Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
People like to run from the seat in their pants. I have no idea what that means.

Everyone wants gainz on day 1 and will re-calibrate as necessary.

Dealing with obesity is a 6-year plan not a 6-week plan.
Yes, my plan started as a short term one (how do I lose this weight as quickly as possible), and has evolved over time. Now, I’m making long term plans and building habits to create the foundations for it.

This is why I’m fine with running the extreme deficit that I am. I know that once the initial weight is gone, I’ll be able to focus on crafting my physique into what I want in a way that flows with my body instead of against it.
So how does it work if you come off Tirz? Do you just gain all your weight back? Will it get better after staying for a year on Tirz? Will there be a new "set point" by then?
For me personally I've lost 55 pounds from sema over this past year and I was starting on tirz in november after being at stall on sema but had some side effects that made me feel odd so I decided to take a tolerance break for december and most of january. I stopped using both and just recently started back because I certainly need that extra help. I did change my eating habits to a keto diet but could not maintain that without the help of sema. The holidays wrecked my diet but I only gained around 5- 7 pounds back despite pretty much eating what I wanted when I wanted. This is possibly attributed to the water weight gain that you get when you start eating carbs again after cutting them out.

I believe the reason I was at a stall on sema is because I have not been below this weight in over ten years. I'm at 185 ish and in all my past attempts at losing weight with diet and exercise this is where I would get to and then fail and gain it all back. I believe I'm at my current set point for weight. It will be interesting to see if I can move my set point with these meds over the next year. I think that I will have to use a maintenance dose for the rest of my life. I think that they say you have to maintain your weight loss for around a year to reset your setpoint.
I believe the reason I was at a stall on sema is because I have not been below this weight in over ten years. I'm at 185 ish and in all my past attempts at losing weight with diet and exercise this is where I would get to and then fail and gain it all back. I believe I'm at my current set point for weight. It will be interesting to see if I can move my set point with these meds over the next year. I think that I will have to use a maintenance dose for the rest of my life. I think that they say you have to maintain your weight loss for around a year to reset your setpoint.

I'm having a similar experience. I started sema in Jan 2023 and lost 63 pounds in 9 months, 288 > 225, my lowest weight in 20+ years. I've been stalled in the 225-231 range since then, having taken a break from sema for 2 months and then resuming with a split of tirz and sema in early December. It really seems like my body is fighting getting below this set point.
I'm having a similar experience. I started sema in Jan 2023 and lost 63 pounds in 9 months, 288 > 225, my lowest weight in 20+ years. I've been stalled in the 225-231 range since then, having taken a break from sema for 2 months and then resuming with a split of tirz and sema in early December. It really seems like my body is fighting getting below this set point.
I'm hoping that eating over maintenance calories and putting on muscle for a while when taking breaks from sema will help with these "set points". I don't know whether the systems that try to hold us to these points have to do with our actual body weight or if it's more about the body wanting to hold onto a certain amount of fat... should be interesting to see.
Some random questions. I’m a woman just adding that. Not sure if it will help. I was on semaglutide for 8 months and had amazing results. I took a six week break because I didn’t want to keep increasing my dose. I also noticed it was not working like it used too etc. so I took six weeks off around the holidays. I didn’t change my eating habits and gained 12 pounds. I’m a woman it’s normal but annoying how quick it came back. I restarted and noticed that it’s not completely working as it did the first time around. My highest dose was around 1.750 and I’m on .750 now. I want to maybe switch it up and add some triz in the mix. I have around 25 lbs to be at a healthy weight which isn’t much but I want to have a hot girl summer. Does anyone have any tricks or advice on stacking or should I just stop bitching and keep dosing up. Thank you.
Some random questions. I’m a woman just adding that. Not sure if it will help. I was on semaglutide for 8 months and had amazing results. I took a six week break because I didn’t want to keep increasing my dose. I also noticed it was not working like it used too etc. so I took six weeks off around the holidays. I didn’t change my eating habits and gained 12 pounds. I’m a woman it’s normal but annoying how quick it came back. I restarted and noticed that it’s not completely working as it did the first time around. My highest dose was around 1.750 and I’m on .750 now. I want to maybe switch it up and add some triz in the mix. I have around 25 lbs to be at a healthy weight which isn’t much but I want to have a hot girl summer. Does anyone have any tricks or advice on stacking or should I just stop bitching and keep dosing up. Thank you.

I had a similar experience to you with sema. Got great results for 3 months then the side effects got to be too much at higher doses so I quit for couple months. When I went back I started over at the lowest dose (.25) and nothing. Raised it to .5 and all the sides came back, still lost nothing so I just quit altogether. I think these drugs take a very long time to leave your system (minimum 3 months). Eg it has been over 3 months since I quit and only now is my gut returning to some semblance of normal. I am going to wait at least a total of 6 months before I try any of them again and then it will be tirz. The sides on sema became unbearable.
Hey, how are you feeling now?
I had some pretty severe nausea and sulphur burps two days ago, but was back to 100% the day after. Hasn't done much if anything for my appetite yet sadly, though definitely feeling the lethargy. Needing 9-10 hours of sleep a day.

Going to dose another shot. My appetite is patterned and extremely habitual, so I think for myself Sema's going to be more of a long-term tool in regulating my appetite. We'll see tho!

Dosing my next shot today.
Some random questions. I’m a woman just adding that. Not sure if it will help. I was on semaglutide for 8 months and had amazing results. I took a six week break because I didn’t want to keep increasing my dose. I also noticed it was not working like it used too etc. so I took six weeks off around the holidays. I didn’t change my eating habits and gained 12 pounds. I’m a woman it’s normal but annoying how quick it came back. I restarted and noticed that it’s not completely working as it did the first time around. My highest dose was around 1.750 and I’m on .750 now. I want to maybe switch it up and add some triz in the mix. I have around 25 lbs to be at a healthy weight which isn’t much but I want to have a hot girl summer. Does anyone have any tricks or advice on stacking or should I just stop bitching and keep dosing up. Thank you.
Before getting any higher with Semaglutide, try Metformin before bed...start with 500mg and get to 1000mg depending on how you tolerate it.
Before getting any higher with Semaglutide, try Metformin before bed...start with 500mg and get to 1000mg depending on how you tolerate it.
You’re awesome. I’ve heard this before but kinda blew it off because I don’t know where to purchase it since my old vendor is under a lot of heat. I’ll look into it more. Thank you.