GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Goodlyfe is crazy fast. One time I thought “man I’m gonna need some npp pretty soon, running low”. Went outside to get my dog and there was a masked man petting my dog and holding a priority mail box. He said nothing, just put the box down and disappeared into the woods behind my house. Opened the box, and there was 8 vials of npp and a squishy toy.
Nothing better than when the goodlyfe box shows up. Nothing makes me more giddy
Yeah I’ve heard the same. I don’t want to run it high probably stay at .25 and see how well it works. I want to eat because I want to lift but just looking for a little bit of an edge.
Have you ran any GH? I'm losing some lbs with 2.5 iu daily from GL
@GoodLyfe Got my order in yesterday. I should expect it to arrive before the end of next week right?
No source can answer this. It's all based on when exactly it's picked up, how far it has to go, and is in the hands of USPS to get it there not the source. His auto response says to be shipped within 2 days.
What’s the length of a GH cycle? Is one kit usually enough to last that full cycle? I’ve done zero research into GH. Why I have the questions. Appreciate your time
What’s the length of a GH cycle? Is one kit usually enough to last that full cycle? I’ve done zero research into GH. Why I have the questions. Appreciate your time
No, right now i do 2.5 iu a day and i use the vial as a 10 iu (but its usually a little over closer to 12iu per vial) so i get 4 shots out of 1 vial and it comes with 10 vials, so im getting 40 shots, 40 days, 125$ a month, I'll prob run it for 6 months, see were im at. I might go up to 3 or 4 iu's or take a break. You can stay on as long as you want and there's no withdrawal when you stop,, from what I've heard, i havnt stopped yet.
No, right now i do 2.5 iu a day and i use the vial as a 10 iu (but its usually a little over closer to 12iu per vial) so i get 4 shots out of 1 vial and it comes with 10 vials, so im getting 40 shots, 40 days, 125$ a month, I'll prob run it for 6 months, see were im at. I might go up to 3 or 4 iu's or take a break. You can stay on as long as you want and there's no withdrawal when you stop,, from what I've heard, i havnt stopped yet.
Sweet, thanks brotha. Definitely going to consider it. Any compounds I should stay away from while using GH or is everything fair game. I’d imagine it’s all good to go.
Sweet, thanks brotha. Definitely going to consider it. Any compounds I should stay away from while using GH or is everything fair game. I’d imagine it’s all good to go.
I mean I'm no expert, I think it's pretty safe to mix with any aas,, I would say just make sure your healthy, and bloods are good,
What’s the length of a GH cycle? Is one kit usually enough to last that full cycle? I’ve done zero research into GH. Why I have the questions. Appreciate your time
Tough to say. Usually most will tell you it takes 4-6 months minimum for GH to start working.
I have been on almost a year. I mostly did 2iu’s but didnt see much anti aging. Recovery was good and hair on my body grew much faster.

For the last 4 weeks I have been on 4iu’s (2 in the morning and 2 at night) and with strict diet I have been leaving out very rapidly while looking fuller.

Overall in my personal experience GH is a waste of money. But again thats my personal experience.
Goodlyfe is crazy fast. One time I thought “man I’m gonna need some npp pretty soon, running low”. Went outside to get my dog and there was a masked man petting my dog and holding a priority mail box. He said nothing, just put the box down and disappeared into the woods behind my house. Opened the box, and there was 8 vials of npp and a squishy toy.
I'm assuming you run it till you reach your weight loss goal, but I do hear alot of people gain it back when they stop if they don't dial there diet in.
I take mounjaro and decided to skip a week between injections. Effects were noticeable. I did not gain weight as im cutting and diet and cardio are strict BUT what I noticed..

On Mounjaro: barely ever an appetite and when you do eat you get full pretty fast. Ill use sushi as an example as thats my all time favorite cuisine. Without Mounjaro I can take back a kani salad, 6 rolls and some rock shrimp. On Mounjaro I can have a kani salad and by the time Im finishing my 2nd roll I am stuffed as if I ate a whole buffet

When I took a week break I felt hungry and like I can eat a whole buffet
Goodlyfe is crazy fast. One time I thought “man I’m gonna need some npp pretty soon, running low”. Went outside to get my dog and there was a masked man petting my dog and holding a priority mail box. He said nothing, just put the box down and disappeared into the woods behind my house. Opened the box, and there was 8 vials of npp and a squishy toy.
For anyone who cares GL's DHB is smooth and pretty much pip free
Thanks for the review!
Nothing better than when the goodlyfe box shows up. Nothing makes me more giddy
Giggidy giggidy
No source can answer this. It's all based on when exactly it's picked up, how far it has to go, and is in the hands of USPS to get it there not the source. His auto response says to be shipped within 2 days.
Thank you for posting this. You wouldn’t believe how many people ask me what day it’s going to be delivered.
No, right now i do 2.5 iu a day and i use the vial as a 10 iu (but its usually a little over closer to 12iu per vial) so i get 4 shots out of 1 vial and it comes with 10 vials, so im getting 40 shots, 40 days, 125$ a month, I'll prob run it for 6 months, see were im at. I might go up to 3 or 4 iu's or take a break. You can stay on as long as you want and there's no withdrawal when you stop,, from what I've heard, i havnt stopped yet.
Been on the same protocol for 4 years. Keeps my igf right at around 300 and keeps me lean AF with no side effects. I’ve tinkered with 3.33 (vial last 3 days) and I honestly didn’t notice a difference.
Been on the same protocol for 4 years. Keeps my igf right at around 300 and keeps me lean AF with no side effects. I’ve tinkered with 3.33 (vial last 3 days) and I honestly didn’t notice a difference.
What was your dose prior to increasing to the 3.33iu ?