Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I didn't eat for 3 days and then didn't get full for like 15k cals that afternoon lmao. Naw no drugs. Also I think it was a fluke cause I was also using nicotine gum and caffeine so eh.
Really hunger isnt an issue for me, never was, it's that I have 0, none, absolutely never had "fullness queues". From 7 to like 12, we'd go to the buffet every friday and I would eat until I vomitted, then eat more cause i thought it was fun.

Naw I'm pretty fat, at the time of the binges, like 225 and 20-25%. Yeah my cals on "clean" foods can rack up to about 5k, with non clean foods I can easily do 15k. If you count Pasta noodles without any sauce or cheese or butter, I can eat a box of those and 2lbs of 99 turkey in a sitting.

One of my binges, I ate a box of donuts on the way home, ate a tub (those quart ones) of ice cream while waiting for my oven pizza to cook, then ate that, then ate another tub of ice cream. That was at about 9am and I wake up at 7ish. I have spent so much on binging in the last 2 years it's kind of insane lmao, fuck.

But to be fair, I hit 400+ before in my life about 5 years ago, off of one meal a day, it was just 5k calories.
Holy moly, have you considered getting surgery, maybe talk to your doctor you are probably a candidate for such operation.

Eating disorder for sure, I hope you get actual help before it gets worse.
Holy moly, have you considered getting surgery, maybe talk to your doctor you are probably a candidate for such operation.

Eating disorder for sure, I hope you get actual help before it gets worse.
To be honest, I considered it lmao. Like, I can maintain a relatively decent weight if I put forth the mental energy. I'm talking about 15% bodyfat, the lowest I was was about 205.

I genuinely consider it still. I just got the tummy tuck for my loose skin, which was covered. But I'm still classed as obese and could probably get it covered to.
Jesus man, I think what you need is to fix your dietary choices not more drugs. Anyone can eat 10k shit foods; try eating healthier, calorie dense foods and tell us how easy that would be.

Do you have cravings for shit foods or clean foods? Then again, these drugs were meant for diabetes yet we use it for the side effects lol.
Wait people actually get cravings for clean foods? You can train your body to do this? Not once have I ever craved lean protein, I barely look at it as food anymore, just material I have to shovel down my body to make it do what I want.
To be honest, I considered it lmao. Like, I can maintain a relatively decent weight if I put forth the mental energy. I'm talking about 15% bodyfat, the lowest I was was about 205.

I genuinely consider it still. I just got the tummy tuck for my loose skin, which was covered. But I'm still classed as obese and could probably get it covered to.
You said you are 225 and 20-25% and fat binging. Yea you a fat in the context of this forum and overweight/obese going off a BMI chart. But you are not FAT FAT in the context of what’s going on outside of this forum.

You said you’ve been 400lbs. That’s was FAT FAT and yea, a bariatric surgeon would definitely consult with you but not at your current weight probably.

You have a binge eating disorder. You should probably seek treatment for the mental aspect of with some form of therapy. Any physical treatment you seek is going to be a bandaid fix.

I read 12mgs of Semagulatide did not cut it for you. That’s almost 4x the largest pharmaceutical dose that’s prescribed (2.4mg x 4).

Drugs aren’t working for you. Surgery done to modify your stomach can be stretched out overtime by overeating which you can’t seem to control.

You are clearly motivated about getting yourself sorted out. See if it’s something psychological. Just a suggestion.
You said you are 225 and 20-25% and fat binging. Yea you a fat in the context of this forum and overweight/obese going off a BMI chart. But you are not FAT FAT in the context of what’s going on outside of this forum.

You said you’ve been 400lbs. That’s was FAT FAT and yea, a bariatric surgeon would definitely consult with you but not at your current weight probably.

You have a binge eating disorder. You should probably seek treatment for the mental aspect of with some form of therapy. Any physical treatment you seek is going to be a bandaid fix.

I read 12mgs of Semagulatide did not cut it for you. That’s almost 4x the largest pharmaceutical dose that’s prescribed (2.4mg x 4).

Drugs aren’t working for you. Surgery done to modify your stomach can be stretched out overtime by overeating which you can’t seem to control.

You are clearly motivated about getting yourself sorted out. See if it’s something psychological. Just a suggestion.
Well in truth I could technically fit the requirements for the surgery. And yeah I know you can just stretch it out.

