GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Damn. Shocked they are out of test U CSO. Oh well. I'll wait for the next batch. I'll stock up on some of that stuff too
I’m new to this forum but interested in getting some help in achieving my bodybuilding goals. I’ve let myself get overweight over the last few years and got back into bodybuilding 6 months ago with clean diet and lifting but now that I’m 40 not getting the gains I need at all. Looking to keep adding lean mass while cutting fat.

Looking to do my first cycle and was looking at getting test-c, anavar to run 8-10 weeks then pct. Any thoughts or insights from you all is appreciated.
I’m new to this forum but interested in getting some help in achieving my bodybuilding goals. I’ve let myself get overweight over the last few years and got back into bodybuilding 6 months ago with clean diet and lifting but now that I’m 40 not getting the gains I need at all. Looking to keep adding lean mass while cutting fat.

Looking to do my first cycle and was looking at getting test-c, anavar to run 8-10 weeks then pct. Any thoughts or insights from you all is appreciated.
This is a source thread

create an intro thread. Its what any polite person polite would do

lifting stats
weight, height
any anabolic experience.
any labs
This is a source thread

create an intro thread. Its what any polite person polite would do

lifting stats
weight, height
any anabolic experience.
any labs
Thanks. Yes I will do that as well it was meant as an intro but also looking for any advice in sourcing said cycle. I read a lot of threads here and it seems like there are a few i came across that received great feedback but most of them you cannot pm so wondering how best to get introduced. Any advice would be great and thanks for the intro recommendation, I’ll do that on a different thread.
Thanks. Yes I will do that as well it was meant as an intro but also looking for any advice in sourcing said cycle. I read a lot of threads here and it seems like there are a few i came across that received great feedback but most of them you cannot pm so wondering how best to get introduced. Any advice would be great and thanks for the intro recommendation, I’ll do that on a different thread.

Sorry guys. I will try to be better at posting a pastebin link more frequently.

Also, please don’t be alarmed if your pack takes a couple extra days. This ALWAYS happens end of Nov thru first week of January. Holidays slows everything way down.

And it’s always a good idea to warm up and shake your gear before injecting. It’s cold here in Michigan and sometimes the gear will crash without it being obviously noticeable.
The pastebin in the post above has his product list, testing, and contact email. Make sure you use a Proton or tuta email, no gmail.
Pinning schedule
Mnday 6am -
Test c -125mg
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Wednesday 6am -
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Friday 6am -
Test c -125mg
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Bloods collected 9:45 Wednesday morning.
8 weeks in. Only change was about 2-3 weeks ago I switched from DO/colonial tren, to GL tren, other than that, been all GL the whole time.

Usually my test is higher, but first time running tren and my E is where it usually is on this dose of test. I feel great and won't be raising my test based on this, but curious if anyone has experience with tren lowering test levels on bloodwork?


Pinning schedule
Mnday 6am -
Test c -125mg
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Wednesday 6am -
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Friday 6am -
Test c -125mg
Mast e - 100mg
Tren a - 100mg

Bloods collected 9:45 Wednesday morning.
8 weeks in. Only change was about 2-3 weeks ago I switched from DO/colonial tren, to GL tren, other than that, been all GL the whole time.

Usually my test is higher, but first time running tren and my E is where it usually is on this dose of test. I feel great and won't be raising my test based on this, but curious if anyone has experience with tren lowering test levels on bloodwork?

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View attachment 177707
Am I reading that right, you take 250mg Test C weekly and your test level is only 525? Seems very low. What are you normally on that same dose?
That has to be an error from the lab. I find it hard to believe with your e2 being that high unless you missed a dose
That has to be an error from the lab. I find it hard to believe with your e2 being that high unless you missed a dose
I agree. I'm pretty sure I've heard other people get really low test results from quest sometimes. I'll try LabCorp and test again.
I’m surprised the test level @ 250mg per week is that low. Hopefully just a lab error.
I just did a search and people get some wacky fucking results from both labcorp or quest. I'll just order another test and go again next wednesday.
Like i said, I'm not increasing how much I inject, I feel like I should, cycle going good, I assume those are some skewed results

I think ~1500 woulda made more sense, maybe they fat fingered and forget to add a "1" lol. I'll test again and report back.
I just did a search and people get some wacky fucking results from both labcorp or quest. I'll just order another test and go again next wednesday.
Like i said, I'm not increasing how much I inject, I feel like I should, cycle going good, I assume those are some skewed results

I think ~1500 woulda made more sense, maybe they fat fingered and forget to add a "1" lol. I'll test again and report back.
did you get the ECLIA test or LC/MS test?
I just did a search and people get some wacky fucking results from both labcorp or quest. I'll just order another test and go again next wednesday.
Like i said, I'm not increasing how much I inject, I feel like I should, cycle going good, I assume those are some skewed results

I think ~1500 woulda made more sense, maybe they fat fingered and forget to add a "1" lol. I'll test again and report back.
Try quest. The regular testosterone test is like $50.
I am having trouble getting certain products for my liquid orals so that means…….caps are coming back.

I am testing all of the raws right now so I know purities, then production will start. I’ll send finished caps, with variance testing, out ASAP.
I already have all the supplies needed to cap so there shouldn’t be too much of a delay.

I will have caps of all of the orals I currently carry plus a 5mg Anavar.

Please don’t email me asking when they will be available. My pastebin will update when they are ready. Give me until at least the 2nd week of Feb.

Thanks guys!