GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Just got bloods back after 8 weeks in. GL test c, weeks 1-2 350mg, week 3-now 500mg, 2-3 pins per week.

This is 48 hours after pin. I take 0.5mg adex twice per week, 24-48 hours after pin. Feel great, only side is some acne on the back, great gains so far.

Test: 2340
Free test: 869
Estradiol: 50


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Just got bloods back after 8 weeks in. GL test c, weeks 1-2 350mg, week 3-now 500mg, 2-3 pins per week.

This is 48 hours after pin. I take 0.5mg adex twice per week, 24-48 hours after pin. Feel great, only side is some acne on the back, great gains so far.

Test: 2340
Free test: 869
Estradiol: 50
Thanks for taking the time to post! Email me for credit.
2.75 iu split am/pm moved my IGF from 146 to 208.

Do I need to increase GH dose or is this good? Range is up to 290.

Sleeping good and no noticeable sides with test and primo.
2.75 iu split am/pm moved my IGF from 146 to 208.

Do I need to increase GH dose or is this good? Range is up to 290.

Sleeping good and no noticeable sides with test and primo.

I saw almost identical results when I went from administering a single dose to splitting my dose. It increased my igf1 by 50 points.

Do you have base labs? My base labs show that my igf1 naturally sits around 200 so personally I would not be happy with your results. But if your base labs showed you to have a poor igf1 reading then you may be happy with a result of 200.
I saw almost identical results when I went from administering a single doses to splitting my dose. It increased my igf1 by 50 points.

Do you have base labs? My base labs show that my igf1 naturally sits around 200 so personally I would not be happy with your results. But if your base labs showed you to have a poor igf1 reading then you may be happy with a result of 200.

60 point improvement, I’ve only been using 2 weeks

Would you guys bump up to 2.75 twice day or leave it 2.75 total?


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60 point improvement, I’ve only been using 2 weeks

Would you guys bump up to 2.75 twice day or leave it 2.75 total?

Ehh, depends on what your goal is. Some like to stay where you are now and stay there year round. Personally like @jackmeoff1 wrote above I like to run it a bit higher. I don’t run gh below 3iu and mostly run it at 4iu. It’s just the sweet spot for me. No sides and gives me the best appearance imo.

I would not advise doubling your dose to 5.5 as who knows how you will react. Referring mostly to your bg. Get a bg monitor and definitely monitor things if you increase.
@GoodLyfe my feedback on first order. I made order and paid him Tuesday.

I wasnt expecting the package until next week but low and behold 2 boxes in my mailbox this morning.

Very impressed. Ps nice touch with the little duckies haha
Any opinions on halotestin? Always piqued my perverted interests... Dose? Dosing? Length of efficacy? Blah blah ..
Great for strength sports. I’d run it 2 weeks out before meets. Would start at 20mg/day and work my way to 40mg the last 3 days. Watch your temper.

Personally my liver values barely budge no matter what I’m taking but it’s very harsh on lipids and the liver.