely overeating at a steakhouse. Was invited out to this place and taken care of by the owners so I couldn’t say no to trying all the food they brought out! Next day I had no appetite until about 6pm. I’m not even sure it was the Sema, or just the heavy meal in general.

I’m starting to wonder if I am just a poor responder, or my Sema is underdosed. Who knows.
So how does it work if you come off Tirz? Do you just gain all your weight back? Will it get better after staying for a year on Tirz? Will there be a new "set point" by then?
The most common outcome is to regain 1/3rd of the weight back within six months. Some people seem to lose their native insulin sensitivity for a few months -- that is, they are less insulin sensitive when they quit than when they started the drug. You gotta keep lifting and focus on low GI carbs during that couple of months to keep as much weight off as possible. It's all calories in/calories out.
Hey guys. I took my first dose of Semaglutide and I chickened out on the amount. I wanted to start with 0.25 mg but I ended up taking half of that because I got paranoid. My anxiety has me thinking I’ll get lead poisoning or something. There was a small bubble in my syringe. I know they’re harmless but it made me nervous cause it wouldn’t go away.
My injection site is a little achy. Not painful. Damn I’m so anxious. If I feel fine I’ll take the rest in the morning. I’m freaking out a little... Disinfected thoroughly and did everything right other than dumping half my dose down the sink out of paranoia. Feeling like a real bone head right now.
Will I feel anything with that tiny of a dose?
Hey guys. I took my first dose of Semaglutide and I chickened out on the amount. I wanted to start with 0.25 mg but I ended up taking half of that because I got paranoid. My anxiety has me thinking I’ll get lead poisoning or something. There was a small bubble in my syringe. I know they’re harmless but it made me nervous cause it wouldn’t go away.
My injection site is a little achy. Not painful. Damn I’m so anxious. If I feel fine I’ll take the rest in the morning. I’m freaking out a little... Disinfected thoroughly and did everything right other than dumping half my dose down the sink out of paranoia. Feeling like a real bone head right now.
Will I feel anything with that tiny of a dose?
Hypochondriac.100% a type of post from a Reddit user.
Hey guys. I took my first dose of Semaglutide and I chickened out on the amount. I wanted to start with 0.25 mg but I ended up taking half of that because I got paranoid. My anxiety has me thinking I’ll get lead poisoning or something. There was a small bubble in my syringe. I know they’re harmless but it made me nervous cause it wouldn’t go away.
My injection site is a little achy. Not painful. Damn I’m so anxious. If I feel fine I’ll take the rest in the morning. I’m freaking out a little... Disinfected thoroughly and did everything right other than dumping half my dose down the sink out of paranoia. Feeling like a real bone head right now.
Will I feel anything with that tiny of a dose?
It's possible that you might since it's your very first ever, you can give it a couple days and see. If you aren't 100% confident that you've reconstituted it correctly and your dose is correct, it's not the worst idea. Not sure where you got the idea of lead poisoning though? That's random... take some deep breaths and try to not overthink it.
Hey guys. I took my first dose of Semaglutide and I chickened out on the amount. I wanted to start with 0.25 mg but I ended up taking half of that because I got paranoid. My anxiety has me thinking I’ll get lead poisoning or something. There was a small bubble in my syringe. I know they’re harmless but it made me nervous cause it wouldn’t go away.
My injection site is a little achy. Not painful. Damn I’m so anxious. If I feel fine I’ll take the rest in the morning. I’m freaking out a little... Disinfected thoroughly and did everything right other than dumping half my dose down the sink out of paranoia. Feeling like a real bone head right now.
Will I feel anything with that tiny of a dose?
There's nothing wrong with starting at 0.125mg. That was my starting dose.
Don't expect to feel much for the first month or 2. I was at 0.5mg after 2 months when I started to notice appetite suppression. No noticeable side effects besides mild nausea once in a while.
You'll be fine. It's usually the guys who are careless who end up having infections and stuff. If you're being clean and careful you don't have any reason to worry. People inject all kinds of shit every day for years and years with no problems. You're just putting a bit of water under your skin once per week. Control what you can control, and try not to overthink the rest.
Just got my Sem order from QSC. I've had a bit of experience with Sema before, but its all been locally sourced and expensive so have never been able to push the dose much, and have incidentally had little success. Have always found Semaglutide easy to out-eat.

