GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I just had similar blood test results high e2 low test. Thread is hear Shit blood test on domestic test cyp

Different source but the results are very similar
I think there is something wrong with quest recently. My buddy recently had strange bloodwork too. On 875 test he only was 2500ng. He usually pulls 5200+ on 875. But his e2 was sky high and he sent a sample to jano to confirm his gear was legit. He uses a SST source (not GL). So something is wrong with quest recently
I think there is something wrong with quest recently. My buddy recently had strange bloodwork too. On 875 test he only was 2500ng. He usually pulls 5200+ on 875. But his e2 was sky high and he sent a sample to jano to confirm his gear was legit. He uses a SST source (not GL). So something is wrong with quest recently
I recently got a blood panel done at quest too (privatemdlabs) my total t came in at 492 (off aas for 8 Mo) previously got it tested two Mo before at 788 so I hope there is somthing wrong
Are you making any strength/muscle gains? Erectile/libido effects?

Yes I felt great for the first couple of months high sex drive puberty all over again( this is my first cycle) random people at the gym making comments on my progress. I started feeling tired dragging myself into the gym a week or so before the blood work. I had switched to a different vile around this time. Not sure if it’s the jacked up estrogen and fucked up lipids. Bad test
I am having trouble getting certain products for my liquid orals so that means…….caps are coming back.

I am testing all of the raws right now so I know purities, then production will start. I’ll send finished caps, with variance testing, out ASAP.
I already have all the supplies needed to cap so there shouldn’t be too much of a delay.

I will have caps of all of the orals I currently carry plus a 5mg Anavar.

Please don’t email me asking when they will be available. My pastebin will update when they are ready. Give me until at least the 2nd week of Feb.

Thanks guys!
That's a shame - liquid var formula was $$, my version of it was like drinking fucking moonshine.
Any higher concentrated oils possible in the future such as Colonial/SoCo had? Guess it would depend on what you think would sell consistently.