GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

What’s a decent dosage to run for semaglutide? Wanting to try it but I don’t want to never eat lol. Any info is welcome. Thanks boyz
What’s a decent dosage to run for semaglutide? Wanting to try it but I don’t want to never eat lol. Any info is welcome. Thanks boyz
In addition to the doses people listed above, some find it better to split that into two doses per week instead of a full dose once per week. It’s believed brand name Ozempic, which is where these doses come from, might have an extended release compared to the Chinese generics we’re getting.
What’s a decent dosage to run for semaglutide? Wanting to try it but I don’t want to never eat lol. Any info is welcome. Thanks boyz
I just put my wife on .25 mg just for introduction, And all goes well she will be starting at .5 mg a week for a few weeks. And then from there i Believe You can go up as you wish as long as it's tolerable?
I just put my wife on .25 mg just for introduction, And all goes well she will be starting at .5 mg a week for a few weeks. And then from there i Believe You can go up as you wish as long as it's tolerable?
Hell yeah, didn’t want to start some and then never eat anything lol but want to try it. Let me know how it works for your wife I know my girl has hit a plateau with losing weight and this is the hardest she’s ever trained. Deficit and all.
Primo is ready!! I don’t have a ton so this will probably sell fairly quickly. I have GSO and MCT.
I am not testing this due to the small batch and the demand. It will probably be sold before results would be back. But as usual if someone sends this in for testing and it’s wonky, I will always make things right @bigtyivier2k2


My doubts it’s anything less than spectacular. None lol
Primo is ready!! I don’t have a ton so this will probably sell fairly quickly. I have GSO and MCT.
I am not testing this due to the small batch and the demand. It will probably be sold before results would be back. But as usual if someone sends this in for testing and it’s wonky, I will always make things right @bigtyivier2k2


I sent you an order 2 days ago but had a family emergency figured id wait till Friday to add primo to it. Im gonna shoot you an email so you can add 2 bottles of it in mct to my order
Pertaining to my semaglutide question. How long do you guys typically run it? And how many vials would I need. I can never get an accurate count on my vials.
Pertaining to my semaglutide question. How long do you guys typically run it? And how many vials would I need. I can never get an accurate count on my vials.
I'm assuming you run it till you reach your weight loss goal, but I do hear alot of people gain it back when they stop if they don't dial there diet in.
@GoodLyfe Got my order in yesterday. I should expect it to arrive before the end of next week right?
Goodlyfe is crazy fast. One time I thought “man I’m gonna need some npp pretty soon, running low”. Went outside to get my dog and there was a masked man petting my dog and holding a priority mail box. He said nothing, just put the box down and disappeared into the woods behind my house. Opened the box, and there was 8 vials of npp and a squishy toy.
I'm assuming you run it till you reach your weight loss goal, but I do hear alot of people gain it back when they stop if they don't dial their diet in.

Yeah I’ve heard the same. I don’t want to run it high probably stay at .25 and see how well it works. I want to eat because I want to lift but just looking for a little bit of an edge.