Actually, asking for the names of red handed , reverse scammers, is not the same as falsely gang banging sources to extort gear. Definitely not Apples to Apples.
Transparency is one of meso's best contributions to the community.
Members involved in what these individuals were doing, undermines that.
When they falsely accuse a source for free gear , and then later on begin to lighten up, and even begin to smile on the same source. That gives off the feeling to other members, that evidently this source was able to weather the blast and is now proving their self as an excellent vendor.
That's what makes this so serious, because the members rely on this vetting process of sources, to keep them safe from scams.
But instead they're being scanned from within.
Nothing wrong with asking, but repeatedly demanding and expressing frustration is another form of bullying. What's in it for the source? He isn't getting many orders from here (based on the responses so far), but now you're making it sound like it's his moral obligation to expose more PM's You do realize there's a potential cost to him of exposing more people right? If he exposed more, great! But he didn't, that's his prerogative! I'm sure other sources here have also gotten PM'd requests like wildflower - why not post in their threads too and demand exposure?