GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Pertaining to my semaglutide question. How long do you guys typically run it? And how many vials would I need. I can never get an accurate count on my vials.
.25mg the first 4 weeks and .5 mg the next 4 weeks. It definitely controls your hunger. Wish I would’ve ran tren with it, but the next run is gh/tren to get ready for summer.
just a heads up fellas I am raising my minimum to $250 effective immediately.
Damn that sucks man. That was the main reason I was ordering from you instead of cunt cafe. That’s a bummer
The only order I had under $250 out of three was the one with credit applied for lab results posted. I think $250 is reasonable min.
Only reason to order was because of lower min?
Not the fact he's easily the best source on here? Quality, T/A, customer service...oh...and...testing!
is $250 minimum a bummer? Yes it is. Will it stop me from ordering from GL? Hell no. Honestly, the only thing it changes is I have to be more diligent about planning my future cycles. So next order I’ll get everything I need for my next 2 cycles to make sure I don’t forget anything and I’ll add my plan B compounds in case some stuff doesn’t respond the way I want it to I can pívot.