Ironically, I've spent so much money on drugs to fix the problem, that I would have covered a years+ worth of therapy. I don't know how therapy helps much though. I know my problem, which is the problem. But it's the only issue stopping me from getting lean and eating a well rounded diet, aside from the binging my diet is essentially 90% clean.
Well in truth I could technically fit the requirements for the surgery. And yeah I know you can just stretch it out.

Ironically, I've spent so much money on drugs to fix the problem, that I would have covered a years+ worth of therapy. I don't know how therapy helps much though. I know my problem, which is the problem. But it's the only issue stopping me from getting lean and eating a well rounded diet, aside from the binging my diet is essentially 90% clean.
It’s not so much to go to a therapist to cry and how you need food but to identify why you are doing what you are doing and how to move forward with combating that effectively. Or if you possibly have a condition that warrants being referred to a psychiatrist for treatment with medication that will aid you in getting your binge eating under control.

You’ve definitely came a long way from 400lbs so I have no doubts you will get this last aspect that’s holding you back from your body composition goals under control.
Wait people actually get cravings for clean foods? You can train your body to do this? Not once have I ever craved lean protein, I barely look at it as food anymore, just material I have to shovel down my body to make it do what I want.

Bodybuilders deep into a cut and kids with certain genetic disorders like Prader-Willi will happily eat cardboard. I'm sure they'd rather have ice cream and pie but that's not an option. Eating anything scratches some itches.
It’s not so much to go to a therapist to cry and how you need food but to identify why you are doing what you are doing and how to move forward with combating that effectively. Or if you possibly have a condition that warrants being referred to a psychiatrist for treatment with medication that will aid you in getting your binge eating under control.

You’ve definitely came a long way from 400lbs so I have no doubts you will get this last aspect that’s holding you back from your body composition goals under control.
I've been on the fence about it once or twice. I'd prefer to get an ED specialist that actually works with athletes, not that I am one. But I know enough about nutrition and training that would warrant at least a certification in the field. I spend, insane, amounts of time researching topics and subjects. And technically I am a special case because of my drastic weightloss, and at one point. I was essentially doing the ends of a contest prep, I was passing out driving and shit, yeah...

Once i get it figured out I'll be good. I have even "personally prescribed" myself different meds, but I never really follow through with them, I need to though just to see.
Wait people actually get cravings for clean foods? You can train your body to do this? Not once have I ever craved lean protein, I barely look at it as food anymore, just material I have to shovel down my body to make it do what I want.
Dude, once you get to around 20 weeks of caloric deficit and barely any carbs, baked sweet potatoes/yams will taste like cake that melts in your mouth lol.
Anyone have any experience with the following?
I have tried Semaglutide all the way up to 10mg (I know) and nothing

I have tried Tirzepatide all the way up to 10mg, and I admit, I did a 3 day fast and wasn't hungry at all, but I didn't get that "food is shit" thing, is what I got normal?

I tried Reta up to 10mg? (It was the orange caps from october) and ADMITTEDLY was on DNP, and nothing.
I'm talking I could easily have put away 10k calories, and in some cases I did. Under no circumstance did Sema or Reta help. I just bought new Reta 15 and Tirz 5's during the sale. I plan on doing a 5 : 7.5 e5d dose of Tirz : Reta on this cut, any experience with mixing it like that? From what I read a lot of people have felt noticeably more suppression on Tirz, and a lot less on Reta due to Reta also being a thermogenic. I think I fall into that weird "Only Tirz works" category.

How long are you staying on any one of them? Maybe stick to one or two for awhile, like 6 months, and see if it can do it's thing. some say you need to be on them for a few weeks, even months for them to build up in your system and if you have blood sugar issues to have them become balanced out. For some people these work more than just an appetite suppressant .

I don't think a doctor would give your WLS till you got your eating under control because you could just eat through the stitches and rip your stomach back open. or regain the weight later as alot of people do.

there's also things like tesofensine, bupropion/naltrexone, vyvannse to work on the mental side of things. There's overeaters anonymous groups, I think they are free. You might just be a food addict (different than BED).
@ShamelessQuestions86 GLP-1 is only one hormone in your body that affects appetite. There are a ton of other ones: ghrelin, leptin, CCK, estrogen, neuropeptide Y, and more. Do some deep research and figure out what’s unbalanced in your body. It really shouldn’t be possible to put down the amount of food you do on Semaglutide, there’s obviously something else going on. You’re not willing to attack the psychological component right now, so your best bet is to balance whatever else is stimulating this ability to eat food.
How long are you staying on any one of them? Maybe stick to one or two for awhile, like 6 months, and see if it can do it's thing. some say you need to be on them for a few weeks, even months for them to build up in your system and if you have blood sugar issues to have them become balanced out. For some people these work more than just an appetite suppressant .

