personal log, road to first competition 2024 autumn

What ester of test?

Dropping 10 days out - if it is cypionate or enanthate you will still be holding a lot of water on show day.

You're still approximately 12 weeks out. I would have left the NPP in, at least a small amount for another 6 weeks.

Why is the masteron dose so high?

Is there a noticeable benefit for you in running the testosterone higher than a gram to 1.2 grams? No harsh side effects or diminishing returns?
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What ester of test?

Dropping 10 days out - if it is cypionate or enanthate you will still be holding a lot of water on show day.

You're still approximately 12 weeks out. I would have left the NPP in, at least a small amount for another 6 weeks.

Why is the masteron dose so high?

Is there a noticeable benefit for you in running the testosterone higher than a gram to 1.2 grams? No harsh side effects or diminishing returns?
cypionate - what's your suggestion when should I drop it? take into consideration that it's my first show, i'd like to play it safe, rather hold a little water than flatten out completely

NPP an I are not good friends. Lately my marriage is going through a rougher period, addig it is like playing with mathces next to a puddle of gasoline

I've ran mast this high for a 3 week period in the prep and I tolerated it really well, estrogen control + a bit of a mood boost for the caloric deficit

As for test, I tolerated it really well at 175 mg/day (I pin ED, that adds up to 1225/week). I'm experimenting bumping up to 250mg/day, If I feel shit on it I'll back it down. I only plan to ran it this high for 6 weeks approx, don't want to leave any gains on the table. I'm takin 25mg asin EOD and will bump it up to 50mg when i titrated up to that dose

i know the smart approach is least effective dose but i'm going the most tolerable dose way. (oNlY gOD cAn JudGe mE lol .. but u get the point)
also if anyone has any tips and advice for peak week carb and salt manipulation dont keep it to yourselves ;)

current game plan -without doing much research which i will when the event approaches - is to bury carbs on the last week and have a high day on thursday and friday before the saturday show to load up