CSO will be similar to sesame oil. Mct is thinner. Some like myself love mct as it’s effortless to pin but some get a reaction from it like pip. I believe most of the pip from it is from members not use to pushing the thinner oil and pinning it to quickly. Both are great oils.
I currently use both. Cso is what my pharma comes made in and I like to blast with mct as I’m using a lot more oil and enjoy doing so with a thinner oil
I liked MCT being thinner. Easier to pull from vial. I might have been a one off, but I take ...dont laugh... 2 minutes to actually pin. Someone told me to go slow because its like a water jet if you dont and youll get inflammation. Still a nodule. I wish my body liked it, I think MCT is the way to go whether your blasting or cruising.