Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
There is testing in the lab testing portion. I want to assume all UGL semaglutide is essentially from the same source.

Just pick where you get it from. I have pretty solid instructions at the top of this page.

With my dosing. 3 vials, 3 months.

I am on tirazepide (same drug class), clen, carnitine, hgh, metformin, lipo mic right now.

I have been a huge fan of the GLP drugs since the release.

There are 4 big name sources that sell it here and all of them have tested it. I think they have bac water for sale too
Thanks. Are you on UGL tirzepatide or getting it prescribed? I don't see tirz in UGL shops anywhere, I've seen a few semaglutides but even they are hard to come by. How is tirzepatide vs semaglutide? Pretty much the same? And you don't need one of those injector pens that all the GLP-1 antagonists use? You can just use standard syringes I assume? I still have leftover 29G 1cc 1/2-Inch insulin syringes from when I was on T.

The math part of adding bacteriostatic water and figuring out what each dose is hurts my brain! , even with the peptide calculator I'm confused. Math not my strong suite.
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is tirzepatide out of stock everywhere currently? And how much more $$ does it usually cost compared to semaglutide (in UGL prices)?

Sounds like tirzepatide is better, but if it's twice the price and (more importantly) unavailable, I'm sure semaglutide will be okay, and it's much easier to find. If you're on Sema for 6 months or something then switch to Tirzepatide (or vice versa), do you have to start over with dosing and start at the lowest dosage again?

I actually have a perscription for tirzepatide/mounjaro, but it would be something like $1000 per month out of pocket, phuk dat!
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is tirzepatide out of stock everywhere currently? And how much more $$ does it usually cost compared to semaglutide (in UGL prices)?

Sounds like tirzepatide is better, but if it's twice the price and (more importantly) unavailable, I'm sure semaglutide will be okay, and it's much easier to find. If you're on Sema for 6 months or something then switch to Tirzepatide (or vice versa), do you have to start over with dosing and start at the lowest dosage again?

I actually have a perscription for tirzepatide/mounjaro, but it would be something like $1000 per month out of pocket, phuk dat!
No it isn't out of stock. Just have to look.

Might be best to start at the lower dose to gauge
If you have good insurance use an online place to get a script sent to your pharmacy. 2mg Ozempic pen with 4 refills cost me $25 per month. Just depends on whether or not your insurance will cover it, mine does with no prior authorization. Worth a shot.
Mounjaro can be kept outside of the fridge for 21 days.

Detailed instructions for mounjaro(or any auto injector transfer. This is ideal for dose control, also ideal if someone buys a larger volume injector and wants it to last longer.

You will need 1 2ml vial(preferably amber for light protection
1 needle
1 3ml syringe
alcohol swab
injectors(I have done 3 at once)


You will put the needle into here.

It will look like this. Pull the plunger back to 2-2.5ml. This will allow space for the medication to fire into there without risking backsplash and loss of drug


Disable the locking mechanism


At the end of all of this. you will hold these two together upright. Syringe will be on the bottom, and the injector will be on top. Press the button to fire.

-After it has fired into the syringe. Sometimes its a little bubbly. That is ok.
attach the needle.
-Wipe the sterile vial top
-inject the medication into there.
-Store it in the fridge
I am nearly done with my Tirzepatide protocol, quick question which I have has anyone switched to Semaglutide for maintenance (was thinking of doing ~2.4mg dose) so that I can maintain at least some appetite suppression
I am nearly done with my Tirzepatide protocol, quick question which I have has anyone switched to Semaglutide for maintenance (was thinking of doing ~2.4mg dose) so that I can maintain at least some appetite suppression
if It was me, I would do 1mg of sema and do 1gram of metformin XR 1000mg in the morning.

Could probably dose 500mg xr split dosing

just for money saving sake.
Wanted to ask this in the QSC thread but I don’t have Underground permissions yet. Can anyone help clarify?

He sells the Tirzepatide 5mg kit, which is 10 vials @5mg each. If I was taking 5mg weekly, this order would last me 2.5 months (10 weeks), correct? To be clear I don’t plan on doing 5mg to start, just using the simplest example to be sure I’m not missing anything.
Wanted to ask this in the QSC thread but I don’t have Underground permissions yet. Can anyone help clarify?

He sells the Tirzepatide 5mg kit, which is 10 vials @5mg each. If I was taking 5mg weekly, this order would last me 2.5 months (10 weeks), correct? To be clear I don’t plan on doing 5mg to start, just using the simplest example to be sure I’m not missing anything.
You are suppose to increase to 7.5 and 10. It would last you 9 weeks

2.5 x 4
5x 4
7.5 x 4
10 x 4
12.5 x 4
15 x ongoing
Yes. You’re really helpful Cridi, thank you.
Cridi is the most helpful and knowledgeable "source" we have. Looking forward to the day of his return to member status, lol.

But seriously, he knows his stuff with this. I saved the post where he showed how to extract the liquid from a Mounjaro pen. So glad he's around to help everyone out here.
Cridi is the most helpful and knowledgeable "source" we have. Looking forward to the day of his return to member status, lol.

But seriously, he knows his stuff with this. I saved the post where he showed how to extract the liquid from a Mounjaro pen. So glad he's around to help everyone out here.
For real! 9 out of 10 times I search something, he’s in the thread with the answer I’m looking for.