GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Not sure HDL is too low to be detrimental, but I'd work on getting it up. My hdl has tested around the same a few times and my doctor wasn't too concerned.
I appreciate the input! I was hoping my cholesterol wasn’t too bad. Even natty my cholesterol was always on the lower side (HDL & LDL) but I’m usually sitting in mid 40s, so I’m going to work on bringing that up over the next few weeks and retest.
Also, I wanted to ask what are everyone’s thoughts on my cholesterol? I know my HDL is very low right now, but since my cholesterol ratio is still technically in “range” is it likely it was very detrimental to my health?
Your cholesterol and hematocrit look like everyone else who uses steroids, lol. Pretty standard for the doses you are taking. Dropping the nandrolone should improve your cholesterol a lot. Nandrolones are the worst on my lipids! Gave it up years ago.
This drives me insane. Take my blood, run the tests that are on the order. How hard could that possibly be? It’s literally—not figuratively—their job to do this and yet they manage to fuck it up more often than we should be comfortable with. I’ve twice had the lab my doctor uses just not run tests that were ordered. Why even offer the tests if you’re not going to do them??
Yes that was my comment to my wife. “They have one job to do, give results for blood drawn” how do you screw it up? Today Society’s attitude is, you’re lucky you got what you got!
Yes that was my comment to my wife. “They have one job to do, give results for blood drawn” how do you screw it up? Today Society’s attitude is, you’re lucky you got what you got!
Maybe they were just having a bad day and you need to be understanding because words do hurt

... Lol