GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thanks, I'll sit and wait. Was going to drop to a trt dose asap and need to know my multipler. Got my E2...a 16. Haha, got that number on last bloodwork too running Primo.
I called before. They said if you get the e2 sensitive test it definitely takes twice a long. Not sure if you ordered that though.
For what it's worth, I used Quest labs and it took about a week for the results to come back. I went via discountedlabs(.com), fyi.

Side note - read the fine print. I thought I was getting uncapped total T, free T, and Estradiol sensitive. The total T was capped and because of that, free T wasn't calculated. Bummer; I'll find an uncapped test and go again in a month or so.
You guys who used Quest in the long did it take them to process total testosterone results? Drew Monday morning and still no results.
Used to be like 36 hours no kidding, for me atleast, that was before Covid, now it’s been up to 10days. For me, but meh hope you’re luck is better
Bloods on a super cruise of Goodlyfe test e at 230mg per week. Pinning every other day. Bloods taken on non-pin day about 20 hours after last pin. AST and ALT are most likely high due to being released mainly from my muscles because I have been training like a maniac. Had to use my phone to mark out personal info and post, so kind of sloppy lol.
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Oh yeah, should have asked about front loading it bro lol. Usually advise for 4x the target dose the first week
What is the benefits of front loading any compounds, the body is constantly trying to reach homeostasis so would it not be best to allow things to gradually reach full saturation thus mitigating the potential for unwanted sides. Please don't take this with any disrespect or as a debate I'm truly interested in this subject.
What is the benefits of front loading any compounds, the body is constantly trying to reach homeostasis so would it not be best to allow things to gradually reach full saturation thus mitigating the potential for unwanted sides. Please don't take this with any disrespect or as a debate I'm truly interested in this subject.
Good question.

Test U was meant to be front loaded for TRT. It has a 21 day half life and can take a long time to reach steady state. Sometimes it's best to add this during a blast depending on what is going on.

It can take 10 weeks for it to reach steady state If you start from scratch.

It might line up perfectly if you are moving from natty but it still wouldn't be ideal to cause suppression to your HPTA when it isn't anywhere near therapeutic. So your unwanted sides would cause low t, which you avoid by front loading test U

Another scenario for a cypionate ester.

If I add something mid cycle with a longer ester and I'm shorter on time I would rather front load. 1.5x weekly dose on first injection.

Let's say 200mg a week. Of dhb adding it week 5/12

I may do 250-300 the first dose and then make the other doses 100mgs give twice a week.
Finally got Total Test back, still waiting on free test but I don't care about it because it's going to be high anyways.

400mg Test E, and about 500mg Mast and Primo E per week around 8 weeks in. Note: a 4.2 to 4.5 Multiplier is common for me as verified by bloodwork with two different sources in the past few years.

I've been cruising too high for too long. My results in the first few years had a 6x Multiplier and its dropped over the years. Need to give my body a break and stick with a trt dose. I don't question Goodlyfes Test E one bit at all based on my past results.

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