Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
What source is everyone using for their Tirz/Sema? Non-pharma branded. I ordered from SAF and honestly their Tirz is nowhere near as effective as brand pharma grade Mounjaro. I have some pinnedaminos Sema and an order from a chinese supplier coming. I am looking for better Chinese sources or experiences from QSC or GodBullRaw
QSC - and my appetite was obliterated to the point where I was like "Fuck, need to get in my caloric goal"

One good 'side effect' for me is damn triple flusher no wiper logs! Seems to have calmed down some GI issues I have had over the last few years (IE: not always solid, messy ass shits).
I’m on the 15mg of Mounjaro (pharm, jumped pharmacies a bunch to find one that would let me use the savings card) and it’s my fav of the GLP-1 drugs so far. I think I’ve lost 30 pounds and kept most of my lean mass. I have PCOS so I think maybe it has slightly different effects on me than say, a man with no insulin resistance.
My wife had PCOS as well, this stuff has been a life changer for her. I'd say it does work better for her then me.
It is the one single variable that has changed. Of course I cant be 100% sure, but shit its been warm up here and playing guitar was damn near impossible...
Hows your blood pressure? I was on 4 different blood pressure medications at it's maximum dose, probably because of a crazy high insulin resistance, before I started with semaglutide. It then lowered my blood pressure so much that all I am taking now is 2 low dosed meds. This could be the reason for you too, low blood pressure is linked to cold limbs and a general cold feeling.
Have you considered body heat and results from drastically lowered calorie intake?
No, as my caloric intake has only dropped by 200 a day. I have a reminder on my phone now to eat as I am simply not hungry at all. It is very freakish as I am usually famished at this level of caloric intake (deficit is 400/day at the moment)
Weird, I also am not hungry but Id say I'm at a steady 1000-1500 cal deficit per day at 6'2 250ish w 6 exercise days plus, so who really knows the true deficit. Its also MN and as a Minnesotan I dont really get cold, until I eat like a bird and had noticed a few low cal days just having some random colder moments.
What source is everyone using for their Tirz/Sema? Non-pharma branded. I ordered from SAF and honestly their Tirz is nowhere near as effective as brand pharma grade Mounjaro. I have some pinnedaminos Sema and an order from a chinese supplier coming. I am looking for better Chinese sources or experiences from QSC or GodBullRaw
Just started on the Tirzepatide from GodBullRaw yesterday @2.5mg.
Will report back on the effects.

Prior to this, I've been on pharma Saxenda for the past few months, so I'm aware of how glp's should work and such.
Just started on the Tirzepatide from GodBullRaw yesterday @2.5mg.
Will report back on the effects.

Prior to this, I've been on pharma Saxenda for the past few months, so I'm aware of how glp's should work and such.
Please keep the community informed. I don't believe he has testing but if it works for you, might be another source worth trying.
Was on QSC Sema for 6ish months, 1mg twice a week. Monday evening I started on QSC Tirz, did the 2.5 mg dose. Tues AM didn't feel much of the effects but by the evening was having very little hunger. Interestingly it has actually reduced a desire to eat too. Knew I should but had no desire to do so.

Today filled up on a small amount of yogurt for breakfast. Wild how much more of an effect it is having than the Sema. Imagine rest of this cut should be pretty quick to finish off.
Was on QSC Sema for 6ish months, 1mg twice a week. Monday evening I started on QSC Tirz, did the 2.5 mg dose. Tues AM didn't feel much of the effects but by the evening was having very little hunger. Interestingly it has actually reduced a desire to eat too. Knew I should but had no desire to do so.

Today filled up on a small amount of yogurt for breakfast. Wild how much more of an effect it is having than the Sema. Imagine rest of this cut should be pretty quick to finish off.
Did you notice a loss of effectiveness with the sema after that long on?
Anyone have experience with Dragonordance sema? I recently switched over from Peptide Sciences and am thinking it was underdosed. I was due for a dosage increase to 1mg. I've taken about 1.5mg in the past three days and have had zero side effects + little appetite suppression.

Im hesitant to take a larger dose and completely knock myself out of commission. I have 10 vials and would be super bummed if it was completely bunk :(
Yup definitely nowhere near as good as Qsc or pharma. Does nothing for me.