Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

Does Semaglutide make your breath smell?

My girlfriend is running this shit and i swear her breath has got worse.
One of the primary mechanisms of semaglutide is that is slows gastric emptying. More and smellier burps are common.

The sulfur smell may be nothing, but it might be a sign of a pathological bacterial growth, notably H. pylori.

The first thing to try is reducing portion size so that there's never a ton of extra food sitting around for a long time. This gives the stomach flora a bit too much of an opportunity to pig out, which can cause an overgrowth and all of the consequences of it, including ulcers and diarrhea. No bueno.

If that doesn't do it, the best move is to see a doctor. If you wanna DIY (because, really, who amongst us doesn't), the standard treatment is a proton-pump inhibitor and a course of antibiotics. The thing with abx is that H. pylori, and every other bacterium nowadays, has abx-resistant strains. That means you may have to do a couple courses of different drugs to knock it out. Your best bet, if you live in the US or Europe, is to try amoxicillin first.

If it gets to that, take 20 mg omeprazole once daily for 8 weeks and 1250 mg amoxicillin once a day for two weeks. The amoxicillin may cause diarrhea on its own, since you're killing off the gut microbiota as well, so a probiotic during that time is a good idea. In the event that she develops symptoms and that doesn't work, hit me up because there are two other commonly rxd abx to try next... but really, at that point, an in-person doctor is the move.

It also wouldn't hurt to take an antacid (Tums) or acid reducer (famotidine/Pepcid) to see if that's enough to knock down the burps.
One of the primary mechanisms of semaglutide is that is slows gastric emptying. More and smellier burps are common.

The sulfur smell may be nothing, but it might be a sign of a pathological bacterial growth, notably H. pylori.

The first thing to try is reducing portion size so that there's never a ton of extra food sitting around for a long time. This gives the stomach flora a bit too much of an opportunity to pig out, which can cause an overgrowth and all of the consequences of it, including ulcers and diarrhea. No bueno.

If that doesn't do it, the best move is to see a doctor. If you wanna DIY (because, really, who amongst us doesn't), the standard treatment is a proton-pump inhibitor and a course of antibiotics. The thing with abx is that H. pylori, and every other bacterium nowadays, has abx-resistant strains. That means you may have to do a couple courses of different drugs to knock it out. Your best bet, if you live in the US or Europe, is to try amoxicillin first.

If it gets to that, take 20 mg omeprazole once daily for 8 weeks and 1250 mg amoxicillin once a day for two weeks. The amoxicillin may cause diarrhea on its own, since you're killing off the gut microbiota as well, so a probiotic during that time is a good idea. In the event that she develops symptoms and that doesn't work, hit me up because there are two other commonly rxd abx to try next... but really, at that point, an in-person doctor is the move.

It also wouldn't hurt to take an antacid (Tums) or acid reducer (famotidine/Pepcid) to see if that's enough to knock down the burps.
Taking an antibiotic to fight a side effect of a GLP 1 is stupid. Taking anti biotics willy nilly is always a bad idea. Only take them when you really need them and make sure you're using the correct one for your issue. Antibiotics have their own side effects, the worst being fucking your gut flora.
Taking an antibiotic to fight a side effect of a GLP 1 is stupid. Taking anti biotics willy nilly is always a bad idea. Only take them when you really need them and make sure you're using the correct one for your issue. Antibiotics have their own side effects, the worst being fucking your gut flora.
Yeah, no shit. Read what I posted, which included two things to try before antibiotics. Pay attention to the page, not your feelings.
Yeah, no shit. Read what I posted, which included two things to try before antibiotics. Pay attention to the page, not your feelings.
Yeah, I did read your post. You suggest self-diagnosing with H pylori and treating yourself with self-prescribed antibiotics. You should remember what you typed rather than relying on your feelings about what you typed.
Yeah, I did read your post. You suggest self-diagnosing with H pylori and treating yourself with self-prescribed antibiotics. You should remember what you typed rather than relying on your feelings about what you typed dumb ass.
Did you read the two exhortations to go to the doctor? You're dumb as a brick, which makes you too dumb to realize you're dumb and aggressive at projecting your shit-tier thoughts into the world. Go back to inflicting yourself on the unfortunate people around you.
Did you read the two exhortations to go to the doctor? You're dumb as a brick, which makes you too dumb to realize you're dumb and aggressive at projecting your shit-tier thoughts into the world. Go back to inflicting yourself on the unfortunate people around you.
Love you too Dr. Penisauce. To busy taking antibiotics to respond correctly but I'll get back to you soon.
dropped 40lbs over the summer with tirzepatide. I only needed to stick with 2.5mg per week and I was almost never hungry. A miracle drug for sure. Although it's not without side effects. Full body muscle aches for me, as well as fatigue, low BP, and dizziness. I wonder if I should try a different GLP-1 / GIP agonist. I was under the impression tirzepatide would have the least amount of side effects compared to the rest of the options. Do any of the others tend to have less sides?

I might order tirzepatide again, but if I could get something with less side effects, I might get that instead, even if it wasn't as effective for weight loss, I don't have much weight left to lose anyways. The side effects of tirz are pretty rough on me, even at a low dose.
dropped 40lbs over the summer with tirzepatide. I only needed to stick with 2.5mg per week and I was almost never hungry. A miracle drug for sure. Although it's not without side effects. Full body muscle aches for me, as well as fatigue, low BP, and dizziness. I wonder if I should try a different GLP-1 / GIP agonist. I was under the impression tirzepatide would have the least amount of side effects compared to the rest of the options. Do any of the others tend to have less sides?

I might order tirzepatide again, but if I could get something with less side effects, I might get that instead, even if it wasn't as effective for weight loss, I don't have much weight left to lose anyways. The side effects of tirz are pretty rough on me, even at a low dose.
It sounds like you’re a good responder. From what I read semaglutide has worse sides.

Have you tried using lower dosage?
Two doses 2.5mg of sema in and my appetite is still annoyingly high. Something else I’m running must be causing the appetite. HGH maybe? Only running 5IU daily though.

Really frustrating taking tirz and sema together and I still want to binge eat.
Two doses 2.5mg of sema in and my appetite is still annoyingly high. Something else I’m running must be causing the appetite. HGH maybe? Only running 5IU daily though.

Really frustrating taking tirz and sema together and I still want to binge eat.
Have you been running these for awhile? I went through a period where sema stoppped working completely. I was at 2.4mg. I dropped the sema and reintroduced it after 4 months and had the full effects again at .25mg.
Sup boys, can’t wait to get fucked up for this question but does anyone know the process of making your own Semaglutide. I’m getting 1 gram of it from a source and can’t find any info on how to brew it yourself. Is it really just as easy as weighing out 5mgs and bottling it? Go easy on me fellas, you’re all I got
Sup boys, can’t wait to get fucked up for this question but does anyone know the process of making your own Semaglutide. I’m getting 1 gram of it from a source and can’t find any info on how to brew it yourself. Is it really just as easy as weighing out 5mgs and bottling it? Go easy on me fellas, you’re all I got
Don’t even attempt it. The is no margin for error. And I highly doubt you have the equipment to Lyophilized it.