Reckless, but based on my past experiences wherein I'm a poor responder, I took 2mg for my first shot yesterday, and am waiting to feel any changes. How soon would you expect me to notice appetite suppression, and at what point should I titrate up further?
Just got my Sem order from QSC. I've had a bit of experience with Sema before, but its all been locally sourced and expensive so have never been able to push the dose much, and have incidentally had little success. Have always found Semaglutide easy to out-eat.

Reckless, but based on my past experiences wherein I'm a poor responder, I took 2mg for my first shot yesterday, and am waiting to feel any changes. How soon would you expect me to notice appetite suppression, and at what point should I titrate up further?

You should notice something soon, as in days not weeks, unless you need to increase the dose. I'd give it a few more days before doing that though.
This is why everyone say use these drugs as aid to help you create a sustainable life long healthy dietary plan.

Utilize it to make the transition easier but ultimately, you should’ve adjusted to a healthier eating habits and nutritional choices.

Never rely on glps unless you medically need it.
If the issue that causes weight gain is binging and not food choices, a long term plan that turns your weakness into an advantage could be:

1. Get into training and daily cardio while you’re losing with the GLP.
2. After your weight’s gone, take a 3-4 month break while you run a bulk, preferably with compounds like HGH that discourage lipogenisis.
3. After the 3-4 month cycle, get back on your GLP-1 for another 8-9 months to cut and then maintain, benefiting from your now reset tolerance.
4. Repeat

I think this is a realistic protocol that utilizes your tendencies instead of fighting against them, and it mirrors the yearly schedule that a lot of bodybuilders use anyways. You end up with a massive positive lifestyle change in daily exercise, and your physique will motivate you to keep the bulk as clean as you can.

The bulk could get a little dirty towards the end once your stomach expands, but the fat gain shouldn’t be anything too wild with all the training. So long as you establish a high TDEE during the initial weight loss with daily training and 45+ minutes of cardio, a good majority of your surplus will be put to good use. The plan flips the script on your ravenous appetite, using it to fuel your physique instead of destroy it. This is what I am in the process of doing, so we’ll see how it works. The plan will evolve over time as I learn more. I’m excited and optimistic to continue this journey and see where it takes me.
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If the issue that causes weight gain is binging and not food choices, a long term plan that turns your weakness into an advantage could be:

1. Get into training and daily cardio while you’re losing with the GLP.
2. After your weight’s gone, take a 3-4 month break while you run a bulk, preferably with compounds like HGH that discourage lipogenisis.
3. After the 3-4 month cycle, get back on your GLP-1 for another 8-9 months to cut and then maintain, benefiting from your now reset tolerance.
4. Repeat

I think this is a realistic protocol that utilizes your tendencies instead of fighting against them, and it mirrors the yearly schedule that a lot of bodybuilders use anyways. You end up with a massive positive lifestyle change in daily exercise, and your physique will motivate you to keep the bulk as clean as you can.

The bulk could get a little dirty towards the end once your stomach expands, but the fat gain shouldn’t be anything too wild with all the training. So long as you establish a high TDEE during the initial weight loss with daily training and 45+ minutes of cardio, a good majority of your surplus will be put to good use. The plan flips the script on your ravenous appetite, using it to fuel your physique instead of destroy it. This is what I am in the process of doing, so we’ll see how it works. The plan will evolve over time as I learn more. I’m excited and optimistic to continue this journey and see where it takes me.

People like to run from the seat in their pants. I have no idea what that means.

Everyone wants gainz on day 1 and will re-calibrate as necessary.

Dealing with obesity is a 6-year plan not a 6-week plan.