GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thank you for another timely and safely delivered order. And heed GL advice and warm your compounds. The cyp vials in this order were all having impact from the cold temps--something I see often in my neck of the woods.
Whooopsie... I totally forgot to warm it up.. I'm 2 shots into my new vials with zero pip.
Looks like i dodges a bullet.
Anybody ran his DHB yet? How was the pip if so

Wait, is DHB available now? Nice, been wanting to try it.
Interested in any feedback of the pip as well. I've heard DHB in general has pip, but thinking it may depend on the concentration as well.

@GoodLyfe Is your (or all) DHB the cyp ester and any info on pip?
Wait, is DHB available now? Nice, been wanting to try it.
Interested in any feedback of the pip as well. I've heard DHB in general has pip, but thinking it may depend on the concentration as well.

@GoodLyfe Is your (or all) DHB the cyp ester and any info on pip?

My 1-TC = 100mg/ml (out for testing currently)
Pip is subjective my man. What wrecks one person may be smooth as melted ice cubes for another.
My 1-TC = 100mg/ml (out for testing currently)
Pip is subjective my man. What wrecks one person may be smooth as melted ice cubes for another.
A while back I was sent some DHB (from a dearly departed source) that was wildly overdosed (per the HPLC test) at 125mg in MCT. It was delivered crashed and remained in that state unless it was heated up quite a bit. As soon as it cooled it crashed again. After some alchemy* I was able to get it down to 90mg/ml and it had zero pip. If yours comes in tested within a +/-5% range of 100mg it probably shouldn’t have much if any bite. If you didn’t go nuts on the solvents then most people should find it at a minimum to be perfectly tolerable. Was it made with the standard 2/20 or 2/18 BA/BB?

*ok, I just remade it and it wasn’t hard, but I wanted to sound like a big shot so the cool kids would like me
A while back I was sent some DHB (from a dearly departed source) that was wildly overdosed (per the HPLC test) at 125mg in MCT. It was delivered crashed and remained in that state unless it was heated up quite a bit. As soon as it cooled it crashed again. After some alchemy* I was able to get it down to 90mg/ml and it had zero pip. If yours comes in tested within a +/-5% range of 100mg it probably shouldn’t have much if any bite. If you didn’t go nuts on the solvents then most people should find it at a minimum to be perfectly tolerable. Was it made with the standard 2/20 or 2/18 BA/BB?

*ok, I just remade it and it wasn’t hard, but I wanted to sound like a big shot so the cool kids would like me
Lol, I love the humor :)

Yep, that’s the ick about DHB. It’s sometimes difficult to get it to hold in large batches so we will see.

I may wait to get into specifics once some reports start coming in. I have some feedback from some of my private guys but that will do y’all no good here. It was positive feedback tho.
No sir.. I'm what they call super duper gay.
Gay.. Like gay gay.
OH! Well hell yea man, good on you for knowing who you are. I can appreciate where you are coming from. I’m a jokester so please don’t take offense. That being said, now your avatar makes sense. At first I thought it was a guy breakdancing but now I see it’s a guy trying to put something in his butt. I like it :p

Dm me (for real) lol
OH! Well hell yea man, good on you for knowing who you are. I can appreciate where you are coming from. I’m a jokester so please don’t take offense. That being said, now your avatar makes sense. At first I thought it was a guy breakdancing but now I see it’s a guy trying to put something in his butt. I like it :p

Dm me (for real) lol
At fucking what??
Gay jokes are just like straight jokes... Theyre FUCKING JOKES.
My community is riddled with fucking snowflakes that want their own pronouns and all sorts of other stupid shit.
Also..that avatar is from a 90s thrash band called DRI.
.. and I'm a top.. So I had my butt cheeks surgically sealed!
Hey man how long can you go without injecting using his Test U? I have to go on a business trip and will be gone for a month… will it last the whole month?
This is injecting 150mg .75ml of goodlyfe test u every 7 days. I injected .75ml Thursday night and tested the following Thursday morning. I’ve been on this protocol around 10 weeks.
At fucking what??
Gay jokes are just like straight jokes... Theyre FUCKING JOKES.
My community is riddled with fucking snowflakes that want their own pronouns and all sorts of other stupid shit.
Also..that avatar is from a 90s thrash band called DRI.
.. and I'm a top.. So I had my butt cheeks surgically sealed!
Been to many DRI shows at Hawthorne theater in Portland. Some of the best times I've had. Cut off or kicked out by the end almost every time. Fuck those were some good times.
Just a reminder I will be not shipping any packs from Dec 19-26. That means Saturday Dec 17th is the last day to get an order in before I close for the week. Any order received on Saturday will get shipped.

I will still answer emails at my leisure when I am closed.

Primo is still sold out :(

Also, if you are wondering when something will be back in stock please save my pastebin link. It will automatically update as I make changes to it. All you have to do is refresh the link in your browser.