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Beautiful. Girls like her have lots of options, that is why you need to keep her interest level high. Dong so is hard w/ quality women, but discipline yourself. Look closely at the PM and links I sent you. Look at how I dealt w/ the "Doll face incident."
W/ a hottie like her you have to be especially careful to spoon feed her. Our instinct is to be w/ her, sex her everyday. Big mistake. It you really have a quality gal who is hot you need to discipline yourself. Only see her once a week. She will, if you are doing things right, want to see you more frequently. Don't do it. At some point she will start pressuring you for more commitment.
IME, this usually happens around the 6-8 week mark. I made my wife wait until the 9 week mark, and during the last 2 weeks I was getting dramatic break up letters, but when I called and asked to see her, she said "yes I am going to fight for you." If you are 100% sure you don't want to see any other women anymore, then agree. Remember, the woman
ALWAYS makes these sorts of decisions.
As men we like to think we are in control, but no. The only thing we control is are emotions and behavior (as cf in the last PM I sent you.) As mentioned all you can do is keep her interest level high. Once you agree to be exclusive, stop seeing all other women. You can then start seeing her more often (but still only twice a week) and on the weekends. The message this^ says is that she had to earn your time and commitment. Remember, you are the prize.
Until then, only see her once a week. The phone is ONLY for making dates. Long phone calls=her girl friend. Call her up, do about 3-4 minutes of chit chat, be funny, get her laughing and then get the date. This will teach her that, if she wants to talk to you she has to see you.
Also, and this is critical, do NOT let her live w/ you. Several studies have shown that early cohabitation = more failed relationships. I would go one step further and advise not to live w/ a girl until you marry her. Staying over 1 or 2 nights a week is OK, but set boundaries. She will respect you more if you do so.