Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
cabergoline is a glp1 agonist aswell. Took 8mg caber one time and became manic. It did kill my appetite too, as promised
I can take .5mg and have the top half of my skull buzzing pretty good within hours. I messed up once and took another .5mg the next day instead of 3.5 days later and was buzzing pretty good for a few days.

I simply cannot imagine 8mg at once. Was it intentional? How did your dopamine get sow low that you could even think about taking a dose like that.

on a side note, it’s absurd to see the markup on Caber now. Just a couple years ago I got Pfizer caber 20 x 1mg for around $70
I had that same hunger/fullness issue. I just started drinking water or iced tea whenever that happened and it usually solved the problem. Bless those IGLE neurons and their stretch sensitivity.

Was this in response to me here?
Yes, read up on it here:
I can take .5mg and have the top half of my skull buzzing pretty good within hours. I messed up once and took another .5mg the next day instead of 3.5 days later and was buzzing pretty good for a few days.

I simply cannot imagine 8mg at once. Was it intentional? How did your dopamine get sow low that you could even think about taking a dose like that.

on a side note, it’s absurd to see the markup on Caber now. Just a couple years ago I got Pfizer caber 20 x 1mg for around $70
It was just an experiment

Generally speaking I am a fan of caber. High/medium prolactin makes me retain unnecessary water weight
Results from QSC: Unclear

This was my 9th week on tirz, 5th week at 5mg and I switched from ACA compounded to QSC peptide.

I lost weight, but the effects did seem a bit weaker. I did develop a red bruise at the injection site. It could have been the BAC water, my prep, or a bad vial. Unclear. I will use different BAC water next time I try.

I have swapped back to ACA Compound for now, but I have more QSC kits still coming. I want a healthy pile just in-case shortages hit.

As I approach goal-weights I plan on going fully over to QSC for cost reasons.

ACA isn't too bad but $300-500 a month isn't sustainable for me for years and years.
Results from QSC: Unclear

This was my 9th week on tirz, 5th week at 5mg and I switched from ACA compounded to QSC peptide.

I lost weight, but the effects did seem a bit weaker. I did develop a red bruise at the injection site. It could have been the BAC water, my prep, or a bad vial. Unclear. I will use different BAC water next time I try.

I have swapped back to ACA Compound for now, but I have more QSC kits still coming. I want a healthy pile just in-case shortages hit.

As I approach goal-weights I plan on going fully over to QSC for cost reasons.

ACA isn't too bad but $300-500 a month isn't sustainable for me for years and years.

Could be allergy, a lot of people on Tirz/Mounjaro have it. I got it after 2 months. Creams and benadryl help a little but rn switched to Semaglutide with equal results and no rash.
It didn’t work again for me. I took a 3 month break and tried again and felt absolutely no different. That’s why I switched to tirze. It works much much better and I’ve been on it longer than sema.
Who is your tirz from? Thank you.

I am very on the fence about ordering tirz from qsc due to the recent comments about comparing compounded prescription tirz to qsc trz... who has ordered and tried tirz im the last month or two? Thoughts?
I don't know what is going on but my appetite is still insatiable after increasing from 1.5 to 2.0 mg per week. On Monday I'll make the jump to 2.5 mg.

If that is still having no effect, would it be wiser to stop or switch to Tirzepatide, or use some combination of the two?

(Been on semaglutide since Dec 3 slowly ramping dose up)
Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I've been on Tirzepatide for over 8 months. Down 30 pounds. I titrated up to 10 mg a week and am now on a maintenance of 5 mg a week. Started with prescription Mounjaro and now recon peptides. Side effects are real; sulfur burps, farts, "gastric distress" (fill in the blanks here), fatigue, nausea....after I got titrated up most of these issues subsided but still manifest after my weekly injection. I don't eat much on the first 2 days, protein shakes are my friend. Appetite and food costs were greatly reduced at least 60%.
I don't know what is going on but my appetite is still insatiable after increasing from 1.5 to 2.0 mg per week. On Monday I'll make the jump to 2.5 mg.

If that is still having no effect, would it be wiser to stop or switch to Tirzepatide, or use some combination of the two?

(Been on semaglutide since Dec 3 slowly ramping dose up)
Tirzepatide FTW!