I don't think a doctor would give your WLS till you got your eating under control because you could just eat through the stitches and rip your stomach back open. or regain the weight later as alot of people do.

there's also things like tesofensine, bupropion/naltrexone, vyvannse to work on the mental side of things. There's overeaters anonymous groups, I think they are free. You might just be a food addict (different than BED).
I worked up sema how it's naturally dosed until 1mg, then jumped to 2 in 2 weeks, then 2.5 in 1, I took a break for a couple months then I think I said fuck it and pinned the 9.4mg after I rushed to 1mg.

Somewhere in between then I tried the tirz, I did 5mg for 2 weeks, 7.5 for 2, then a 10.

I took a break for probably like 3-4 months from tirz, somewhere during the 9.4mg I bought the Ret, this was Tracy's Orange Caps btw, so I'm not sure if it was truly 10mg or 4mgs. I worked up to 1 vial in 1 shot and nothing besides I was real hungry (this was me abusing dnp, clen, t3, etc. as well)

I tried homemade Contrave (bup/nal) which worked for exactly 1 day (after I binged so it probably didn't), adderall, nicotine gum, caffeine. I even have phentermine prescribed for "adhd" and I will say it works okay for like 4-6 hours, but nothing crazy. I just messaged Dr about Vyvanse today. Also I have Fluvoxemine and more Bup in my room but I havent been and wont be dieting for 2 more weeks so I have no reason to take them cause I planned on using the Ret/Tirz again, I planned on trying Bup for the comedown hunger from GLP + Phentermine

I find how much drugs i've tried and abused ironic, because I can't even remember to take my multivitamin in the morning. I keep forgetting about tesofensine, also I need to take the NDRIs and SSRis daily, but atm I am doing things that require I stop using them or can't combine them, so I really can't use them for 3+ months to get the true effects until like November. Or else I risk increased bleeding or Seratonin Syndrome etc. I could use the Bup though, but I'm going to use the Amph first then Bup when I can't use the Amph. I have 6 weeks worth 150mg
Like I said, starting at maximum 7ish I'd go to the buffet and eat till I vomitted, I also probably would have literally killed myself at like 12-16 if it wasn't for coming home every friday with a 2lb bucket of chicken strips to eat until I was sick. But I never had BED when I was 465, I'd eat 1-2 meals a day, they would just be 5k calories. I'd would routinely not eat from like 6am to 4pm for the sole purpose of I'd be so hungry I'd stay awake in class

SO we got a little bit of issues with food I geuss.

GLP-1 is only one hormone in your body that affects appetite. There are a ton of other ones: ghrelin, leptin, CCK, estrogen, neuropeptide Y, and more. Do some deep research and figure out what’s unbalanced in your body. It really shouldn’t be possible to put down the amount of food you do on Semaglutide, there’s obviously something else going on. You’re not willing to attack the psychological component right now, so your best bet is to balance whatever else is stimulating this ability to eat food.
There is the 5% or whatever were GLP-1s don't work. But there has been no med that has suppressed my Food Noise or Leptin Hormone for more than 2 days in a row. I'm 90% sure it's just habitual binging from the diet I did to get to 205. I binged up to 220 but was good. Then tried crash dieting for like 15 months, now I'm here 3 months later. I remember at one point I couldnt eat more than 2plates at the buffet, I was fasting Sunday and 16:8ing the weekdays. I got to 275 and was force feeding for 2400 calories with nuts. I then did volume dieting and at the end of 200 I was drinking 4 gallons of MIO flavored water a day, 2lbs of brocolli and chicken, the entire ninja blender of ice cream. Yeah it fucked me bad. To this day I eat like 20-40g of fat, while adding fat to my diet intentionally with 93 beef. It just doesnt fill me up for shit, or keep me satiated.
I can't post in the QSC thread, so I will post here. Reta 15 Kit from QSC just landed. Currently at 220lbs-ish. I'm already on Tirzepatide 10, taking about 3.3mg a week, and planning on going straight to Reta 5mg/week since I feel like the Tirze plateaued hard recently.

The Tirze was from Optitropin. Definitely worked for the first couple of months. Lost about 10lbs in a little under months. I will report back with results in a few months. Godspeed brethren.

