GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Finally started your DHB I ordered, 2ml in delt. No pip 24hrs later. Looking forward to the caps btw. I wasn’t loving the oral suspensions no offense. Made it hard to take orals PWO at the gym or in my car.
Finally started your DHB I ordered, 2ml in delt. No pip 24hrs later. Looking forward to the caps btw. I wasn’t loving the oral suspensions no offense. Made it hard to take orals PWO at the gym or in my car.
i used dhb. and it seems to me ideal to use it not in a compartment with a large number of drugs. ideal test, npp, dhb. the ideal dosage is about 400-500 per week. I did not notice the effect of reducing estro, as usual, it can be due to boldenone. I'm thinking of doing the same course now, but adding a masteron. I think this would be perfect.
Anyone try the Anavar. Wife wanting it .So wanting to make sure it's god.
Ok I guess var is all out and no caps yet? .
i used dhb. and it seems to me ideal to use it not in a compartment with a large number of drugs. ideal test, npp, dhb. the ideal dosage is about 400-500 per week. I did not notice the effect of reducing estro, as usual, it can be due to boldenone. I'm thinking of doing the same course now, but adding a masteron. I think this would be perfect.
This is my first time using DHB. I’m a big fan of tren ace and I handle its sides very well up to 420mg. But I’ve been using it too much this year and I wanted to give my mind a break before I did something really ghey. So far it’s too early to tell if I like DHB yet but I was surprised I had no pip at all. I’ll update after a couple of weeks on DHB. Running it with test c and anavar for a small recomp before i bloatmaxx this spring
As with anything, if there is a strong demand I will consider adding whatever that may be.

Should we start a list of potential high mg oils?
I'll always second the push for high mg/ml oils.

Deca 400/500, Test U 400, EQ 500 should all be easily doable if you dip into EO a little. Lots of people can tolerate EO just fine.

Who doesn't like halving the amount they need to pin every week, being total volume per injection or number of injections per week? I can deal with some extra pip no problem.
The pastebin in the post above has his product list, testing, and contact email. Make sure you use a Proton or tuta email, no gmail.
I'd also still recommend using something to hide your IP on top of using those email services. There has been once incident where they had to release some information about some activist in europe, the only info they got was his IP address.

ProtonMail Amends Its Policy After Giving Up an Activist’s Data
I'll always second the push for high mg/ml oils.

Deca 400/500, Test U 400, EQ 500 should all be easily doable if you dip into EO a little. Lots of people can tolerate EO just fine.

Who doesn't like halving the amount they need to pin every week, being total volume per injection or number of injections per week? I can deal with some extra pip no problem.
Never got pip from EO. It’s actually very well tolerated. Only high mg oil I ever got pip from was test e 500. I used all of a former SST sources (colonial) high mg oils and only test e gave me pip.

I like the high mg oils because when I’m pining over 2.5-3ml I start to get the sweats. Love a quick 1-1.5ml pin instead
Never got pip from EO. It’s actually very well tolerated. Only high mg oil I ever got pip from was test e 500. I used all of a former SST sources (colonial) high mg oils and only test e gave me pip.

I like the high mg oils because when I’m pining over 2.5-3ml I start to get the sweats. Love a quick 1-1.5ml pin instead
How do you sweat from injecting that much lol. I guess Its never hard for me
How do you sweat from injecting that much lol. I guess Its never hard for me
Idk lol. I think it’s because I like injecting slow that the remaining still that entire time makes me sweat. If I inject too fast I always have stiffness in the muscle. So I do like 20sec/ml
Idk lol. I think it’s because I like injecting slow that the remaining still that entire time makes me sweat. If I inject too fast I always have stiffness in the muscle. So I do like 20sec/ml
Wtf lol. I do 3ml In 30 or less lol. I warm up the oil prior though
Wtf lol. I do 3ml In 30 or less lol. I warm up the oil prior though
To minimize scar tissue buildup id shoot for 45-60 seconds per ml. give the muscle time to expand as the oil fills. The only reason to not do this is because you don't have steady hands, in which case go faster because shaking the tip of the needle around a lot inside your muscle while pinning is just as damaging. If you cant control the speed get a 25 or 26g needle. It forces you to go slow, if you can keep your hands steady.

I also sweat like Anadrol does, but thats becuase Im pushing 2.5 ml through a 27g for 2.5 minutes while standing, flexing my arm awkwardly (glute and ventro glute), keeping my weight off my injection leg and balancing mostly on the other, and doing my godamn best to not flex my injection leg or start getting the shakes in my injection hand from pushing so hard. The price I pay for really enjoying 26 and 27g needles
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Goods came in today! Landed on 4th working day and all looks good. Wonderfully, securely, and discreetly packaged. The quality and turn around time are much appreciated.