GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Curious fellas, for those who use grape vs Mct.. whats the difference for you if anything at all?
I used only GSO test c based on reading a lot about how some people have a bad reaction to mct. Just did my first two injections of test c mct this week. To test them against each other for pip I pinned gso in one delt Wednesday and the mct in my other delt Thursday with 175 mg each, same needle size and type. From the GSO I still get the slightest injection site soreness, minor only if you touch the site. The mct isn’t sore at all even if you touch the site, I kept poking my delt and nothing. It is thinner so injected more rapidly than GSO. Both work great but I’ll be going with mct from now on, especially since you can also use a 29g with faster injection than gso at 27g.
Another successful order with Goodlyfe, test p, tren A, mast p618745F9-6A1C-4072-9BAA-141D66353A3E.jpeg
Also bloodwork done last week on Goodlyfe 300mg/week test E. Bloods taken 48 hours from last injection

Most recent blood work results as of today, 500mg GL Test C. Estradiol stayed the same from last blood work on a lower dose weekly. No sides that I’ve noticed.