Also if anyone knows any USA Lab Testing sources that are ok testing compounds for delinquents like myself, please lemme know! We need some QA in here, and I'd like to get the ball rolling.
Isnt 3.3mg a really low dose of Tirz? Max dose is 15mg a week. I started on 4mg of Tirz and didn't feel much. Went up to 5mg and it worked for like a month. And then moved up to 7.5mg which seems to be doing the trick.
I worked up sema how it's naturally dosed until 1mg, then jumped to 2 in 2 weeks, then 2.5 in 1, I took a break for a couple months then I think I said fuck it and pinned the 9.4mg after I rushed to 1mg.

Somewhere in between then I tried the tirz, I did 5mg for 2 weeks, 7.5 for 2, then a 10.

I took a break for probably like 3-4 months from tirz, somewhere during the 9.4mg I bought the Ret, this was Tracy's Orange Caps btw, so I'm not sure if it was truly 10mg or 4mgs. I worked up to 1 vial in 1 shot and nothing besides I was real hungry (this was me abusing dnp, clen, t3, etc. as well)

I tried homemade Contrave (bup/nal) which worked for exactly 1 day (after I binged so it probably didn't), adderall, nicotine gum, caffeine. I even have phentermine prescribed for "adhd" and I will say it works okay for like 4-6 hours, but nothing crazy. I just messaged Dr about Vyvanse today. Also I have Fluvoxemine and more Bup in my room but I havent been and wont be dieting for 2 more weeks so I have no reason to take them cause I planned on using the Ret/Tirz again, I planned on trying Bup for the comedown hunger from GLP + Phentermine

I find how much drugs i've tried and abused ironic, because I can't even remember to take my multivitamin in the morning. I keep forgetting about tesofensine, also I need to take the NDRIs and SSRis daily, but atm I am doing things that require I stop using them or can't combine them, so I really can't use them for 3+ months to get the true effects until like November. Or else I risk increased bleeding or Seratonin Syndrome etc. I could use the Bup though, but I'm going to use the Amph first then Bup when I can't use the Amph. I have 6 weeks worth 150mg
Like I said, starting at maximum 7ish I'd go to the buffet and eat till I vomitted, I also probably would have literally killed myself at like 12-16 if it wasn't for coming home every friday with a 2lb bucket of chicken strips to eat until I was sick. But I never had BED when I was 465, I'd eat 1-2 meals a day, they would just be 5k calories. I'd would routinely not eat from like 6am to 4pm for the sole purpose of I'd be so hungry I'd stay awake in class

SO we got a little bit of issues with food I geuss.

There is the 5% or whatever were GLP-1s don't work. But there has been no med that has suppressed my Food Noise or Leptin Hormone for more than 2 days in a row. I'm 90% sure it's just habitual binging from the diet I did to get to 205. I binged up to 220 but was good. Then tried crash dieting for like 15 months, now I'm here 3 months later. I remember at one point I couldnt eat more than 2plates at the buffet, I was fasting Sunday and 16:8ing the weekdays. I got to 275 and was force feeding for 2400 calories with nuts. I then did volume dieting and at the end of 200 I was drinking 4 gallons of MIO flavored water a day, 2lbs of brocolli and chicken, the entire ninja blender of ice cream. Yeah it fucked me bad. To this day I eat like 20-40g of fat, while adding fat to my diet intentionally with 93 beef. It just doesnt fill me up for shit, or keep me satiated.
Habitual implies a psychological component. You have accepted enormous amounts of risks to your mortality with the quantity of supplements you’ve consumed, why not accept the risk of feeling a little uncomfortable going to therapy? You might just help yourself out more than you ever thought possible. I haven’t gone in two years though, so I get that it’s easier said than done. Still think it could help you though.
Habitual implies a psychological component. You have accepted enormous amounts of risks to your mortality with the quantity of supplements you’ve consumed, why not accept the risk of feeling a little uncomfortable going to therapy? You might just help yourself out more than you ever thought possible. I haven’t gone in two years though, so I get that it’s easier said than done. Still think it could help you though.
I don't want to spend 150+ dollars an hour on someone who may not "work" for me, as well as I can't just say everything I'm doing without being in trouble with some law. To be honest, if Tirz doesn't work, after this thing I'm doing where I'm just letting myself binge but not restricting it the next day (which so far is going alright I guess) then I guess it's to the therapists office, I have literally no more drugs or research chemicals left to try, besides therapy or 8week+ ssri or ndri's. I will never use Topimirate, lmao.
I'm pretty sure I naturally have a large appetite, compounded with large calorie restriction, a binge will of course be 5k+ calories. Ironically if I did a 500 calorie deficit 2 years ago I'd be there by now, oh well. I suppose I will have to wait an extra year to year and a half to be lean, assuming I fix myself.
I don't want to spend 150+ dollars an hour on someone who may not "work" for me, as well as I can't just say everything I'm doing without being in trouble with some law. To be honest, if Tirz doesn't work, after this thing I'm doing where I'm just letting myself binge but not restricting it the next day (which so far is going alright I guess) then I guess it's to the therapists office, I have literally no more drugs or research chemicals left to try, besides therapy or 8week+ ssri or ndri's. I will never use Topimirate, lmao.
I'm pretty sure I naturally have a large appetite, compounded with large calorie restriction, a binge will of course be 5k+ calories. Ironically if I did a 500 calorie deficit 2 years ago I'd be there by now, oh well. I suppose I will have to wait an extra year to year and a half to be lean, assuming I fix myself.
Hmmm this Topimirate looks a little tasty, surprised it escaped my research. Why would you never use it?
I don't want to spend 150+ dollars an hour on someone who may not "work" for me, as well as I can't just say everything I'm doing without being in trouble with some law. To be honest, if Tirz doesn't work, after this thing I'm doing where I'm just letting myself binge but not restricting it the next day (which so far is going alright I guess) then I guess it's to the therapists office, I have literally no more drugs or research chemicals left to try, besides therapy or 8week+ ssri or ndri's. I will never use Topimirate, lmao.
I'm pretty sure I naturally have a large appetite, compounded with large calorie restriction, a binge will of course be 5k+ calories. Ironically if I did a 500 calorie deficit 2 years ago I'd be there by now, oh well. I suppose I will have to wait an extra year to year and a half to be lean, assuming I fix myself.
You can tell them whatever you want. They will only break confidentiality if you are a danger to yourself or others.

I self-medicated a third hole in my nose and compulsively kept going on with the damage despite knowing my behavior was self-destructive. Therapy and a subsequent referral to psychiatric changed my life for the better.

It’s ok to seek help. You don’t have to take on all your problems alone. That is a mistake many of us make. It doesn’t seem like you have this under control and your drug administration protocols are all over the place. There are professionals out there.
I don't want to spend 150+ dollars an hour on someone who may not "work" for me, as well as I can't just say everything I'm doing without being in trouble with some law. To be honest, if Tirz doesn't work, after this thing I'm doing where I'm just letting myself binge but not restricting it the next day (which so far is going alright I guess) then I guess it's to the therapists office, I have literally no more drugs or research chemicals left to try, besides therapy or 8week+ ssri or ndri's. I will never use Topimirate, lmao.
I'm pretty sure I naturally have a large appetite, compounded with large calorie restriction, a binge will of course be 5k+ calories. Ironically if I did a 500 calorie deficit 2 years ago I'd be there by now, oh well. I suppose I will have to wait an extra year to year and a half to be lean, assuming I fix myself.
I feel bad when reading your messages, the first thing you should fix is your head.
Hmmm this Topimirate looks a little tasty, surprised it escaped my research. Why would you never use it?
Turns you literally re****ded... It is the only niche appetite suppressant I haven't tried minus an SSRI, or (some remaining) under the counter appetite suppressants.

You can tell them whatever you want. They will only break confidentiality if you are a danger to yourself or others.

I self-medicated a third hole in my nose and compulsively kept going on with the damage despite knowing my behavior was self-destructive. Therapy and a subsequent referral to psychiatric changed my life for the better.

It’s ok to seek help. You don’t have to take on all your problems alone. That is a mistake many of us make. It doesn’t seem like you have this under control and your drug administration protocols are all over the place. There are professionals out there.
Yeah, issue is I am a danger to myself if I told them, also I learned how to circumvent the nose issue with nasal spray but ik what you mean, like I said after the Tirz thing I gotta get therapy. Either that or meth (if that works)
Turns you literally re****ded...
Hmm, doesn’t sound as yummy now
Either that or meth (if that works)
Just depends on if Adderall does something for you right now. It’s funny, this was my plan before I discovered GLPs. I’m glad it didn’t get to that point. Issue with amphetamines are they’re not like GLPs. Tolerance builds very fast and takes upwards of a year to reset.